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Мова підприємництва та ділового листування.doc
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3. Completion Questions

  1. Four out of five small businesses have fewer than ______________________________ employees.

  2. A ___________________________ business is a small, usually "mom-and-pop," company designed to provide a comfortable life for the owners.

  3. Successful small-business owners have an entrepreneurial outlook, with their _______________for the business acting as a guiding force.

  4. The steps involved in starting a new business are:

  1. finding an opportunity, b. __________________________, c. developing a business plan, d. ____________________________ e. managing the business.

  1. The ________________________________is a comprehensive written statement of the company's goals and the strategy for achieving those goals.

  2. _________________________financing must be repaid with interest, while ____________________financing does not have to be repaid.

*7. The __________________________is the tendency of a small-business owner to single-handedly run a company without ever seeking advice or help from others.