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Lesson 10


  1. Инфинитив как часть сказуемого с глаголом "to be", § 5.

  2. Условные предложения, § 17

  3. Значения слов "after, before, since"

I. Слова и выражения для повторения:

bull, rate, hay, amount, paddock, nerd, fat, pound, to be in thrifty condition, available, to breed, healthy, to eat, silage, straw, content, valuable, to receive, to care, to keep, to light, too, to cause, to fatten, hogs, supplementary, ought to.

II. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и переведите их, не пользуясь словарем.

  1. valuable, to value, value, valueless, valued, valuer, unvalued.

  2. to eat, eaten, eatable, eater, uneatable.

  3. to keep, keeping, keeper, kept.

  4. to use, the use, using, used, useful, useless, user.

III. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на перевод глагола "to be" перед инфинитивом.


is to

состоит в том, чтобы


1.Our aim is to increase milk yields. 2. Good feeding is to increase Bilk yields. 3. The best practice is to dry off cows six weeks before calving. 4. Colostrum is to be given to Dew-born calves. 5. In summer cattle are to be kept on pasture. 6. Our plan is to grow legumes on this soil.

IV. Переведите следующие предложения с условными прида­точными.

If- если (+ will или shall)

If - если бы (+ would или should)

1. If cold milk is given to new-born calves, it will cause scours.2. If cold milk were given to new-born calves, it would cause scours.

  1. Pigs will develop well ]f they are fed nutritious feeds. 4. Pigs would develop well if they were fed nutritious feeds. 5. If we grow legumes, we shall have a good feed in winter. 6. If we grew legumes, we should have a good feed in winter. 7. Pigs would have grown better if they had been kept on pasture.


Bulls of both dairy and beef breeds are seldom allowed to run with the cow herds during the entire year. After the breeding season is over they ought to be separated from the herd.

The best way of keeping the bull is to build a small barn with an adjoining paddock or pasture of 1 to 2 acres where he can exercise. The barn should be equipped with a stanchion to fasten the bull when it is necessary. Manger and water-supply are to be provided as well. The bull may be also kept in a box-stall inside the barn used for all the herd. Being kept in this way, the bull may be fed and cared for with the rest of the herd. The barn should be well lighted and ventilated. It should be thoroughly cleaned every day.

If the bull is fed enough but not too liberally he will always be in vigorous condition but not fat. He should be provided with high-quality roughages such as legume or mixed hay and small amounts of silage. From five to ten pounds of grain mixture may be needed to keep the bull in thrifty condition. Salt and clean, fresh water should be available at all times.

The aim of every breeder is to have a large, healthy and vigorous sire in the herd. If the bulls were not fed well balanced rations and if


they were not provided with enough exercise, they would become too weak during the breeding season. Increased rates of feeding are to be provided for the bull for a month before the breeding season begins and during it to keep him in good breeding condition. It is advisable to use only purebred bulls, since they are known to transmit their characteristics to the calves.

In large herds some bulls are allowed to run with the cows. It is recommended, however, to separate the cows into groups of 25 to 30 and to provide one bull for each group. The smaller is the number of the cows in a group the better, since the percentage of mating will be higher in this case. If the number of cows were very great, the percentage of mating would be rather low and this is not profitable for the breeders.

Пояснения к тексту

  1. breeding season - случной период

  2. to be over - заканчиваться

  3. the rest of the herd - остальное стадо

4. breeding condition - заводская кондиция, заводская упитанность

after -before -since -


  1. после(предлог)

  2. после того как (союз)

  1. до, перед (предлог)

  2. до того как; перед тем как (союз) так как

Активные слова и выражения

breeding season, barn, stanchion, box-stall, salt, fresh, vigorous, sire, purebred, to allow, profitable, breeding condition, after, before, since.

V. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные сло­ва в следующих предложениях; переведите.

