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V. B. Переведите предложения. Составьте свои предложения

a) 1. Is it a text? – No, it isn’t. – Is it a book? – Yes, it is. 2. Is she an economist? – Yes, she is. 3. Are you an actress? – No, I am not. 4. Is it an old book? – No, it isn’t. 5. Is he a good specialist? - Yes, he is.

b) 1. Good morning! My name is Ann. – Hello! My name is Oleg. (I’m Oleg.) This is my friend Karen. – Hi, Karen! - What are you? – I am a student. 2. Who is she? – She is Ann. 3. What is he? – He is an economist. 4. What’s your name? - I'm Lena. What’s your occupation? - I'm an actress.

V. C. Множественное число cуществительных

book книга - books [buks]

pen ручка - pens [penz]

door дверь - doors [dɔ:z]

bench скамья - benches [bentiz]

library библиотека – libraries day - день - days

photo фото - photos

roof крыша - roofs [rufs]

man мужчина, человек - men люди

woman женщина- women [wimin]

person человек - people люди

tooth зуб - teeth

foot нога, фут - feet

child ребенок - children дети

mouse мышь - mice

shelf полка - shelves [elvz]

We take books from the library. Мы беремкнигив библиотеке.

Notes: Существительные trousers (брюки), spectacles (очки), glasses (очки), goods (товары), clothes (одежда), scissors (ножницы), jeans (джинсы) и т. д. используются только во множественном числе.

V. D. Как читаются окончания? a) [s]; b) [z]; c) [iz]

1) dogs, pens, pencils, windows, pictures, walls, chairs, kitchens, rooms

2) benches, bushes, faces, classes, buses, dresses, glasses, boxes, roses

3) books, months, cups, cats, desks, clocks, lamps, texts, tests, groups

V. E. Замените: a) множественное число на единственное

b) единственное число на множественное

a) apples, days, libraries, knives, men, children, pianos, cities, lives

b) architect, balcony, wife, child, woman, faculty, piano, man, tooth

V. F. A) Переведите предложения; b) Составьте свои предложения

a) 1. The apple is good. 2. They are pilots. 3. Are they exercises? – Yes, they are. 4. We are not managers. 5. This book is interesting. 6. Are they free? – No, they aren’t. 7. My parents are in Moscow. 8. What are they? – They are interpreters. 9. They are not businessmen. 10. Are they sentences? – No, they aren’t. 11. My brother is a businessman. 12. My friends are economists.

b) 1. How old are you? – I'm 17. My friend is 17, too. 2. How old is your mother? – She's 40. 3. How old are they? - They are 20. 4. Jane's sister is 36.

V. G. Замените: a) единственное число на множественное

b) множественное число на единственное

a) 1. What umbrella is it? - It is an old umbrella. 2. What sentence is it? - It’s a difficult sentence. 3. It’s a big park. 4. I’m a busy man. 5. She’s a young specialist. 6. Is it a small clock? 7. Is she a free woman? 8. What house is it? – It’s a new house. 9. It is an easy article. 10. It’s an interesting book.

b) 1. What umbrellas are they? – They are new umbrella. 2. What sentences are they? - They are difficult sentences. 3. What flats are they? – They are new flats. 4. What cars are they? – They are French cars. 5. How old are they? - They are 18. 6. What are they? – They are businessmen. 7. We are students.