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Education our university

I’m a student of the Orel State Agrarian University. After finishing the secondary school I made up my mind to enter the High School because I would like to be a highly qualified specialist in the sphere of servicing and maintenance of agricultural machines.

Our University was founded in 1975. It was not very large. At first it was the Orel Agricultural Institute. There were only 3 faculties: the Zootechnical Faculty, the Agronomy Faculty, and the Farm Mechanization Faculty. But later on the field of student education was extended. In 1995 the Agricultural Institute was renamed into the Academy. In 1999 the Academy was rewarded the status of a university. Today our University offers a great variety of profession lines. In the University there are the following faculties: the Agronomy Faculty, the Economy Faculty, the Faculty of Agrotechnics and Energy Supply, the Faculty of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine. Also the University includes a Building College. These educational establishments train students in several fields.

The students can study at a full time course, or take an extramural course. Our university has no evening course.

The freshers study some general subjects. They broaden and deepen their knowledge in Mathematics, Architecture, Physics, History, Economics, Biology and Zoology, Philosophy, Technical Drawing, Computers, Foreign Languages and others. Later on the students study some special subjects, which will be necessary for them in the future profession.

The academic year is divided into 2 terms, at the end of each term the students have winter and summer vacations. The students’ knowledge is controlled during the course of study by practical courses and works, seminars, wide test systems; at the end of each term the students take the examinations. In the course of study the students write control papers, tests, graduation works, essays and at the end of the course of study they receive a diploma with the qualification.

Many diligent and industrious students receive a grant. Besides they can continue their education entering postgraduate courses and take a degree.

Education is closely combined with practice. The students get acquainted with their future work on the Experimental Training farm “Lavrovsky”. They work in the fields and on the cattle-breeding farms.

The university has various facilities to provide education: such as laboratories with modern equipment, large computer classes; we can find a well-stocked library with areas for individual study as well as trained librarians to offer help and support. The university provides good lodging conditions - the hostel is very conveniently located not far from the University.

The students are involved into social life of the University: sporting halls and grounds, conferences, sporting events and parties, amateur groups, concerts are at their disposal.

Our University includes the students into the World Program TACIS to provide realistic training environment for the study.

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