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LEARN ENGLISH Сборник устных тем для аудиторной...doc
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1. - What are your plans for today?

- Nothing special. Why?

- Let’s go sightseeing.

- With great pleasure.

2. - Excuse me, Officer, how can I get to Oxford Street?

- Go straight ahead and then turn to the right. It’s not far.

- Thank you.

3. - Excuse me, how can I get to the London Museum?

- I’m afraid I can’t help you. I am a stranger here.

4. - Where is the bus stop?

- It’s over there on the corner

5. – Where shall we get off?

- At the next stop.

6. – This bus will take us to the National Gallery. Get on, please.

- Are you sure? We would better ask the conductor.

7. – What is the fare to Trafalgar Square?

- It’s two shillings.

- Here you are.

8. – Are you getting off at the next stop?

- Yes, I am.

9. – I hate to drive a car in such jams.

- Me too. It’s better to go by tube (by metro).

10. – It’s my first visit to Moscow. What places of interest do you advise me to see?

- First of all, I advise you to visit Red Square and the Kremlin. Then you should visit the Tretyakov Picture Gallery and the Pushkin Museum of fine arts.

- Thank you for your advice.

8. Learn the given below expressions by heart and use them in your speech.

Где находится…?

Where is…?

Как найти…?

How can I find…?

Как пройти в…?

How can I get…?

Как быстрее пройти в…?

What’s the shortest way to…?

Где ближайшая остановка автобуса?

Where is the nearest bus-stop?

Где переход?

Where is the crossing?

В эту сторону?

This way?

Напишите, пожалуйста, адрес

Write down the address please

Это далеко?

Is it far?

Как попасть в центр города?

How can I reach downtown?

Где я могу купить билеты на…?

Where can I buy tickets for (the) (a)…?







Сколько стоит проезд в…?

What’s the fare for the…?

Сколько остановок до…?

How many stops are till…?

Где мне нужно…?

Where shall I…


get off

делать пересадку


Извините, разрешите пройти

Excuse me, let me pass please

Отвезите меня…

Take me to the…

в посольство


в консульство


Я очень спешу

I am in a hurry

Где бюро находок?

Where is the lost and-found office?

Я не понимаю, я иностранец

I don’t understand, I am a foreigner

Позвоните в посольство (консульство, гостиницу)

Call Embassy (Consulate, the hotel)


1. Read and translate the text.

East or West, home is best.

There is no place like home.

Why do people travel?

It goes without saying that modern life is impossible without rest. Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel for many reasons: they want to see other countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. They travel both in their town country and abroad. Inside every country there are a lot of tourist firms ready to help you with your trip around the world. Needless to say that it is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

As the proverb says, “tastes differ” so people spend their holidays in different ways. Those who live in the country like to go to a big city to visit zoos, museums and art galleries, look at shop windows and dine at exotic restaurants. On the contrary, city dwellers usually prefer a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains with nothing to do but walk, bathe, and laze in the sun.

Most travelers and holidaymakers take either a camera or a video camera with them and take pictures of a city, views of mountains, lakes, waterfalls, various flowers, animals and birds. And years later these photos will remind them of the unforgettable happy impressions they had.

The scientific and technological progress of the 20th century has allowed people to overcome time and great distance. Now you can go to the place of your destination: by air, by sea, by train, by car. If you are an adventurer you can travel on foot, on horseback, by bicycle, by hitchhiking. All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages, that’s why people choose one according to their plans, destination, time and money.

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