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The pure-Clojure persistence frameworks are in pre-beta development at the time of this writing. You may want to look some of the following:


clj-record5 is John D. Hume’s port of ActiveRecord to Clojure. It currently supports a subset of ActiveRecord’s relationships and validations. Here’s an example from the unit tests:

(ns clj-record.test.model.manufacturer (:require [clj-record.core :as cljrec])

(cljrec/init-model (has-many products)

(validates name "empty!" #(not (empty? %)))

(validates name "starts with whitespace!" #(not (re-find #"^\s" %))) (validates name "ends with whitespace!" #(not (re-find #"\s$" %))) (validates grade "negative!" #(or (nil? %) (>= % 0))))


clojureql6 is Lau B. Jensen and Meikel Brandmeyer’s Clojure DSL for SQL. This example is from demo.clj:



(query [id name] developers.employees (and (> id 5)

(< id 8)))))

{:name Jack D., :id 6} {:name Mike, :id 7}

Clojure is a very good fit for SQL, providing the expressiveness of SQL embedded in the full Clojure language.

9.3 Web Development

James Reeves’ Compojure7 is a Clojure web framework inspired by Ruby’s Sinatra.8 Here we will use Compojure and the Jetty web server to build a user interface for creating and viewing code snippets.

Compojure has a number of JAR dependencies. The sample code for the book includes recent versions of these JARs, and the launch scripts bin/snippet.sh (*nix) and bin/snippet.bat (Windows) will launch Clojure





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with all the necessary JAR files on the classpath. Try running the appropriate launch script from the root directory of the sample code:


TODO: implement reader/snippet_server.clj! user=>

Notice that the launch script gives you a REPL so that you can try things interactively. As you work through this section, add your code to the file reader/snippet_server.clj. For your first change, remove the line that prints the TODO message. To test your change, reload the file at the REPL with this:

(use :reload 'reader.snippet-server)


Your next task is to create some simple routes with defroutes:

(compojure/defroutes name doc & routes)

A route routes HTTP requests to a Clojure form and looks like this:

(HTTP-VERB url-pattern body)

A handler can do something as simple as returning a string:

(GET "/hello" "<h1>Hello!</h1>")

Or a handler can call arbitrary code, possibly passing along information from the request:

(GET "/:id" (show-snippet (params :id)))

Most servlets will want a catchall handler for invalid requests. Compojure provides page-not-found:


By default, page-not-found will set the HTTP status code to 404 and return a file located at public/404.html.

Using defroutes, add code to reader/snippet_server.clj to create two routes for the snippet-app. The app should return pong for a GET of /ping and a 404 for anything else.

Download examples/server/step_1.clj

(use 'compojure) (defroutes snippet-app

"Create and view snippets." (GET "/ping" "pong" )

(ANY "*" (page-not-found)))

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ANY matches all HTTP verbs, and * matches all URLs. Compojure checks handlers in the order they are declared, so it is important for the catchall handler to come last.

Now, you can run your snippet-app with run-server:

(compojure/run-server options? & paths-and-servlets)

The options specify things such as the :port number, and the paths-and- servlets is a sequence alternating between paths and the servlets that serve them. Use run-server to run a server on port 8080, handling all paths:

Download examples/server/step_1.clj

(run-server {:port 8080}

"/*" (servlet snippet-app))

You should see a console message from Jetty:

| 2009-05-01 INFO: Logging to STDERR ...

| 2009-05-01 INFO: jetty-6.1.14

| 2009-05-01 INFO: Started SocketConnector@


While the server is running, its log traffic will be interleaved with your REPL input and output. I find this convenient, because everything is in one place. If the server log traffic obscures your REPL prompt, simply hit Enter , and you will get a new prompt.

Test the server using the browser of your choice. http://localhost:8080/ ping should return pong, and any other name should return Page Not Found.

Building HTML

Now that you have a simple servlet in place, let’s build an HTML form for entering a new snippet and some HTML for displaying a snippet. The text-area function builds an HTML textarea:

(compojure/text-area options? name value?)

Compojure converts the options map into attributes on the textarea tag. The most important attributes, name and value, have their own dedicated parameters. Other Compojure HTML functions duplicate this idiom, exposing the most important attributes as explicit parameters but always providing the options for less frequently used attributes.

It is trivial to test Compojure’s HTML functions, because they simply emit a tree of vectors and maps that correspond to the eventual HTML.

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Try calling text-area from the REPL:

(use 'compojure) (text-area "body")

[:textarea {:id "body", :name "body"} nil]

Compojure’s html function will convert this internal representation into actual HTML:

(compojure/html & trees)

To see the actual HTML of your textarea, simply println its html:

(println (html (text-area "body"))) <textarea id="body" name="body"></textarea>

To create a form for users to input snippets, you will need two more Compojure helpers: form-to and submit-button:

(compojure/form-to handler & body)

(compojure/submit-button options? & text)

The handler is a vector containing an HTTP verb and a URL, which will be the target of the form. The body forms build the internals of the form. submit-button is a trivial helper, with a signature analogous to textarea’s.

Create a new-snippet function in reader/snippet_server.clj that creates a new snippet form. Since snippets are the primary purpose of the application, new-snippet can post back to the root URL of the app:

Download examples/server/step_2.clj

(defn new-snippet [] (html

(form-to [:post "/" ]

(text-area {:rows 20 :cols 73} "body" ) [:br]

(submit-button "Save" ))))

Notice that you can safely mix helper functions like text-area and submitbutton with plain old vectors like [:br]. This is made possible by Compojure’s intermediate tree-of-vectors representation.

