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МУ ОМСК Нейман С. Ю.(исправленная).doc
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Industrial Omsk

Active Words

Ex. 1. Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения.

apply – применять(ся), обращаться, наносить (краску), сосредоточиться

capable – способный

challenge – испытание, проблема; бросить вызов

competitive environment – конкурентная окружающая среда

convert – преобразовывать, изменять, переводить из одного состояния в другое, обращать в веру

conversion – превращение, преобразование, перевод, конверсия, обращение

establish – устанавливать, учреждать, утверждать

inсentive – стимул

investment – вклад, инвестиция

joint-stock companies – совместное предприятие

labour force – рабочая сила

large-scale – крупномасштабный,

match – соответствовать, совмещать, совпадать, подходить, сочетаться

oilfield – нефтяное месторождение

possess – обладать, владеть

petrochemical sector – нефтехимический сектор / отрасль промышленности

previous – предшествующий, предыдущий

process – обрабатывать, перерабатывать

reduce – сокращать, уменьшить

skilled – квалифицированный, умелый

sophisticated – сложный, изощренный, умный

subject – субъект (федерации); предмет; подчинять

supply – поставка, снабжение; поставлять, снабжать

turnover – промышленный оборот

weapon forge – изготовление оружия, «кузница» вооружения

wholesale customer – оптовый покупатель

Ex. 2. Прочтите словосочетания и переведите их.

Acute: acute problem, acute eye-sight, acute pain, acute observer, acute angle, acute economic crises, acute phrase.

Competitive: competitive examination, competitive ability, competitive firm, competitive environment.

Entire: entire business, entire work, entire population of the country, entire goods, entire industrial potential.

Large-scale: large-scale development, large-scale production, large-scale vaccination, large-scale promotion, large-scale tourism, large-scale projects

Previous: previous examination, previous question, previous situation, the previous course of events, the previous day, the previous night.

Sophisticated: sophisticated device, sophisticated book, sophisticated music, sophisticated person, sophisticated system, sophisticated heavy industry.

Convert: convert a building, convert money, convert electric current, convert people into Christianity, convert solid into liquid; converted currency, the second stage of the Conversion program.

Employ: employ people, employ weapon, employ reward, employ labour force, employ language skills, employ skilled specialists; tourism-related employment, employment sector.

Engage: engage attention, engage product capacities, engage for a student, engage for business; engaged by new commitments, engaged in hostilities, engaged in discussion.

Upgrade: upgrade computer, upgrade the flight, upgrade the previously supplied military hardware; on the upgrade, upgraded seats, upgraded quality.

Installation: air-conditioning installation, oil-refinery installation.

Incentive: powerful incentive, important incentive, money incentive, creative incentive; incentive tour.

Subject: subjects of the Russian federation, imperial subjects; subject nations.

Support: state’s support, financial support, moral support; support family, support football team.

Defense: defense exhibition, defense needs, defense castle; council for defense, best defense is offense, defensive chain of fortresses.

Ex. 3. Прочтите предложения с новыми словами и постарайтесь повторить их по памяти.

1. Economic and political changes in the country required making conversion.

2. The petrochemical sector is the crown jewel of Omsk industry, with the Omsk Oil Refinery leading this sector.

3. The Omsk Motor Production Amalgamation possesses all modern technologies: machining process, electron beam, plasma welding, all kinds of thermal treatment, injection casting etc.

4. The key challenges facing Omsk industry include destructing for a new competitive environment, and – in the case of the machine industries – retooling for the production of non-military goods.

5. Twenty four subjects of the Russian Federation demonstrated their products with the exposion of 186 companies located on an area of 10,000 sq m.

6. The fourth largest industrial centre in Russia, Omsk has a skilled labour force and a sophisticated heavy industry.

7. Some of the Austrian firms supply state-of-the-art equipment to the largest pig farm in Russia – Omsky Becon.

8. The defense companies lost not only state’s support but also orders for their produce.

9. Large-scale research and development projects must upgrade the previously supplied military hardware, including spacecraft and detection system.

10. The city was given a powerful incentive to the development in the Great Patriotic War and became a weapon forge.

Ex. 4. Заполните таблицу на словообразование (учитывая словообразовательные модели). В случае затруднений обращайтесь к словарю.

















Ex. 5. Измените данные предложения, используя выражение used to.

Model: A: Omsk leaders earmarked food processing as a potential

growth sector.

B: Omsk leaders used to earmark food processing as a potential

growth sector.

  1. The key challenges facing Omsk industry include destructing for a new competitive environment, generating investment for modernization and increased productivity, and – in the case of the machine industries – retooling for the production of non-military goods.

  2. Typical of the industry is Omsky Bacon, the largest pig farm in Russia, privatized in 1992: the company bred 220,000 pigs a year and produced 10,000 tons of pork each quarter.

  3. Omsky Bacon recently signed a $5 million contract with an Austrian firm to design a meat processing and packaging plant and supply state-of-the-art equipment because it supplied non-packed meat and its wholesale customers therefore needed voluminous refrigerators for storage, chopping and weighing.

  4. Blessed by proximity to the Tyumen oilfields, the petrochemical sector is the crown jewel of Omsk industry, with the Omsk Oil Refinery leading this sector.

