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Unit 2 Omsk Region

Fact File: Omsk Region

Location : the Southern part of West-Siberian plain

Area: 53,938 sq. mi. (460 sq. km)

Administrative centre: Omsk city (1,240,000 people)

Population: 2,180,000 people

Boarders: in the west and north – Tyumen Region, in the east – Tomsk and Novosibirsk Regions, in the south and the south-west – Kazakhstan Republic

Currency: ruble

Main branches of industry: machine building, metal processing, instrument making, oil processing, light, food

Administrative structure: 32 administrative divisions, 6 towns, 24 settlements

Presentation: The Omsk Region is situated in the south of West-Siberian Plain. Its territory of 460 square kilometers constitutes 0.8 % of the territory of Russian Federation. The region borders in the west and north on Tyumen Region, in the east on Tomsk and Novosibirsk Regions, in the south and the south-west on the Kazakhstan Republic.

The region belongs to subtaiga, forest-steppe and steppe native-climatic zones of temperature zone. Climate is continental: summer is warm but short, winter is long and cold.

Omsk is three hours ahead of Moscow time, difference with Greenwich Mean Time being 6 hours in winter and 7 hours in summer.

The river Irtysh, the main watery artery, runs 1,192 km over the region’s territory from southwest to northwest.

The Region comprises 32 administrative districts, 6 towns 24 settlements with the population of 2,164 thousand people.

Active Words

Ex. 1. Прочтите Fact File: Omsk Region и последующий текст, дайте значения приведенных ниже слов, опираясь на их контекстуальное значение.

Greenwich Mean Time, main watery artery, subtaiga, middle stream, constitute, altitude, West-Siberian plain, total surface, border, total length, belong, three hours ahead, latitude, degree, square kilometer, hectares.

Ex. 2. Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения.

altitude – высота

сonstitute – составлять, являться

combine – сочетать, объединять(ся), комбинировать

exist – существовать

entity – объединение, административная или политическая единица, образование

explore – исследовать, изучать

feed – кормить, подавать, загружать

handicraft – ремесло, ручной труд

heal – вылечивать, поправлять, восстанавливаться

huge – огромный

latitude – широта

longitude – долгота

merit – заслуживать; достоинство

obtain – получать

pride – гордость

protect – защищать

rampart – свирепствовать

rare species – редкие виды

stretch –простираться

stream – поток

surround – окружать

trace – следовать, разыскивать, проследить, переводить; след

unique – уникальный, единственный

Ex. 3. Прочтите словосочетания с новыми словами и переведите их.

Combine: combine groups, combine ideas, combine approaches, combine different styles; combined efforts, the elaborate combination, combination of methods.

Constitute: constitute a verdict, constitute a programme, constitute Constitute: Constitute: Constitute: Constitute: Constitute: Constitute: Constitute: Constitute:

Exist: exist exist exist exist exist exist exist exist exist exist existence

Explore: explore suggestion, explore place, explore mysterious areas, explore ancient civilizations, explore hazardous regions and territories; space explorer.

Implement: implement plans, implement policy, implement the idea, implement defense products supply contracts, implement market reforms; implementation for gardening, implementation of innovation.


Obtain: obtain good results, obtain reliable evidence, obtain obtain obtain obtain eternal youth and health

Protect: protect the borders, protect the country, protect traditions, protect environment, protect people’s health; protective person, protection programme.


Stretch: stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretched out through 19 hectares

Testify: testify testify the idea, testify information, testify testify testify testify testify testify

Trace: trace trace transport capability, trace movements of goods, trace, find traces; traces of ancient settlements

Unique: unique opportunity, unique ethnographical complex, unique situation,

Ex. 4. Заполните таблицу на словообразование (учитывая словообразовательные модели). В случае затруднений обращайтесь к словарю.















Ex. 5. Вставьте в предложения данные ниже под чертой слова и выражения.

  1. The Omsk Region is _____________ in the south of West-Siberian Plain, in the middle stream of the river Irtysh.

  2. The region ________________ in the east and south on the People’s Republic of China.

  3. Omsk is ______________ into several administrative districts.

  4. A number of constructions _____________ in different epochs also adds to the originality of the city.

  5. The lakes are famous for their healing mud and purity of water, __________ though no one known could find the fifth Secret Lake.

  6. The implementation of innovation and industrial target programs of the Omsk Region in the production of equipment for the fuel and energy complex, agriculture, housing and communal _________will be started in the indicated period.

  7. Omsk is three hours _______of Moscow time, difference with Greenwich Mean Time being 6 hours in winter and 7 hours in summer.

  8. The Bolsherechye State Zoo became the _______of inhabitants of the settlements.

  9. There you may get a chance to see 19th century wedding ceremony and learn some basics of folk ________.

  10. Tourists get a _______ opportunity to _______the most mysterious area in Western Siberia –Tarsky Uval.

ahead, though, explore, handicraft, unique, erected, situated, borders, pride, divided, services

Ex. 6. Вставьте в предложения соответствующие глагольные формы, раскрыв скобки.



brick and haydite clays,

lime materials

thermal and mineral waters






therapy mud

rare earth

brine springs

conifer forests

sanctified mineral spring


Лечебная грязь


Редкоземельные металлы

святой минеральный источник


Ex. 7. Вставьте в предложения соответствующие глагольные формы, раскрыв скобки.