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Учебник Маслова часть 2.doc
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Кафедра иностранных языков



Часть II

МОСКВА — 1982




Методические разработки утверждены на заседании методической комиссии экономического факультета.

Протокол № 5 от 26 апреля 1982 года.

Председатель комиссии



  1. Сложное дополнение, § 9

  2. Функции инфинитива (повторение)

  3. Значения слова “that”, § 24

  4. Парный союз "neither…nor”

  5. Парные союзы (повторение)

I. Слова и выражения для повторения.

hog, hog breeding, hog breeder, pig, animal husbandry, fibre, wheat, rye, pigsty, exercise, water supply, gestation, to wean, livestock, sire, breeding season, breeding condition, fat, to mate, in order to, unlike, pregnant, properly, one

II. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и переведите их, не пользуясь словарем.

1. favourable, unfavourable, to favour

  1. aim, to aim, aimless, aiming, aimed

  2. to follow, follower, following, followed

III. Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на сложное дополнение.

1. We know this breed very well. 2. We know this breed to be very productive. 3. The farmer wants to see the veterinarian.4. The farmer wants the veterinarian to see his cows. 5. They expect some new calves. 6. They expect the new calves to develop well. 7. I want to see his farm. 8. I want you to see his farm.

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Hog management

Hog breeding is known to be a very important branch of animal husbandry.

Hogs are bred for the production of bacon and pork. Best pork breeds of pigs produce pork at 4 to 5 months and bacon breeds at 6 to 7.5 months. Unlike the other farm animals hogs are rapid-growing ones.

Hogs mау be kept under the outdoor system, that is, on pasture, under the indoor system, that is, in pigsties or a combination of both. The hogbreeders consider the last system to be the most ef­fective one.

The best place for keeping the pregnant sow or gilt is a pas­ture lot provided with a shelter to protect her from unfavourable weather. Every hogman knows exercise to be very important for sows. Locating the feed and water supply some distance from the shelter will make her take more exercise.

Feed pregnant sows properly, for sows in thin condition will produce weak litters. Several days before farrowing the pregnant sow should be put in the farrowing pen. Some farmers are known to place sows in the farrowing pen just before farrowing in order not to restrict her exercise.

It is known that the sow and her litter are usually kept in-doors, where it is easier to provide the necessary care.

Hogbreeders want their sows to be healthy and prolific. Proli­ficacy and early maturity are highly important biological characters of hogs. If a sow is prolific and a good mother, she may be kept for breeding up to 5 years or longer.

The gestation period in sows lasting about 16 weeks, the sow may farrow twice a year. Weaning usually takes place 7 or 8 weeks after farrowing.

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During the suckling period young pigs suck the same teat until they are weaned. That is why the smallest and the weakest pig in the litter should be put at birth to the gland that secretes most milk.

As to the selection of the boar it is not less important than that of the sow. The boar should be managed so that he always be in thrifty condition. Neither an over-fat boar nor a half-starved one is a satisfactory sire. Two weeks before the breeding season and during it the boar should be fed enough grain in addition to pasture to keep him in good breeding con­dition but not enough to make him fat. Grains may be fed either whole or ground. That the boar needs plenty of exercise is known to every breeder. Young boars in their first season of service are mated to a maximum of about five females a week and 20 or 30 in the season, depending on the vigour, temperament, and other factors. Boars should not be used for breeding until they are about 10 months old. Young boars should be used as sparingly as possible, for excessive use may be the cause of small and weak litters.

Пояснения к тексту

1. under ... system (conditions)- при ... системе, в… условиях

2. Pregnant sow - супоросная свинья

3. Thin condition - истощенное состояние

4. Farrowing pen - клеть (закута) для опороса

5. Suckling period - подсосный период

6. Half-starved - полуистощенный

- 3 -


That is— то есть

Sо that - так, чтобы

That is why - вот почему; поэтому

Neither ... nor - ни ... ни

Активные слова и выражения

sow, a pregnant sow, boar, to farrow, farrowing pen, litter, prolific, service, female, suckling period, to grind (ground), weak, teat, that, that is, sо that, that is why, neither ... nor, prolificacy, early maturity

IV. Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по смыслу части. 1. Shelter a. are kept for breeding for 5 years and more.

2. Pregnant sows b. are first used at the age of 10 months.

3. Prolific sows c. is shorter than in other farm animals.

4. The gestation period in sows d. should be provided on pasture.

5. Young boars e. may be the result of the excessive use of

young boars.

6. Small, weak litters f. should take much exercise.

V. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами: prolific litters, farrowing pens, suckling period, boar, pigsties

1. In winter sows and their ... are kept in... . 2. Pregnant sows are put into ... ... some days before farrowing. 3. During the breeding season the ... should be given some grain. 4. Un­like the other farm animals sows are highly... . 5. The ... ... in sows lasts about two months.

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