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Мова підприємництва та ділового листування.doc
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«Мова підприємництва та ділового листування» комплексна контрольна робота №1

1. State true or false:

1. Successful entrepreneurs, small-business executives, and top managers from large companies have the same basic personality characteristics.

2. To be successful, small-business owners need to be resilient.

3. Small businesses are actually less likely to fail than businesses in general.

4. Most small businesses rely only on equity financing to finance their operation.

5. Lifestyle businesses and high-growth businesses basically require the same type of financing sources.

____ 6. Managerial tasks are basically the same for small businesses and for large businesses.

7. Franchising as a means of doing business is on the decline.

8. The FTC requires franchisers to disclose information about their operation to prospective franchisees.

___ 9. Growth in a small business is always desirable.

10. A company that provides unwanted products can be made successful by hard work.

11. A good record-keeping system is crucial for a small business.

12. Most banks are quite willing to lend money to a person to start a new business.

13. Franchising is less risky than starting your own business.

14. Most franchisers give their franchisees a great deal of control over the business.

*15. Targeting a business toward a specific segment of the market is wiser than trying to serve the entire marketplace.

____16. Given the popularity and success of franchising, it is not necessary to carefully evaluate a franchise agreement before purchasing a franchise.

2. Choose the correct answer:

  1. The majority of companies in America would be classified as

  1. small independent businesses.

  2. mid-sized companies.

  3. large businesses.

  4. conglomerates.

  1. A small goods-producing company, according to the SBA, is one which employs fewer than

  1. 100 people.

  2. 300 to 500 people (depending upon the industry).

  3. 500 to 1,000 people (depending upon the industry).

  4. 1,500 people.

  1. Which of the following is the most difficult and riskiest way of getting into business for yourself?

  1. starting from scratch

  2. buying an existing business

  3. obtaining a franchise

  4. inheriting a business

4. The two major categories of financing for small businesses are

  1. small-business loans and family loans.

  2. stock issues and bank loans.

  3. personal savings and loans from friends.

  4. debt financing and equity financing.

5. Which of the following types of financing is usually not appropriate for lifestyle businesses?

  1. personal savings or loans from friends and relatives

  2. bank loans

  3. money from venture capitalists

  4. SBA loans

  5. credit from suppliers

6. A startup company is a

  1. small company that has just started up in business in one of the traditional small- business areas.

  2. company that has been recently purchased by a larger firm.

  3. new venture.

  4. company that changes the direction of business by serving new markets.

7.Which of the following-is not an advantage a small business can have over a large business?

  1. stronger financial position

  2. lower overhead

  3. better response to local tastes and preferences

  4. quicker response to market changes

  5. the ability to provide more specialized services

8.Which of the following is a common reason for failures of small businesses?

  1. starting out with too little cash

  2. setting the wrong price

  3. taking too much money out of the business too soon

  4. failing to detect bad credit risks early

  5. all of the above

9. What factors do investors look for when evaluating new businesses?

  1. evidence of customer acceptance of the company's products

  2. the return of their investment within three to seven years

  3. evidence of focus on the activities the firm does best

  4. some type of proprietary protection

  5. all of the above

10. In order to prepare a good business plan, which of the following should be avoided?

  1. having a product orientation rather than a market orientation

  2. having projections that deviate excessively from industry norms

  3. making unrealistic growth projections

  4. relying upon custom-made work

  5. all of the above

11. In evaluating the decision to purchase a franchise, you should consider

a. the success of the franchiser in the past.

b. the acceptance of the product by consumers.

c. the reasonableness of the franchise contract.

d. the market area which the franchise covers.

e. all of the above.