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Министерство образования Московской области


«Московский государственный областной

социально-гуманитарный институт»

Кафедра английского языка

Ахренова Н.А., Евтюхина Н.Я.,

Новикова Ю.Б., Шмыткина Е.Н.


Учебно-методическое пособие

по практике устной речи

для студентов 1 курса



УДК 42 (щ75.8)

ББЛ 81.43.21я73

Рекомендовано к изданию

редакционно-издательским советом

ГОУ ВПО «Московский государственный областной социально-гуманитарный институт»

Ахренова Н.А., Евтюхина Н.Я., Новикова Ю.Б., Шмыткина Е.Н. English-1/ Учебно-методическое пособие по практике устной речи для студентов 1 курса. – Коломна: МГОСГИ, 2011. - 157 с.

Данное учебно-методическое пособие подготовлено в соответствии с программой по практике устной речи английского языка для 1 курса языкового вуза. В нем представлены аутентичные тексты, которые снабжены специально разработанными упражнениями на развитие навыков чтения, говорения и письма. Достоинством пособия является аутентичность текстов, которые ставят своей целью расширение страноведческой и культурной компетенции. Тексты удачно подобраны по тематике и стилю, что несомненно вызовет интерес при обсуждении проблемных вопросов.


Соклакова О.В.

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка МГОСГИ


  1. Personal Identification………………………….. .4

  2. The Daily Programme. Leisure Activities……… 21

  3. Houses and Homes……………………………... 32

  4. Eating and Drinking…………………………… 47

  5. Shops and Shopping……………………………. 67

  6. Learning Foreign Languages…………………… 79

  7. Languages. Countries. People………………….. 94

  8. Seasons and Weather…………………………… 117

  9. Travelling……………………………………….. 141

Personal identification



  1. to be born, to christen, to baptize a baby (child), to register a baby's birth

  2. name n, v: first (Christian, given, family, maiden, pet) name, forename, surname, nickname, namesake; to call someone a name; to name after someone.

  3. family: nuclear/ extended, one-parent/ single-parent/ large ~; parents (folks): mother (mo, ma, mummy (BrE), mommy (AmE)), father (dad, daddy), single-parent

children (offsprings, kids, twins, triplets, orphan), foster child, adopted child

close (distant) relative\relation, kin (next of kin): sister, brother, grandparents, uncle, aunt, grandchildren), niece, nephew, in-laws, half-brother (sister), wife, husband

to marry smb, to get married, to be married to smb; newly-weds/just married; to divorce, to preserve one's union

widow, widower, bachelor, spinster

age: young, middle-aged, elderly, old, in one's 30's, in one's early (mid, late) teens, in one's early (mid, late) 20's, mid-life

build: skinny, bony, thin, slim, fat, plump, corpulent, obese, squat, medium build, well-built, broad-shouldered, muscular, overweight

height: 1.70m, medium height, average height, below average height, tall, short, tallish, shortish, petite

hair colour: black, brown, red, fair, blonde, grey, white, dyed, a brunette, a blonde, a redhead, mousey, dark, dirty blond, platinum blond

hairstyle: long, short, straight, wavy, curly, neat, untidy, with plaits, a fringe, swept back, in a bun, pony-tail, bald, balding, thinning

face: thin, long, round, oval, square, heart-shaped, high cheekbones, high forehead, thin (full) lips, long (straight, turned-up, broken, crooked, hooked) nose, cleft (pointed, double) chin

  1. eyes: blue, grey, brown, long (thick, bushy) eyelashes, thin eyebrows

  2. complexion: pale, sunburned (tanned), olive (pale, dark)-skinned, oriental, brown, black

  3. distinguishing features: beard, moustache, sideburns, unshaven, clean-shaven, a scar, a beauty-spot, a mole, with freckles, with dimples, with spots, with wrinkles, with lines, with glasses, (well)-made-up, tattoo.

  4. positive features: ambitious, cheerful, clever (bright), easy-going, flexible, friendly, generous, hard-working, honest, kind, loyal, nice, optimistic, pleasant, punctual, relaxed, reliable, sensible, sensitive, strong, tolerant, warm

  5. negative features: arrogant, bossy, cold, dishonest, fussy, horrible, inflexible, insensitive, intolerant, lazy, mean, miserable, moody, nosey, pessimistic, pushy, rude, spiteful, stupid (thick), tactless, tense, unambitious, unfriendly, unkind, unpleasant, unreliable, weak

  6. types of people: a big-head, a coward, an extrovert, a gossip, a laugh, a liar, a model to follow, the perfect type of (the Englishman), a show-off, a snob, a trouble-maker

  7. describing people: to look like, to be (very much) like somebody, to be not a bit alike, to resemble smb, to bear (no) resemblance to smb; to take after smb in character or appearance, to be the very image of smb; to enjoy good health/ to be a picture of health, to have little make-up on the face, to look after one's appearance, to have delicate features, to have much/ nothing) in common; to like/dislike the way one walks/talks/speaks/behaves/dresses, wears one's hair.

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