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Words to remember

available [ә'veilәbl] – доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении;

avenue [ævәnju:] – проспект;

chemist [kemist] – химик;

to convert [kɔnvә:t] – превращать;

cosmonaut [kɔzmәnɔ:t] – космонавт;

crust [krʌst] – земная кора;

curator [kju'reitә] – куратор, член правления;

to determine [di'tә:min] – определять, устанавливать, решать;

initial [i'niʃl] – начальный, первоначальный;

investigation [in'vesti'geiʃn] – исследование;

laureate [lɔ:riәt] – лауреат;

migration [mai'greiʃn] – миграция, переселение;

nucleus [nju:kliәs] – ядро;

nutrient [nju:triәnt] – питательное вещество;

pioneer [paiә'niә] – инициатор, новатор;

to put forward [put fɔ:wәd] – выдвигать, предлагать;

to recycle [ri:'saikl] – перерабатывать для вторичного использования;

scattering [skætriη] – рассеивание;

settler [setlә] – поселенец;

spectroscopy [spektrәskәupi] – спектроскопия;

splitting [splitiη] – распад;

tremendous [tri'mendәs] – огромный, потрясающий;

tribute [trbju:t] – дань, должное;

universal law [ju:ni'vә:sl lɔ:] – всемирный закон;

vital [vaitl] – жизненный, существенный;

well-being [wel'bi:iη] – благополучие, благосостояние


1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following phrases.

  1. Различные области науки;

  2. служить интересам человека и общества;

  3. производительная сила;

  4. особая дань;

  5. основатель;

  6. лауреат Нобелевской премии;

  7. практическое применение;

  8. выдающийся исследователь;

  9. принимать активное участие;

  10. быть абсолютно незаинтересованным;

  11. ядро вещества;

  12. процесс распада;

  13. радиоактивное разрушение элементов;

  14. играть ведущую роль;

  15. научное общество;

  16. громадный потенциал;

  17. выдвигать идею;

  18. считаться основателем;

  19. подробное (детальное) изучение;

  20. окружающая среда.

2. Answer the following questions.

  1. Who is a scientist?

  2. Do you know any outstanding scientists of the world?

  3. Which of them made great discoveries?

  4. Who discovered the Periodic Law of elements?

  5. What famous physicists do you know?

  6. What is Ernest Rutherford known for?

  7. In what activities did Rutherford take part at the University?

  8. What are Rutherford’s famous works devoted to?

  9. Are Russian scientists well known in the world and why?

  10. Why is Vladimir Vernadsky considered to be one of the founders of geochemistry and biogeochemistry?

  11. What was Vernadsky’s initial work?

  12. Were any scientists awarded the Noble Prize?

  13. What Noble laureates in science do you know?

  14. In what fields of economy are their achievements used?

3. Ask your friend:

    1. What contemporary scientists does he/she consider to be the most famous ones?

    2. Can he/she give any examples when the talented scientist brought more harm than good?

    3. Can the inventors of nuclear weapon be considered humanists?

    4. Is it possible to stop progress?

    5. How he/she understands the role of a scientist in the world history?

4. Imagine the following situation.

In a new district of your town a new street has just been built. The people of the town are now discussing what name should be given to it. You believe that the street should be named after a scientist. Try to convince the jury in it. In your speech present information on:

  1. the name of the scientist you would like the street to be named after;

  2. where and when he/she was born and worked;

  3. the field of science the scientist worked in;

  4. the discovery or invention he/she made;

  5. where the results of his/her work are used now;

  6. why you have chosen this scientist.