1. All the calves are on pasture now. 2. This heifer calves for the first time. 3. There is lot of pasture land in our region. 4. The cattle pasture on the largest paddock. 5. The herd bull ought to be large, healthy and vigorous. 6. They have a big herd of dairy cows. 7. We are speaking about the reasons of the decrease in milk yields. 8. When calves reach 8 weeks of age the rates of feeding milk decrease.


VI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращал внимание на значение глагола "to be" перед инфинитивом.

1. Their plan is to raise potatoes after clover. 2. This farm is to raise corn here. 3. The best practice is to keep the bull separately from the herd. 4. The bull is not to run with the herd during the entire year. 5. His aim is to clean the barn thoroughly. 6. He is to clean the barn thoroughly. 7. Small amounts of silage are to be given to the sire.

VII. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на услов- ные предложения.

1. If bulls take enough exercise, they are usually in vigorous condition. 2. If bulls took enough exercise, they would be in vigorous condition. 3. If roughages were not high in fibre they would be used in fattening hogs. 4. If cows were on good pasture, they would not be provided with supplementary feed. 5. High beef production will be achieved on this farm if cattle are fed more nutritious feeds. 6. No assistance will be required if calving is normal. 7. No assistance would have been required if calving had been normal. 8. If the bull were fed too liberally, he would be too fat during the breeding season. 9. If we kept the calves on pasture, we should obtain better results.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание назначение выделенных слов.

  1. 1. The barn should be cleaned and ventilated before putting the calves into it. 2. The barn had been cleaned and ventilated before the calves were put into it. 3. After the calves had pastured they were fed high quality hay. 4. The cows were turned out to pasture after the calves.

  2. 1. Paddock is necessary for the bull, for he is to take exercise there. 2. The stanchion should be provided in the box-stall, since it is sometimes necessary to fasten the bull. 3. As this bull takes a lot of exercise, he is vigorous and healthy. 4. No supplementary feed is given to the cows, since they are kept on good, young grass.

IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Are bulls usually allowed to run with the cow herd during the entire year?

  1. When are bulls separated from the herd?

  2. What is the best way of keeping the bull?

  3. Where can the bull take exercise?

  4. What is it necessary to have in the barn?

  5. How should the bull be fed?

  6. When are increased rates of feeding provided?

  7. What kind of bulls is it desirable to use in herds?


9. For how many cows is one bull usually provided?

X. Переведите, на английский язык.

а) чистокровный производитель, заводская кондиция, привязь, случной период, выгон, выгодный, разрешать, сильный, соль, сарай, так как.

б) 1. Быка нужно кормить хорошо перед случным периодом.

  1. Наша цель - иметь сильного чистокровного производителя.

  2. Количество коров в группе не должно быть больше 30.4. Летом коровам позволяют быть на пастбище все время.

в) I. Производители будут находится в заводской упитанности, если будет увеличено содержание белка в их рационе и улучшена минеральная и витаминная питательность корма. 2. В скотоводческих хозяйствах нашей страны существуют два способа содержания крупного рогатого скота: беспривязное содержание и содержание на привязи. 3. При беспривязном содержании подстилку, как известно, меняет 1-2 раза в год. 4. Задача скотоводов в летний период состоит в том, чтобы содержать скот на хорошем пастбище большую часть дня. 5. При любой системе содержания быки должны иметь достаточный моцион и соответствующие кормление и уход.

XI. Прочтите текст. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по-английски (по-русски)

  1. What are the two systems of using bulls?

  2. How should bulls be fed? Systems of Bull Use and Management

There are different systems of the management of a herd bull. Sometimes bulls are allowed to run with the cows during the breeding season, the number of them depending on the number of the cows in the herd.

Some farmers keep their herd bulls in a small barn, turning them out to the paddock adjoining the barn to take exercise. During the breeding season the cows that are to be mated are brought to the bull. This system of breeding is found to be a better one because it allows to have accurate dates of calving. In this case the breeders know when each cow is to calve.

Under both systems of management the bull ought to be fed and cared for properly. To give the bull legume hay and some grain is necessary in order to keep him in breeding condition. Silage should not be-given to the bull in large amounts.

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