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The Trans-Siberian faq (fast answered questions)

What is Trans-Siberian Express?

It is the longest railway line on the Earth, taking its passengers over one third of the way around the globe – a distance of about ten thousand kilometers.

Is there one route?

No, actually there are three. The Trans-Siberian line, which runs from Moscow to Vladivostok, the Trans-Manchurian line, which takes you from Moscow to Beijing (Peking) and Trans-Mongolian line, which also runs from Moscow to Beijing, but via Mongolia.

How long does the journey take?

It takes about seven days to travel from Moscow to Beijing.

How much does the journey cost?

The most expensive ticket costs about 10,100 rubles approximately. You can book tickets on the net or buy at the station.

What can the passengers find on the train?

There are open sleepers and compartment sleeping cars. Open sleepers are not divided into separate cabins, but in the compartment sleeping cars you can find cabins for four people, which have one-level births. There is also a dining car where you can buy food and drink.

What stations does the train stop at?

The Trans-Sib trains stop several times a day. Popular stops include Yaroslavl’, Yekaterinburg, Omsk and Krasnoyarsk. If you want to see more of a city, you can arrange a stopover.

(Click on. Russia)

Ex. 11. Изучите таблицу. Расскажите об образовании основных сибирских городов, используя данную ниже модель.

Model: Tyumen’, the oldest Siberian town, was founded in 1586.

  1. Tyumen’ – 1586

  2. Tobol’sk – 1587

  3. Surgut – 1593

  4. Tara – 1594

  5. Obnorsk(now Salehard) – 1595

  6. Tomsk – 1604

  7. Krasnoyarsk – 1628)

  8. Ust’-Ishim – 1631

  9. Irkutsk – 1661

10.Omsk – 1716

Ex. 12. Прочтите тексты и подготовьте их устный пересказ на английском языке. Сравните характер текстов и стиль подачи языкового материала.

1. Томск когда-то называли «Сибирскими Афинами». Почему? Здесь в 1900 году были основаны технологический институт с механическим, химическим, горным, инженерно-строительным отделениями и учительский институт. Если учесть, что в Томске действовали две гимназии, реальное училище, духовная семинария, несколько частных школ и различные курсы, это название «Сибирские Афины» не покажется преувеличением. «Сибирские Афины» имеют не только «свое лицо», но и свои названия улиц – Академический проспект, Учебная, Студенческая, Учительская улицы Вузовский, Инженерный, Новаторский, Школьный переулки, Научный проспект и Студгородок.

Томск – старинный университетский город: первый сибирский университет был основан именно там. Идея открыть университет в Сибири возникла в 19 веке. Большую сумму на основание университета пожертвовал известный русский предприниматель и купец Павел Демидов. Много усилий приложили также Григорий Потанин, Николай Наумов и Николай Ядринцев. Они считали, что образование университета поможет создать «духовный центр Сибири». В 1878 году Городской Совет наконец принял решение об образовании университета. Торжественное открытие состоялось в 1888 году. Сначала действовал только один факультет – медицинский, насчитывающий 72 студент, затем открылся юридический факультет в1896 году.

(И.Н.Суслов. Сибирь – наша родина)

2. Novosibirsk Region, unlike most of its neighbors, is not rich in primary resources, but is known for its manufacturing and processing, research and developing capabilities. Much of Siberian timber is brought to Novosibirsk for processing, as well as coal, iron ore and oil. Lying on the banks of the river Ob’ and along the Trans-Sib, Novosibirsk is a key cross point of the main transportation routes, from which cargoes are ferried to and from other Siberian regions, such as Altai, Kemerovo, Omsk, Tomsk and Tyumen’ regions.

The region is home to over 50 banks, the largest of which are concentrated in the capital city. Branches of several Moscow banks are located in Novosibirsk. The largest local banks are Siberian Bank, the Novosibirsk Bank for Foreign Trade and Siberian Trade Bank (STB). STB along with several German companies has established an investment Fund which will work with Russian securities. The bank will act as a broker on the Russian market.

The Region is divided into 4 zones: the Suburban Zone, the Eastern Zone, the Baraba and Kulunda Zone. The city of Novosibirsk is divided into ten district. The weather of the region is characterized with the daylight temperature in July + 77F and in January -4F. The region is considerably greater than New England but spans one time zone. Farm land makes up to 48% of the territory; more than 5% of the land is occupied by lakes. The Ob’ Sea, a reservoir created in 1950-s spans the region for a distance of 145 miles. The total population of the region is 2.8 million, 1.6 million living in its capital city. 92% are ethnic Russiansand 75% are urban population.

Opening ceremony, private school, Siberian Athens, City Council,