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Part 3 Cultural Omsk

Active Words

Ex. 1. Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения.

accommodate – размещать, вмещать, расселять

be at one’s disposal – быть в чьем-либо распоряжении

c onfluence – слияние (рек)

diocese – епархия

elaborate – тщательно разработанный, сложный, искусный, продуманный; разрабатывать, развивать

enrich – обогащать

erect – воздвигать, возводить, ставить; прямой

fortunate – счастливый, благоприятный, удачный

function – назначение, функция, торжество; действовать

genuine – подлинный, истинный

in accordance with – в соответствии с

influence – влияние

novelty – новизна

outstanding – выдающийся

perceive – чувствовать, понимать, воспринимать, различать

recognize - признать, узнавать

revival – возрождение

signify – обозначать

stylistically varied – стилистически разнообразный

worth – ценность, достоинство, богатство; стоящий

Ex. 2. Прочтите словосочетания с новыми словами и переведите их.

Austere: austere style, austere person, austere manners, austere demand, austere control, austere way of life, austere forecast.

Elaborate: elaborate style, elaborate architecture, elaborate dress, elaborate hat, elaborate hair-do; elaborate the plan of actions, elaborate system arrangement.

Genuine: genuine object, genuine masterpiece, genuine story, genuine documents.

Outstanding: outstanding writer, outstanding person, outstanding writer, outstanding monument, outstanding scientist, outstanding event in the history.

Worth: inimitable worth, a shilling’s worth, a man of worth; worth attention, nothing worth, worth seeing, worthwhile, not worth a button, worthless, it’s worth it.

Enrich: enrich the country, enrich the plot of the novel; enriched with minerals, enriched with traditions, enriched with herbs, enriched with knowledge.

Influence: great influence, had rather a great influence upon; influence the situation, influenced by facts, being influenced by significant ideas of the time.

Perceive: perceive information, perceive an idea; really perceived, perceived as acceptable, perceived as truth, perceivable form, perceiving methods.

Signify: signify a great interest, signify an event, signify main ideas, signify theoretical value; significant contribution, significant role in the history.

Event: nuclear event, historic event, athletic event, gone event, quite an event, at all events, in any event, the course of events, successive events.

Revival: industrial revival, economic revival, after-war revival, revival of interests, revival of faith, revival of traditions, Russian Orthodox Revival.

Ex. 3. Прочтите предложения с новыми словами и переведите их.

1. The panorama of Omsk is stylistically varied: the austere style of Classicism came up to take the place of the elaborate style in Baroque.

2. The Nikolsky Cathedral built in accordance with the drawings of the outstanding Russian architect Vasili Stasov.

3. The building signifies a great interest of the architects of the second half of the 19th Century to historical styles.

4. The novelty and originality of the Modernist style had rather a great influence upon the building practice of the town.

5. The Omsk Railway Administration can be really perceived as a monument to the Trans-Siberian Railway due to the radical transformation it brought.

6. The Literature Museum called in the name of Dostoevsky will show genuine objects those days and narrate about Dostoevsky’s friends in Omsk.

7. The wide collection of books, manuscripts newspapers are at the disposal of Pushkin Library in Omsk.

8. Fine green parks and gardens with many beautiful flowers and different kinds of entertainments are worth visiting in the city.

9. The local more than one-hundred-year-old Academic Drama theatre is one of the oldest and outstanding theatres in the country.

10. The city architecture was enriched by some large-scale erections of the last decades.

Ex. 4. Прочтите слова и словосочетания, обратите внимание на их произношение, проконсультируйтесь в словаре.

Diocese, edifice, epoch, fortunate, unpretentious, austere, silhouette, redoubt, regiment, repertoire, vaudeville, Baroque, Mosque, Jewish Synagogue, Exhalation of the Cross, Folk Choir, Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Society.

Ex. 5. Прочтите предложения и вставьте подходящие слова и словосочетания, данные под чертой.

1. People of various ___________ and confessions have lived in Omsk since its very foundation.

2. Religious was the reason for building not only orthodox but also Catholic, Lutheran ____________ , a Mosque and a Jewish Synagogue.

3. At the beginning of the 20th century there were about 2000 acting ________ churches and 400 of them were located in Omsk diocese.

4. In 30 – 50-s of the 20th century most of the churches were __________ , and those remained began to _________ again in 80 – 90-s.

5. The wrecked churches were rebuilt and the new _________ were constructed, for example the Seraphim and Aleksey Chapel was _________ in 1994 and soon became a symbol of Russian Orthodox Revival.

6. One can find the austere style of Classicism stylistically repeated in the Nikolsky Cathedral built __________ the drawings of the outstanding Russian architect Vasilii Stasov.

7. The Cathedral of the Exhalation of the Cross situated in Tarskaya Street already__________ 130 years, the silhouette of the domes and church tower of which makes one recall the _________ of the Baroque structures.

8. In the ____________ of the Omsk Musical theatre all genres of musical art are represented: opera, ballet, operetta, musical, vaudeville and others.

9. Since 1993 the international ____________of opera singers has taken place in Omsk every three years.

10. The producers from the USA and Austria realized the opera __________ on the stage of the Omsk Musical theatre. _________________________________________________________________