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Vitamins play an important part in the feeding of all classes of livestock. They are required in small amounts for the normal growth and health of the animals.

To be in thrifty condition farm animals are to be provided with all these substances in proper proportion.

Пояснения к тексту

  1. vary in- различаться по

  2. for instance- например

  3. as little as- (перед цифрой) - всего лишь, только

  4. as much as , , „ч

as many as " (пеРед ЧИФР0И)" Челы* Д°

  1. that is why - вот почему, поэтому

  2. digestive troubles - пищеварительные расстройства

  3. oil bearing seeds - семена масличных культур

  4. thrifty condition - упитанное состояние, упитанность.

Запомните: as (much) as possible - как можно (больше) Активные слова и выражения

composition, substance, to receive, fat, carbohydrate, to reduce, thrifty condition, to drink (drank, drunk), as ... as possible.

V. Составьте предложения, соединял подходящие по смыслу части.

  1. Roots are a. indigestible fibre

  2. The feeding value of grass b. stimulate fat and milk production

  3. Roughages are not c. should be given to dairy cows.

  4. Concentrates are low in d. in small amounts

  5. Plenty of water e. high in water

  6. Proteins f. is the highest in spring

  7. Carbohydrates and fats are g. suitable for pigs

  8. Vitamins are necessary h. the sources of energy


VI. Напишите словарные формы следующих слов:

Существительные: calves, branches, pigsties Прилагательные: highest, better, more, larger, earlier, easier. Причастия: mixed, produced, fed, dried, flowering.

Глаголы: supplies, does, made, developed,


VII. Определите функции инфинитива в следующих предложениях, переведите.

1. То obtain good gains the animals should be provided with proper feeding and management. 2. To develop properly pigs ought to be kept on good pasture. 3. To supply the young animals with minerals is very important. 4. To produce milk cows must be provided with enough carbohydrates and fats. 5. To produce 25 pounds of milk daily a cow is to be supplied with 2,5 to 3 pounds of protein in her ration. 6. It is necessary to keep the animals in thrifty condition. 7. The animals should receive all the substances in proper proportion in order to develop properly, 8. To do work the animals need carbohydrates.

VIII. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на выражение as ... as possible.

1. Hogs should be given as little roughages as possible. 2. The quality of feed should be as high as possible. 3. These animals ought to consume as much succulents as possible. 4. The soil for this experiment should be as rich as possible. 5. Farmers should use pastures as early as possible in spring.

IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What do feeds vary in?

  2. Why should dairy cows consume plenty of water?

  3. What are proteins used for?

4. How many pounds of proteins is it necessary to give a cow producing 25 pounds of milk a day?

  1. What do carbohydrates supply?

  2. What is energy required for?

  3. Do fats supply less energy than carbohydrates?

  4. Why are minerals essential for the young animals?

  5. Are vitamins required by the animals in great amounts?

X. Переведите на английский язык.

а) жир, углевод, упитанное состояние, снижать, получать, со­став, пить, вещество, как можно выше.


б) 1. Чтобы расти хорошо, животные должны получать все не- обходимые вещества. 2. Давать животным все необходимые веще- ства очень важно. 3. Чтобы производить молоко, корова должна получать много воды и питательных веществ. 4. Обеспечивать животных протеином необходимо.

в) Л. Так как в корнеплодах содержится много воды и мало протеина и минеральных веществ, они должны использоваться в сочетании с грубыми и концентрированными кормами. 2. В хорошо облиственном сене содержание протеина может повышаться до 15-18%. 3. Состав и питательная ценность соломы зависят от вида культуры, ее уборки и многих других факторов. 4. Натуральные корма не всегда обеспечивают потребность сельскохозяйственных животных в витаминах. 5. Чтобы получать высокие привесы у свиней, необходимо обеспечивать их высокопитательными кормами.

XI. Прочтите текст. Выпишите из него предложение, где гово­рится о том, когда нужно давать животным больше воды, а когда меньше.

The Importance of Water for Farm Animals

Water is very important for farm animals. They should be provided with the necessary amount of water every day. The quantity of water required by the animals varies with the nature of the feed, the activity of the animal and the season as well.

The water content of feeds varies greatly. Roots, for instance, are about 88 percent water, while hay is only 15 per cent.

Dairy cows must be supplied with large amounts of water for milk production as milk is high in water. A high-yielding dairy cow will drink as much as 8-10 gallons of water per day. In warm weather and after eating hay cows require more water than in cold weather and after eating succulent feeds.

Water given to the animals should be clean. It should not be too cold or too warm.

Повторение темы "Feeds"

I. Прочтите текст и скажите, что такое сбалансированный ра­цион.

Animals need food to provide themselves with heat and energy. Consuming food, animals obtain the necessary nutrients in order to live and move. Food is also necessary for the growth of the animals.


Ration is the amount of food given to the animal during 24 hours. A balanced ration is the one which provides several nutrients in such proportion and amount that will maintain the animal in thrifty condition. A balanced ration should consist of the proper proportion of roughages, succulents and concentrates

II. Прочтите текст. Составьте план к нему по-английски.

Nutrient Substances

Cows require liberal amounts of carbohydrates. The feeds supplying carbohydrates are concentrate feeds such as oats, barley, com, wheat, rye or any combination of these grains. The lack of such feeds will reduce the milk yields and the weight of the animal.

High protein feeds are rather scarce and usually more expensive3than low protein feeds. Protein rich concentrates used in feeding cows are linseed meal, cottonseed meal, soybeans and others. Roughage feeds high in protein are alfalfa and clover hay, soybean hay and growing green crops such as grass, green oats and green rye. Cows can have protein from both roughage and concentrate feeds.

The experiments have shown that the milk yield of cows may be reduced when insufficient quantities of fat are fed. In the ration cows should receive 70% of the total fat secreted during the lactation period. Oil bearing seeds are the main sources of high fat feeds.

Cows need sufficient quantities of calcium, phosphorus and iodine". Cows not receiving sufficient minerals often reduce their milk production. Minerals may be provided by feeding cows with well balanced rations.

Cows require most of the known vitamins. These are usually supplied in sufficient amounts when good quality feeds are fed in winter and when cattle are on pasture during summer. Vitamin A is supplied largely by feeding fresh4grass and clover and well-made green colour hays. VitaminВ is largely supplied by the grains and vitamin D through sunlight. Vitamin D is necessary for the proper assimilation of minerals.

III. Прочтите текст. Укажите номер абзаца, в котором говорит- ся: а) о низкокачественном сене; б) о высококачественном сене.


  1. Low quality hay. This type of hay is made from very mature grass cut during July. It has not been grazed before cutting. It usually has little leaf. This type of hay should not be fed to milking cows in large amounts. Other cattle may be provided with this hay in any quantity. If dairy cows are fed with such hay concentrates should be provided for them. The amount of concentrates varies with the milk yield of a cow and the quality of the concentrate.

  2. This hay may be classified as hay which is rather mature but has a good proportion of leaf. There is no need to limit greatly this type of hay. It is usually fed to appetite5but better results are obtained if not more than about 20 pounds are fed per day.

  3. It is very difficult to obtain this type of hay. It should be made from young green grass which cannot be properly dried in the field. Barn hay drying allows to obtain such hay. It is as nutritious as good pasture grasses. There is no limit in feeding it. It is the forage of high digestibility. Best cows are allowed to eat this type of hay to appetite. They will eat 30- to 40 pounds and produce three and more gallons of milk without supplementary concentrates.

  4. П. Ответьте по-русски на вопрос: "Какое сено можно давать неограниченно?"

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