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Общие работы

Cartwright R.D., 1977. Night Life: Explorations in dreaming, Englewood Cliffs. N. J. Prentice Hall.

Cartwright R.D. (1979). "Des rêves sur commande: ce n'est pas un rêve", Psychologie, n° 110, p. 24 – 31.

Dement W., Wolpert E., (1958). "The relation of Eye Movements, Body Mobility and External Stimuli to Dream Content", Journal of Expérimental Psychology, n° 55, p. 543 – 553.

Foulkes D., 1971. "Longitudinal studies of dreams in children", Y. Masserman (Ed.), Science and Psychoanalysis, New York, Grune and Stratton.

Foulkes D. (1979). "Les rêves des enfants: simples et heureux", Psychologie, n° 110, p. 32 – 36.

Freud S., 1976. L'interprétation des rêves, Paris, P.U.F.

Hall C.. 1966. The Meaning of Dreams, New York, McGraw – Hill.

Hartmann E., 1971. Biologie du rêve, Bruxelles, Dessart.

Hobson J.A., McCarley R.W. (1977). "The brain as a dream state generator: an activation, synthesis hypothesis of the dream process", American Journal of Psychiatry, nc 134, p. 1335 – 1348.

Jouvet M., Delorme R. (1965). "Locus coeruleus et sommeil paradoxal", Comptes rendus de la Société Biologique, Paris, nr 159, p. 895 – 899.

Jung C.G., 1964. L'homme et ses symboles, Paris, Del Duca – Laffont.

McCarley R.W. (1979). "Les rêves: une nouvelle theorie", Psychologie, n°110, p. 18 – 23.

Цитированная литература

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Ferguson M., 1974. La révolution du cerveau, Paris, Calmann – Lévy.

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Levinson B.W. (1967). "States of awareness during général anesthesia", in: J. Lassner (Ed.), New York, Springer.

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Miller N.E. (1978). "Biofeedback and viscéral learning", Animal Review of Psychology, n° 29, p. 375 – 404.

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