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3.Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык, употребив активную лексику урока:

1. Я не люблю работать по выходным.

2. В нашей семье пять человек.

3. Мой малыш не ходит в детский сад, он сидит дома с мамой.

4. Я родилась седьмого августа 1965 года.

5. Моя фамилия Белова, я – экономист.

6. Разрешите мне пойти в театр сегодня.

7. Я закончила институт по специальности бухгалтер.

4. My name is…Придумайте и напишите вашу собственную историю, используя следующие выражения:

My name is _____________________________.

My surname is _____________________________.

I am __________________ years old.

I was born in _____________________________.

We live in _____________________________.

We are a family of _____________________________.

to go to school (kindergarten, lyceum, institute, academy, university, work)

to graduate from to get married to be single

to go to the park, to the theatre, to the cinema to go to the exhibition

to go to the country to have a good time

to go skating (skiing, swimming, cycling) to travel

at the week-end fresh air

5.Speaking 1.You are going to interview your partner about his/her life. Prepare questions to ask your partner. Introduce your partner to other people in the class.

6.Поставьте слова следующих предложений в правильном порядке.

1. to and go I’d economics like study to university

2. brothers have I older sister three and one

3. a block of flats centre I in near live the town

4. to do because I so much love my there is town

5. with I my a older room share sister

6. Saturdays friends I in often meet my town on

7. so I can live I every morning my near my school there walk

8. free I in like listening music my time to

7.Подберите вопросы к предложениям из упражнения 6.

a) How do you get to school every day?

b) Have you got your own bedroom or do you share?

c) What hobbies have you got?

d) What do you want to do when you leave school?

e) Do you live in a house or a flat?

f) What do you usually do at the weekend?

g) How many brothers and sisters have you got?

h) Do you like living in your town?

8.Speaking 2.Work in pairs. Use questions from exercises above.

1) Ask and answer at least 10 questions to find out as much as possible about your partner.

2) Try to find five things you have in common.

3) Then tell the class three things you have in common.

9. Resume.Резюме – это краткая информация о себе, предоставляемая при приеме на работу. Изучите шаблон резюме и образец, заполненный Кириллом Петровым:


Kiril Petrov

26, Leninsky Avenue, Moscow, Russia

October 3, 1989

Cellular phone: +7(906)673-75-84,

Home phone: 8(495)273-74-95

E-mail: K_Petrov@mail.ru


To obtain a position as a financial manager



Entry Level Accountant, Elsi Group, Moscow


Major Duties:

  • sales reporting

  • calculation of sales

  • cash receipts

  • credit card processing


Sales manager, Limited Liability Company Planeta, Moscow

Distribution of soft drinks

Major Duties:

  • trade negotiations

  • search of new clients

  • presentations of the production



PREU Russian University of Economics



English courses


Computer: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel

Languages: English – intermediate

Others: presentation skills, time management, calculation of sales, sales reporting, cash receipts, credit card processing, experience in CapEx/OpEx model


Marital Status: married

Children: a boy (2012)


travelling, museums, books