  5. The Omsk Oil Refinery with a turnover $600 million and exports oriented to Europe, is now capable of matching international standards for crude conversion rates of between 80-85 % and cooperating with such companies as ABB Lummas Crest, Technip, UOP, and Stone & Webster.

  6. The second in the Omsk petrochemical trio is Omsky Kauchuk, reducing output to 40 % capacity after the shock of reform and then rebounding to between 60 - 80 %, which now concentrates its production of rubber, latex, and other petrochemical produce for markets in Hong Kong, Taiwan and South |Korea.

  7. One of the rising stars in the region’s banking sectors is Omsk Bank, a joint-stock bank with a stock of ten billion rubles and another ten billion rubles invested in securities having recently paid dividends of 259 % per share.

  8. Omsk Promstroy Bank, one of the oldest in the region, was officially recognized in 1993 as Russia’s most reliable bank, now actively looking for foreign partners for assistance with management and provision of first-class, state-of-the-art banking equipment.

  9. The enterprise includes designing divisions specialized in the development of a wide range of special means of communication, and products are manufactured as per design documentation of Omsk Scientific Research Institute of Instrument-Making.

Ex. 6. Дайте добавочную информацию, раскрыв скобки и обращая внимание на время глагола-сказуемого.

Model: A: Factories and plants (to be opened soon after the Great Tran-

Siberian railway passed through Omsk).

B: Factories and plants were opened soon after the Great Tran-

Siberian railway passed through Omsk.

  1. The output of the Synthetic Rubber plant (to be exported into 59 countries).

  2. All the technical problems (to be solved thanks to powerful electric base).

  3. Two densely populated districts (to be connected by several new bridges).

  4. The first installations of the Oil Refinery (to be put into operation 55 years ago).

  5. Many transport problems (to be solved in the city thanks to the underground lines).

  6. The cheapest synthetic rubber (to be already produced in the synthetic plant).

  7. A lot of petrochemical plants (to be included in the petrochemical sector of the city’s industries).

  8. Two-thirds of the entire industrial potential of the region (to be oriented to the defense needs).

  9. In the 1990-s, the Conversion program initially (to be repudiated by executives of many companies who preferred “to wait and see”).

  10. From the middle 1980-s the gas turbines of the fourth generation for the aircraft MiG-29 being in high demand at the international aviation market (to be serially produced at the Omsk Motor Production amalgamation enterprises).

Ex. 7. Сопоставьте слова из колонки А с их значением в колонке В.



broad cloth mill

лесопильный завод


суконная фабрика

weapon forge



плугостроительный завод

farm implement factory

кожевенный завод




кузница оружия


кирпичный завод

brick kiln



моющее средство



Ex. 8. Составьте диалоги, используя данные ниже слова и словосочетания. Употребите пассивные конструкции в соответствующем времени.



  1. What products – to be produced – at the Synthetic Rubber plant?

Tyres, lorries, buses, trolleybuses, cars, motorcycles – to be produced – at the plant.

  1. When – the first installation – the Oil Refinery – to be put into operation?

It – to be put into operation – 1955.

  1. What enterprises – to be included – petrochemal sector – the city?

The Oil Refinery, the Synthetic Rubber plant, the Tyre-making plant, the Smoke-Black plant – to be included –the petrochemical industry of the city.

  1. What factories and plants – used to be built – before revolution – Omsk?

A farm implement factory, a saw-mill, a tannery, a brick kiln, a broad cloth mill – big for those times – used to be built – the city of Omsk.

Ex. 9. Прочтите и переведите текст о промышленности Омска. Перескажите его.

As a years passed the Omsk fortress’s importance increased and it came to control a large area making the city an important commercial centre on the Great Siberian way.

Factories and plants – big for the time – such as a farm implement factory, a saw-mill, a tannery, a brick kiln, and a broad cloth mill were opened soon after. Siberian wheat, butter, cattle and wool as well as industrial poduce passed through Omsk on its way to sale thanks to the Great Trans-Siberian railway.

During the 20th century Omsk has experienced a rebirth. The city was given a powerful incentive to the development in the years of the Great Patriotic War. Dozens of factories and plants along with thousands of people were moved to Omsk from other parts of the Soviet Union. Omsk became a weapon forge: airplanes, tanks, mines, radiostations, binoculars, footwear and clothes were manufactured in the city and sent to front. In 1955 the famous TU-104 made in Omsk aircraft factory took off.

Chemical industry is the leading branch of Omsk industry. The pride of our industry is the first Oil Refinery in Western Siberia, a giant of Siberian petrochemistry. The technological installations of the enterprise were into operation in 1955. Oil began to flow down the Ust-Balyk-Omsk thousand kilometer pipelines to the Refinery. Since 1970 the Omsk Oil Refinery operates on local cheap raw material.

Besides, the chemical enterprises of the city include the Synthetic Rubber plant, the Tyre-making plant, the Smoke-Black plant, Aromatic Carbons, Detergent plant and others. The Synthetic Rubber plant used to produce the cheapest synthetic rubber in the country. The Tyre-making plant used to produce tyres for lorries, combines, cars, bicycles, motorcycles and trolleybuses exported into 59 countries in the world.

Engineering, instrument-making, light and building industries are also developed in Omsk.

Ex. 10. Прочтите текст и передайте его краткое содержание на русском языке.