Test new-snippet at the REPL:

(use :reload 'reader.snippet-server) (println (new-snippet))

| <form action="/" method="POST">


<textarea cols="73" id="body" name="body" rows="20"></textarea>


<br />


<input type="submit" value="Save" />

| </form>


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Next, create a show-snippet function that shows an existing snippet. show-snippet should call out to the select-snippet function described in Section 9.2, Data Access, on page 270 and then show the body and created-at fields of the snippet, each in their own div. Since the body is code, also wrap it in a pre/code pair:

Download examples/server/step_2.clj

(defn show-snippet [id]

(let [snippet (select-snippet id)] (html

[:div [:pre [:code (:body snippet)]]] [:div (:created_at snippet)])))

You do not need any new helper functions for show-snippet, because the div, pre, and code tags are just plain old HTML.

Test show-snippet by creating a new snippet and then showing it:

(use :reload 'reader.snippet-server 'examples.snippet) (insert-snippet "hello")


(println (show-snippet 5)) | <div>







| </div> | <div>


2009-01-04 12:47:08.193




As you can see, Compojure’s HTML library is easy to use. Better yet, it is cleanly separated from the other parts of Compojure and can be tested at the REPL without going through the entire web stack.

Posts and Redirects

The last helper function you need to write is something that creates new snippets. create-snippet will be a little different from new-snippet and show-snippet, because it will not return HTML. Instead, after an HTTP POST, it will redirect the caller to a different URL. Compojure provides redirect-to for this purpose:

(compojure/redirect-to location)

Create a function named create-snippet that takes the body of a new snippet and calls insert-snippet to add it to the database. create-snippet

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should redirect to the ID of the new snippet if insert-snippet succeeds and redirect to the top-level URL if insert-snippet fails:

Download examples/server/step_2.clj

(defn create-snippet [body]

(if-let [id (insert-snippet body)] (redirect-to (str "/" id)) (redirect-to "/" )))

Test create-snippet from the REPL:

(create-snippet "this is too easy")

[302 {"Location" "/6"}]

Instead of returning an HTML string, redirect-to returns a vector with an HTTP status code, plus a map of data that is used to set the response header.

Now that you have created the “action functions” for creating and displaying snippets, you need to associate them with your servlet. Add the following handlers to your snippet-servlet definition:

Download examples/server/step_2.clj

(GET "/" (new-snippet))

(GET "/:id"

(show-snippet (params :id)))

(POST "/"

(create-snippet (:body params)))

Make sure you add these handlers before the catchall ANY handler. On every request, params is bound to a map of the query parameters, so (:body params) extracts the body posted by the user. Also, (params :id) returns the part of the URL that matches the :id in /:id. Restart the snippet REPL and try creating a few snippets!

Finishing Touches

To put a little polish on the snippet application, let’s add a few nice-to- haves: layout and code highlighting.

Across a web application, pages often share a common layout: JavaScripts, style sheets, wrapper divs, and so on. Snippet pages should have the following common layout elements:

The title should be placed in a title element in the header and in an h2 in the body.

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The header should include Dan Webb’s code-highlighter.js,9 plus Clojure-specific highlighting rules in clojure.js.10 These files are included in the public/javascripts directory of the sample code.

The header should also include code-highlighter.css from the public/stylesheets directory so that you can see colors for the styles that code-highlighter.js adds to code.

Compojure’s include-js and include-css functions will create the appropriate HTML for including JavaScript and CSS files:

(compojure/include-js & scripts)

(compojure/include-css & scripts)

Create a layout function that takes a title and some body forms and lays out a page with the common features described earlier:

Download examples/server/step_3.clj

(defn layout [title & body] (html


[:title title]

(include-js "/public/javascripts/code-highlighter.js" "/public/javascripts/clojure.js" )

(include-css "/public/stylesheets/code-highlighter.css" )] [:body

[:h2 title] body]))

Again, Compojure’s design makes it trivial to test layout from the REPL:

(println (layout "Sample Title" "Sample Page")) | <head>


<title>Sample Title</title>


<script src="/public/javascripts/code-highlighter.js"




<script src="/public/javascripts/clojure.js"




<link href="/public/stylesheets/code-highlighter.css" rel="stylesheet"


type="text/css" />

| </head> | <body>


<h2>Sample Title</h2>


Sample Page

| </body>



10.I could have sworn I got this file from http://groups.google.com.sg/group/clojure/files, but

it is not there any longer.

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Update new-snippet to use the custom layout instead of the generic html to build the page:

Download examples/server/step_3.clj

(defn new-snippet []

(layout "Create a Snippet"

(form-to [:post "/" ]

(text-area {:rows 20 :cols 73} "body" ) [:br]

(submit-button "Save" ))))

Update show-snippet in similar fashion. Also, change the :code keyword to :code.clojure:

Download examples/server/step_3.clj

(defn show-snippet [id] (layout (str "Snippet " id)

(let [snippet (select-snippet id)] (html

[:div [:pre [:code.clojure (:body snippet)]]] [:div (:created_at snippet)]))))

:code.clojure is a bit of syntactic sugar for adding class attributes to an HTML element. You can test this at the REPL:

(println (html [:code.clojure])) | <code class="clojure" />


The highlighter of the snippet application uses the CSS class to select language-specific highlighting rules.

There is one last change you need to make: actually serving the JavaScript and CSS files. Compojure provides the serve-file function for serving static files:

(compojure/serve-file root? path)

If root is not specified, then files are served relative to the public directory. Not coincidentally, I placed the JavaScript and CSS files in public. Add the following handler just before the catchall handler in your servlet definition:

Download examples/server/step_3.clj

(GET "/public/*"

(or (serve-file (params :*)) :next))

The (params :*) extracts the filename from the URL pattern /public/*. (Yes, :* is a legal keyword.)

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