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Communicate in English Актуализация.doc
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Part I Functional English

Introducing and meeting people

Представлять, знакомить

Remember the Language for

Meeting people Replies

How are you?

How are you getting on?

Fine, thank you.

I am all right, thank you.

How are things?

How goes it?

Not bad.

Not too well.

So, so.


How is everybody at home?

How is your (wife, son, etc.)?

Very (pretty) much the same.

Getting better (worse).

(He) is doing fine (well, badly).

Anything wrong with him (her)?

What is the matter?

I don’t know. I don’t see much of him.

I am glad you are back.

It is good to see you.

Nice meeting you.

I was missing you.

Introducing Replies

Let me introduce Mr.Brown

(my friend)

Allow me to introduce…

How do you do?

Glad to meet you.

Meet my wife (brother, etc.)

This is Mr. Brown.

May I introduce you to Mr. Brown.

We have met before.



See you later (next week).

So long.

It’s been nice meeting you.

Thank you for coming.

Keep in touch.

Hope to see you soon.

Give my regards to your wife (son).

I will not take up any more of your time.

When shall I see you again?

It’s been a pleasure.


I. You have to introduce all the guests, introducing yourself. The guests are:

a) Mr. Nick – a doctor; b) Mrs. Jones – a teacher; c) Mr. Smith – an actor; d) Ms. Rose – a student.

II. Give the reaction to the introduction above (a,b,c,d).

III. Fill in the gaps in the dialogues below.

  1. A. ….

B. He is doing well, thank you.

2. A. Look, who is here! Hallo, John!

  1. ….

3. A. How are you getting on?

B. ….

  1. A. Will you introduce me to Mrs. C?

B. ….

  1. How do you do, Mrs. A.

  1. …….

  1. A. Goodbye. My best regards to your wife.

  1. ….


Find English equivalents.

  1. Как у вас дела?

  1. Рад вас видеть.

  1. Какая приятная неожиданность!

  1. Разрешите представиться.

  1. Не пропадайте!

  1. До завтра!

  1. Мы знакомы.

  1. Мир тесен!

  1. Как поживаете? (Как себя чувствуете?)

  1. Неплохо, спасибо.

  1. Спасибо за все.

  1. Передайте привет…

  1. Thanks for everything.

  1. See you tomorrow.

  1. How are you?

  1. We have met before.

  1. Give my regards to…

  1. How are things with you?

  1. Not bad, thank you.

  1. May I introduce myself.

  1. What a pleasant surprise!

  1. Small world!

  1. Keep in touch!

  1. Nice meeting you!

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