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Communicate in English Актуализация.doc
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  1. Talk about your own personal likes and dislikes in: books, sport, food, drink, film stars, leisure (dancing, eating out, etc.) travelling (flying, driving, etc.), music.

  2. Talk about your own personal preferences.

  3. Talk about things you think other people (friends, relatives, etc.) should do. First mention their habits that you don’t like.

  4. Talk about things you do or like doing but which other people would rather you didn’t .

E.g. You like visiting friends at weekends. Your (parents) would prefer you to stay at home.


Find English equivalents.

А. 1.-Я очень увлечен игрой в теннис.

2.-Правда? А я не люблю теннис, но люблю баскетбол.

В. 1.-Что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе?

2.-Я предпочитаю чай.

С. 1.-Я бы лучше поехал на поезде, а не полетел на самолете. А вы?

2.-Ну, лично я всегда предпочитаю летать само-летом, а не ехать поездом.

Д. 1.-Мой брат очень много курит.

2.-Я бы хотел, чтобы он бросил курить.

  1. I’d rather go by train than by plane. Wouldn’t you?

  2. I wish he would give up smoking.

  3. Really? I don’t like tennis, but I like basketball.

  4. Which do you prefer: tea or coffee?

  5. My brother smokes a lot.

  6. Oh, I prefer tea.

  7. I am very keen on playing tennis.

  8. Well, personally, I always prefer going by plane than by train.

Exchanging information about occupations.

Обмен информацией о работе

Remember the Language for

Making first polite enquiries

Вежливо задать первый вопрос

I hope you don't mind my asking, but…+Question

Question+ if you don't mind my


if I may / might ask?

Making further polite, casual enquiries

Вежливо уточнить

Tell me something else:

And I'd like to know, +Question


By the way,


Occupation and Nature of Work

What do you do (for a living)?

What's your job?

What line (of business) are you in?

What does your job (work) actually entail?

Evaluation and Prospects

Is it (do you find it) interesting?

Is there a career structure of any kind?

Colleagues (Workmates) and Boss

What's your boss ( what are your workmates ) like?

Amenities (Facilities) and Holidays

What (sort of) facilities have you got at your company?

How much (paid) holiday do you get?

Illness, Pensions

What happens if you’re ill? (when you retire?)


Ask questions as above about someone's present or prospective occupation.


Find English equivalents.

1. Вы создаете компьютерное обеспечение, не так ли?

a) Do you find your job interesting?

2. Что будет, если вы заболеете?

b) What facilities have you got?

3. Надеюсь, вы не имеете ничего против моих вопросов.

c) I'd like to know what line of work you are in.

4. Какой у вас отпуск?

d) By the way, what's your boss like?

5. Вы считаете вашу работу интересной?

e) What happens if you are ill?

6. Кстати, что из себя представляет ваш начальник?

f) I hope you don't mind my asking.

7. Я бы хотел знать, в чем конкретно заключается ваша работа.

g) You are a software designer, aren't you?

8. Какие у вас льготы?

h) How much paid holiday do you get?

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