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Communicate in English Актуализация.doc
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Confessing ignorance.

Сообщение о незнании.


I must admit I don't know. –

I've (really) no idea.

I'm afraid I haven't any idea (at all)

No idea.

Ask me another.

I wish I knew.

How would I know?


I. Express ignorance, answering the questions. Make your suppositions(I think…).

  1. Who will get the Best Actor Award?

  2. When was the film released?

  3. When is the train due?

  4. Is there a short cut to Oxford Street?

  5. What will they give her for her birthday?

  6. Why are English policemen called bobbies?

II. Express uncertainty and say where one can find some information on the question.

  1. What is the biggest art gallery in London?

  2. What is the world's tallest building?

  3. Where is the residence of the British Prime Minister?

  4. How do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

  5. In what state is Harvard University situated?

III. Express certainty.

  1. Do you know which is the longest river in the world?

  2. Whose trademark is this?

  3. Has he returned from the USA yet?

  4. When will the conference start?

  5. Will he be back soon?

  6. Did he enjoy his stay in London?

  7. Is Washington bigger than New York?


Find English equivalents

  1. Я абсолютно уверен, что поезд должен прибыть в 10.

  2. Ну, я не мог бы сказать с уверенностью, но я думаю, что Гарвардский университет расположен в штате Массачусетс.

  3. Если я не ошибаюсь, Национальная галерея самая большая художественная галерея в Лондоне.

  4. Кто получит награду за лучшее исполнение мужской роли? – Не имею представления.

  5. Насколько я знаю, есть короткий путь к Оксфорд-стрит.

  6. Какое самое высокое здание в мире? – Должен признаться, я не знаю.

    1. As far as I know there is a short cut to Oxford Street.

    2. If I am not mistaken, the National Gallery is the biggest art gallery in London.

    3. I am absolutely sure that the train is due at 10.

    4. Who will get the Best Actor Award?

- No idea.

    1. Well, I couldn't say for certain, but I think that Harvard University is situated in Massachusetts.

    2. What is the world's tallest building?

- I must admit I don't know.

Likes, dislikes and preferences

Пристрастия, предубеждения, предпочтения

Remember the Language for

Expressing likes and dislikes for things and people.


I (quite) like novels by J.London

I’m very (extremely) fond of I love…

What about you?

Yes, I


No, I`m afraid I

quite like


don`t like



them too.


his books.


Expressing likes and dislikes for activities.

A. I (quite) like

I’m very keen on (cycling)

I really love


Really? I

don`t like


can`t stand

(it) but I



(playing tennis)

Expressing preferences for things and people.




do you prefer

you rather have

(a good novel or a play?)



I (much) prefer

I’d rather have

(a good novel)

Expressing preferences for activities

A. I’d rather (read a book) than (listen to records). Wouldn’t you?


Well, personally,

I always prefer (listening to records) to (doing anything else).

I’d prefer to (listen to records) rather than (read).

Expressing dislikes and preferences about someone else’s activities.

(My brother watches TV all the time) but

I don’t like him (watching it so much)

I’d rather he (did smth useful)

I wish he’d (do smth else occasionally)

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