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At the cinema

Before reading the dialogue look through the topical vocabulary and try to remember it.

to go to the pictures (movies, cinema) – пойти в кино

feature film – художественный фильм

newsreel - кинохроника

animated cartoons (cartoon films) – анимационные (мультипликационные) фильмы

travelogue – кинофильм о путешествиях

horror film – фильм ужасов

popular science film – научно-популярный фильм

documentary film – документальный фильм

science fiction film – научно-фантастический фильм

black and white film – черно-белый фильм

film in technicolour – цветной фильм

to star – играть главную роль

film-star - кинозвезда

to be in the cast – быть в составе исполнителей

to have a long (successful) run – долго не сходить с экрана

to be on the programme – быть в программе

to direct a film – ставить фильм

shootings - съемки

director – режиссер-постановщик

producer - продюсер

to be on – идти (о фильме, спектакле)

camera man - оператор

to dub - дублировать

to subtitle - субтитрировать

screened version - экранизация

cinema-house, movie-theatre – кинотеатр

Read the dialogue and reproduce it.

  • What were you doing this afternoon, Peter?

  • Just imagine, Harry, I was passing by a cinema-house and I saw a poster advertising a new film directed by John Millford. I’m fond of his comedies so I decided to see the film. There were not very many people at the box-office.

  • Have you enjoyed the film?

  • Oh, greatly. It’s a very funny comedy.

  • Was the cast good? Who was the film starring?

  • The leading role was played by a young actor but I don’t remember his name. As to the cast in general, it was superb. Besides the feature film there was a newsreel and very good animated cartoons on the programme. The tickets for this show were more expensive than usual.

  • And where is the film on?

  • It’s on at many cinema-houses in the center.

  • If I have spare time tomorrow afternoon I’ll go and see the film too. I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.

  • A very good idea! I’m sure you will enjoy the film.


1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Do you often go to the cinema? Do you prefer the cinema to the theatre? Are tickets to the cinema cheaper than to the theatre?

  2. What does a cinema programme consist of? What events do they show in a newsreel? How long does it usually run? What is it followed by? How long does a feature film run?

  3. What are travelogues about? Are you fond of them?

  4. Are popular science films to your taste? Do you find them interesting or dull?

  5. Animated cartoons are very amusing, aren’t they? Who was the father of the animated cartoons films? Have you seen any of them? What were they?

  6. What was the last film you saw? Is it still on? Is it very popular with the public? Did you enjoy it? Who was in the cast?

  7. Who is your favourite actor (actress, film director, camera man)?

2. Say what words refer only: a) to the cinema; b) to the theatre; c) to both

Stage; performance; show; box-office; animated cartoon film; act; to star; cast; producer; director; matinee; stalls; balcony; newsreel; actor; to dramatize a novel; to make a book into a film; opera-glasses; foyer; feature film; travelogue; leading role; to be on; to dub a film; scenery; screened version; scene; to make up; camera man; subtitles.

3. Ask your group mate and let him (her) answer.

… if he (she) is a cinema-fan

… how often he (she) goes to the cinema

… if he (she) reads film reviews before going to see a film

… where he (she) usually sits

… what film he (she) thinks to be one of the best releases of late

… who his (her) favorite film star is

… in what films he (she) saw him (her)

… if he (she) prefers films in technicolour to black and white films

… if he (she) prefers video films to those shown at the cinema

… if he (she) thinks that TV will replace the cinema in the long run

4. Make up your own dialogues on the topic «Cinema».

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