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Мир вокруг нас. Россия и зарубежные страны..doc
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4.* Работа в группах по три человека. Обсудите каждую из перечисленных проблем по данным вопросам. Сделайте краткие записи. Обменяйтесь мнениями с другими группами.

1. What problems are connected with these matters?

2. What would be the best way to solve these problems?

    1. Cities; 2) forests and seas; 3) nuclear power stations

Используйте фразы: Firstly/first of all; secondly, thirdly; For instance/for example; In short; In conclusion/To sum up; In my opinion/view…; To my mind…; It seems to me that…; I think that…

Unit 5 Taking Decisions on Worldwide Humanity Problems

I. Прочитайте новые слова и их перевод:

Generate – вызывать, порождать

Prosperity – преуспевание. процветание

Imbalance - неустойчивость

Root - корень

Consequence - последствие

Crossroad - перекресток

Tangle - путаница

Challenge - вызов

Growth - рост

Drug - наркотик

Disease - болезнь

Decay - упадок

Disaster – бедствие, несчастье

Remain - оставаться

Advanced - передовой

Underdeveloped – слаборазвитый

Backward – отстающий в развитии

Widening - расширение

Currently – в настоящее время

Poverty - бедность

Prospects - перспектива

Aggravated - ухудшенный

Effort - усилие

Just - справедливый

Sustainable - устойчивый

Re-evaluate – заново оценить, осознать

Value - ценность

Reflect - отражать

Implement – выполнять, осуществлять

Legislation – законодательство; законодательная деятельность

Utmost – крайний, предельный

Despite – несмотря на, вопреки чему-либо

1.* Выберите 3-5 слов и найдите в словаре их синонимы.

Пример: Imbalance-disproportion

2. Перед прочтением текста ответьте на вопросы:

a) What is your opinion, what can be reasons of global problems?

3. Прочитайте текст и найдите причины глобальных проблем человечества. Taking Decisions on Worldwide Humanity Problems

In recent years the world has witnessed considerable economic development. But the process of generating wealth and prosperity has been very uneven, to such a degree, that economic imbalances are now seen to aggravate the social problems and political instability almost in every region of the Globe.

Undoubtedly, all contemporary global problems find their roots in the consequences of rapid scientific and technological progress. However, despite all our constant efforts and attempts to solve these problems, the best we have now are just modest results. Mankind seems to stand, as it were, at some civilization crossroad.

The tangle of the most pressing problems keeps on growing like a snowball. Humanity today faces many challenges:

  • Violent conflicts within and among various nations.

  • Population growth.

  • Organized crimes and drugs.

  • New epidemic diseases.

  • Global warming.

  • Environmental pollution and ecological decay.

- Poverty of the masses, especially in the so-called Third World which constitutes about 2/3 of the Earth population.

  • Threat of the global nuclear war.

  • Terrorism and possible demographic disaster.

All these "end-products" of the current age of the industrialization and militarism are taking the world to the global catastrophe. Today's civilization state may be featured as "a disease" that, if it keeps on progressing, will lead us to self-destruction.

The world still remains divided into the advanced and underdeveloped or backward countries, with the gap between them ever widening.

Only one sixth of our planet inhabitants currently enjoys high standard of living. Most people live in poverty and see no prospects for themselves.

Many global problems will become more aggravated if the world continues to be divided by the policies carried out exclusively on the basis of their own interests. Such an approach is unacceptable when maintaining the social and environmental balance becomes now the most important condition for the advancement and survival of humanity.

There are only two ways for regulating the social relations in a civilized manner: by morality and law. The primary efforts of the Globe nations should be directed away from destroying the environment and each other, towards creating moral, just, sustainable and peaceful social and environmental relations. To achieve this goal we need to re-evaluate our world, as well as to alter our behavior and value orientations.

All the main human values must reflect the idea that all of us live as one large family on one small planet called the Earth. We have nowhere else to go. That's why all of us must promote a global oriented morality and implement all the international laws. In this case the human rights legislation becomes of the utmost importance.

All nations of the Globe, despite their traditions, beliefs and values, should give priorities to the common interests of mankind in order to ensure peace and human survival. We are to save our planet both for ourselves and for the generations to come.