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Lesson 20

Text of conversation

Nora: Harry, can we talk about money for a minute?

Harry: Of course, Nora. What’s worrying you?

Nora: Well, the point is that I’m afraid I shall have spent my month’s house – keeping money by Saturday.

Harry: Bit it’s only the middle of the month!

Nora: I know. But then there were all the expenses of Peter’s party. Besides, this house is getting more expensive to run every month.

Harry: So you think the house isn’t economical?

Nora: I’m sure it isn’t. It’s too large, and it costs us far too much. Besides, I think I want a change. Do you know, in June we shall have been living here for fourteen years?

Harry: Shall we really? That is a long time. But I like it here; I don’t like moving about.

Nora: Suppose we found a slightly smaller house – we could sell this one easily, couldn’t we?

Harry: Yes, of course; we shall have finished paying off the loan by June.

Nora: Do let’s think about it.

Harry: All right – but don’t let’s do anything hasty. Now, this housekeeping money. Will ten pounds be enough?

Nora: That will cover the household expenses, yes, but –

Harry: Something else?

Nora: Harry, look at this hat. There. What a sight I am!

Harry: Nonsense, you look very pretty.

Nora: Do you realise that in exactly one week from now I shall have been wearing this hat, on and off, for a whole year?

Harry: Nora, I given in. You shall have a new one tomorrow.

Nora: Well, as a matter of fact –

Harry: I know. You bought a new one today. Oh well…

Lesson 21

Text of conversation

Nora: It really is a very nice house, Mrs. Brewer.

Mrs. Brewer: The walls and woodwork will need painting, of course.

Harry: How very kind of you.

Nora: But really, Mrs. Brewer, you needn’t have gone to so much trouble.

Mrs. Brewer: Nonsense, Mrs. Parker! What I always say is:

If there’s anything a woman needs after looking over a house, it’s

a nice cup of tea! I hope you’ll take the house; and we’ll just

drink to the bargain – in tea.

Lesson 22

Text of conversation

(Sounds of things being moved)

Nora: Harry, look at the way those men are carrying that china cupboard! You must tell them to be careful I’m sure they’re going to break everything.

Harry: Perhaps we had better carry the breakable things down ourselves.

Man: You needn’t worry, Ma’am. We always have to be careful. We’re used to it. Everywhere we go they say “You must be careful”. Well, I ask you! We have to move things in and out houses every day of the week. A man has got to know his job, hasn’t he?

(To the man helping him) Come on, Jim, give me a hand.

Nora: How are they going to get the piano out? They’ll have to turn it on its side. We had a lot of trouble getting it in, didn’t we? Do you remember?

Harry: I do – the men who brought it had to take its legs off.

Nora: They’ve taken everything downstairs except this long mirror. Let’s carry it down between us.

Harry: Right. I’ll have to go downstairs backwards. (They both grunt as they lift the heavy mirror).

Nora: It is heavy, isn’t it?

Harry: Look out! (a crash).

Nora: Oh, Harry, my lovely mirror!

Man: There now, you didn’t have to start moving things yourselves! You know, you have to be experienced to do a job like this.

Harry: Well, what a shame! The whole move done with only one thing broken – and we had to be the ones to break it!

Man: Come on, Jim, we shall have to hurry up with this piano. We’ve got to be away by dinner-time.

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