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Acquisition of Mastery / Part One.doc
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spawn – to make a series of things happen or start to exist

scuttle – to move quickly with short steps (along, past, down); to sink a ship by making holes in the bottom, especially to prevent it being used by the enemy

swish – to move or make something move quickly through the air with a smooth quiet sound; swish (n); swish (adj) – fashionable and expensive-looking

akin to – very similar to

gobble (up)- to eat something very quickly or in a way people do not consider polite; finish a supply of something quickly; gobbledygook/ gobbledegook – complicated language, especially in an official document which seems to have no meaning

encounter – to experience problems, difficulties or opposition when you are trying to do something; to meet someone or experience something unexpectedly; encounter (n); chance encounter (=a meeting caused by luck or chance); close encounter (=situation that could have been dangerous or unpleasant)

obscure – not at all well known and usually not very important; difficult to understand; obscure (v) – to make something difficult to know or to understand: obscure the fact/ issue etc; to prevent something from being seen or heard clearly

glow – to shine with a soft, steady light; to produce a red light and heat without flames, if your face or body glows, it is red or hot as a result of exercise or strong emotion; glow with pride/ pleasure/ triumph etc – to look very happy because you feel proud etc; glow (n); glowing report/ account/ description – a report full of praise: in glowing terms – using a lot of praise

cease – stop doing something: cease fire!; wonders will never cease; cease (n): without cease; ceaseless

bleak – without anything to make you feel cheerful or hopeful: bleak news/outlook/ prospect/ future; cold without any pleasant or comfortable features

abandon – to leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for; to stop doing something because there are so many problems and it is impossible to continue; abandon hope; abandon yourself to (=to feel an emotion so strongly that you let it control you completely); abandon (n) with gay/ wild abandon (= in a careless or uncontrolled way without thinking or caring about what you are doing)

1. There are at least 3 words meaning plethora, host. Pick them out.

2. Match the following words with their explanations.

a. lay-off a very expensive posh car

b. tire-kicker to make something look smaller

c. parvenu the act of making redundant

d. pixie ruined illusions

e. belittle shame and embarrassment after being

made to look stupid

f. shattered dreams a well deserved punishment

g. humiliation to change into steam

h. comeuppance an imaginary small creature with

magical powers

i. evaporate a former low class representative who is

now rich and powerful

  1. Explain the following.

  1. Unbridled optimism has been splattered with a large coating of reality.

  2. If the savagery of a young industry leads to casualties, so does the chaos surrounding rapid corporate growth.

  3. Over the past 20 years, business writers have penned plenty of premature obituaries for all the companies mentioned.

  4. Although stock-market indexes are dropping to ankle level, there is still little reason for gloom about the long term prospects.

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