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Active Vocabulary

sights – достопримечательности

per cent – процент

area – пространство, площадь

mountain - гора

steppe - степь

tundra - тундра

two-headed eagle – двуглавый орел

collapse - крах

within – внутри, в пределах

treeless - безлесый

Supreme Commander-in-Chief – Верховный главнокомандующий

Upper Chamber –верхняя палата

Lower Chamber – нижняя палата

bill – законопроект

constitutional Court – конституционный суд

stripe – полоса

meanwhile – между теми

immensity – необъятность

route – путь

source - источник

mountain chain – горная цепь

to border - граничить

to populate - населять

to stretch - вытягивать

to elect - выбирать

to make treaty – заключать договор

to enforce law –проводить в жизнь закон

to appoint - назначать

to veto- наложить вето

legislative - законодательный

executive - исполнительный

judicial – судебный

to encompass – содержать, заключать в себе

former - бывший

deposits - залежи

mighty - могучий

to rank – стоять в ряду

to extend - простираться

valuable – ценный, полезный

relief – рельеф, характер местности

gemstone – драгоценный камень


1. Translate some words and phrases into Russian:

Immense (immensity), the former republics, to rank, to be located, mountain chain, to stretch, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, to appoint, executive power, to represent, three colored banner, independent states, valuable minerals and gemstones, hydroelectric energy.

2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

Омываться, окружать, необъятность, культурные традиции, могучий, бывший, быть расположенным, населять, законодательная власть, заключать договор, назначать, наложить вето, символ, двуглавый орел.

3. Find in the text the words with the following suffixes: -al; -tion; -ist; -ment; -ly and state the Part of Speech

4. Read the text and find

a) the beginning of the sentences:

Russia borders on fourteen countries …

Russia is located in two …

Some parts of our country are covered …

The mountain chain divides …

The population of Russia is …

The Federal Government consists of …

b) the end of the sentence:

… administrative areas in the world.

… takes eight hours.

… long rivers and large lakes.

… valuable minerals and gemstones.

… stretching across the country.

… enforces laws and appoints ministers.

… by both chambers and signed by the President.

… which is the most ancient symbol of Russia.

5. Make up sentences from the words and phrases:

a) by, is, the country, seas and oceans and washed;

b) the, areas, is, of, largest, the, one, world, in, the, it;

c) long, Russia, and, is, lakes, large, rivers, a, of, land;

d) with, parts, hills, and, our, of, some, country, covered, mountains, are;

e) chain, divides, Russia, of, the mountain, the European, parts, Asiatic, and;

f) the, set up, by, Russian, is, Constitution, collapse, Soviet Union, the, Federation, the, by, of, 1993, after, the.

6. Put questions to the underlined words:

a) The total area of Russia is over 17 million square kilometers.

b) A flight from Moscow to Magadan takes eight hours.

c) Corresponding to climate there are several vegetation zones stretching across the country.

d) The Federal Government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial.

e) The President may veto the law.

f) The state symbol of Russia is a three-colored banner with three horizontal stripes.

7. Fill in the missed words and word-phrases:

1) The country … by seas and oceans.

2) There are three main … in Russia.

3) The Urals are famous for their valuable …

4) Each vegetation belt has its own flora, fauna and …

5) The President … for four years and is the head of the State.

6) The executive power … to the Government.

7) The judicial branch is represented by the …

8. Read the text once again and find the verbs in the Passive Voice. Give their infinitives.

9. Use the verbs in brackets in the necessary form:

a) A flight from Moscow to Magadan (to take) eight hours.

b) Russia (to locate) in two plains.

c) The Russian Federation (to be rich) in mineral resources.

d) The population of Russia (to be) about 150 million people.

e) The President (to take) treaties, (to enforce) laws and (to appoint) ministers.

10. Form Participle 1 and Participle 2 from the following verbs.

To occupy, to rise, to extend, to stretch, to make, to consist, to check, to become, to belong, to represent, to approve.

  1. Differentiate Participle 1 and Participle 2 and state their function in the sentences:

1. Corresponding to the climate there are several vegetative zones stretching across the country.

2. Some parts of our country are covered with mountains and hills.

3. The country is washed by seas and oceans.

4. All these symbols have been approved by the Federal Assembly.

5. Russia borders on fourteen countries including the former republics of the USSR.

12. React to the statements using the expressions.

You are right! You are not right!

Of course! You are mistaken!

Just it! Nothing of the kind!

Naturally! Nonsense!

  1. Russia is one of the smallest administrative areas in the world.

b) Russia borders on fourteen countries.

c) The Russian Federation is rich in mineral resources.

d) The Federal Government consists of five branches.

e) The President can’t veto the bill.

f) The legislative power is represented by the Federal Assembly.

13. Answer the questions:

1) Is the Russian Federation one of the largest countries in the word?

2) Where is the Russian Federation situated?

3) What kind of climate is there in the country?

4) What are the most important rivers in Russia?

5) Is Russia a very rich country?

6) What mineral resources does Russia have?

7) What kind of lakes is there in our country?

8) Russia stretches across both Europe and Asia, does not it?

9) What is the population of Russia?

10) What area does Russia cover?

11) What seas is Russia washed by?

12) How many countries does Russia border on?

13) How long does a flight from Moscow to Magadan take?

14) What are the Urals famous for?

15) What is the capital of the Russian Federation?

14. Retell the text.

15. Read the conversations about our country. Summarize the main information.

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