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Татарский этнографический материал...


формы духовного образования в 1818 г. была

6 См.:Верещагин,Г.Е.ВотякиСарапульского

закрыта. В 1842 она вновь открылась и про-

уезда Вятской губернии. СПб., 1889. С. 110.

существовала до 1921 г.

7 См.: Ильминский, Н. И. О церковном бого-

2 Джиен – (от татарского слова ‘җыен’, что

служении на инородческих языках. Казань,

означает буквально ‘собирайся’), древний

1883. С. 7.

татарский народный праздник окончания ве-

8 Национальный архив РТ. Ф. 968. Оп. 1. Д. 8.

сенних полевых работ.

Л. 45.

3 Малов, Е. А. Миссионерство среди мухам-

9 См.: Национальный архив РТ. Ф. 968. Оп. 1.


Ед. хр. 79. Л. 6.

С. 6.

10 См.:Национальный архив РТ. Ф. 969. Оп. 1.

4 См.: Риттих, А. Ф. Материалы для этногра-

Д. 79. Л. 48, 59, 60, 62.

фии России : Казанская губерния : XIV : в 2 ч.

11 Саблуков, Г. Черты из жизни русских татар

Ч. II. Казань, 1870. С. 113.


5 Прокопьев, К. П. Брак у чуваш. Казань,

С. 186–189.

1903. С. 25–26.




AMINEV N. R. The number of the bashkirs in Ufa and Orenburg provinces in the 1860-s.

The article is devoted to studying the number of the Bashkirs in Ufa and Orenburg provinces in the 1860-s. During the given period for whatever reasons the Teptiars and Mishars were included into the structure of the Bashkirs during a population census. On the basis of archival sources and literature we will try to find out a demographic situation of the Bashkirs and to separate their number from that of the Teptiars and Mishars. We also intend to reveal the reason for including the Teptiars and Mishars in the structure of the Bashkirs.

Keywords: demography, Bashkirs, number, audit, Teptiars, Mishars, province.

AVILOV R. S. The realization of the military-districts reforms of 1862–1865 in the East Siberia and the Russian Far East: establishment of the East Siberian Military District.

This article deals with the problems of the realization of the military-districts reforms of 1862– 1865 in the East Siberia and the Russian Far East. It examines the process of development the implementing regulations and establishment of the East Siberian Military District in 1865. In addition, investigate the specialty of the administrative structure of new Military District, and the Military District itself.

Keywords: East Siberia, Russian Far East, Russian army, military reforms, East Siberian Military District.

DRACHIKOV F. V. Reorganization of the system of state manpower resources to the military base in 1941–1943 (using materials of lower Volga region).

At the beginning of the war the big necessity in qualified labor appeared so long as the most people among them left to the front. New enterprises were constructed intended for the production of military equipment. Reconstructing industry party bodies attended to the system of manpower resources. The article is devoted to the system of the measures of the Soviet guidance directed to reorganization of the system of state manpower resources to supply industry of lower Volga region with labor in conditions of wartime.

Keywords: college, the organization of the production instruction, profession, farm, operational experience, policy, productivity of labor.

DRACHIKOV F. V. Mobilization activity of the soviet authorities within the framework of the system of state manpower resources in 1941–1943 (using materials of lower Volga region).

The article is devoted to the system of the measures of the Soviet guidance directed to mobilize humanresourcestosupplyindustryoflowerVolgaregionofthesystemofstatemanpowerresources in conditions of wartime. The documents which were not used before are also given.

Keywords: the skill, party organization, tradesmen school, railway school, factory and plant school.

GAYDENKO P. I., FOMINA T. Yu. On the Church Status of Kirik the Novgorodian and Other Compilers of “The Questions”.

The study of the ecclesiastical hierarchy of Ancient Russia is one of the most urgent directions in modern historiography. A great deal of the research is devoted to various aspects of the higher church hierarchy - metropolitans and bishops. The text of “The Questions” by a hieromonk Kirik and by priests Savva and Elijah allows determining the status of representatives of the lower church hierarchy along with identifying features of Novgorod church organization in the middle of XII century.

Keywords: Kiev Russia, Russian Orthodox Church, church hierarchy, “The Questions of Kirik” (“Voproshanie Kirika”).

JUNJUZOV S. V. Organization of medical service of Stavropol kalmuck troops (the 30th of XVIII century – beginning of the 40th of XIX century).

The article considers the issues connected with the organization of the medical service of the Stavropol Kalmuck troops, analyses the measures of improvement of the sanitary state of the Kal-


muck uluses and how to make the Kalmucks to follow the hygiene rules. It should be noted that in spite of the success reached in these directions the mortality of the Stavropol Christened Kalmucks was higher than the birth rate.

Keywords: Stavropol Kalmuck troops, medical service, sanitary, hygiene, hospital, epidemics.

KALMENOV M. D. Archaeological aspects of planning and territorial borders of a medieval site of ancient settlement Kyzyl-kala (The X–XIII centuries).

In the article, a brief historiography analysis and the archaeological description of the medieval town of Kyzyl-kala, which is one of the outstanding monuments of Mangistau region.

Keywords: Kazakhstan, Aralo-Kaspiysky region, Kyzyl-kala, medieval site of ancient settlement, settlement complex, serf strengthening.

KOZLOV K. S. Labour Politics during the New Economic Policy: Projects, Realization,


The article deals with the main orientations of labour policy during the New Economic Policy. The author defines the antagonisms between its theory and practice. The archive materials’ research allows deducing that the reformative process was halved and incomplete.

Keywords: state policy, labour relationships, unemployment, trade unions, collective agreement.

KONIUCHENKO A. I. On qualities of a Jewish soldier (from the history of military service by Jews in pre-revolutionary Russia).

The recruitment of Jews caused a negative reaction on their part. The Jews tried to show their inability to serve, and used each and every way to shirk from recruitment and compulsory military service.

Keywords: Jews, recruitment, cantonist schools, shirking from military service, army, Cossacks.

KONIUCHENKO A. I. On the conversion of jews to orthodoxy in pre-revolutionaryRussia.

The religious problem always played an important part in all spheres of life of traditional society. Cases of altering the confession of faith by ex-ingroup members, who had turned into outsiders, were perceivedespeciallynegatively.ThearticledealswithcausesandcircumstancesoftheJews’conversion to Orthodoxy, and the other Jews’ reaction to it.

Keywords: Jews, Hebrews, Orthodoxy, cantonists, recruits, alteration of the confession of faith, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch.

KORZUN V. P. Scientific Communities of Russian Historians: Practices of Anthropological Description (from a lecturer’s experience).

The article presents the lecture “Scientific Communities of Russian Historians: Practices of Anthropological Description” from the course “Methods of historiographic analysis” for Masters, specializing in the history of historical science.

Keywords: scientific school, anthropological turn, school’s leader, communication in science, scientific conflicts.


The article presents P. A. Stroganov’s political views on the Russian regime. On the basis of the analysis of numerous projects of P. A. Stroganov’ reforms it is shown that their author stood against despotism and held liberal views on the political system.

Keywords: “Private committee”, P. A. Stroganov, Alexander I, reform, constitution, law.

POTEMKINA M. N. A Psychological aspect of the evacuation during the Great Patriotic War.

Theevacuationbecameanadditionalstress-producingfactorforresidentsofthefront-linezonein the Great Patriotic War. The range of the people’s psychological reactions included aggression, low spirits, panic, apathy, lack of self-confidence, indecisiveness. The patriotic character of the war and the Russian mentality helped to overcome post-traumatic disorder caused by the forced migration.

Keywords: Great Patriotic War, evacuation, psychological aspect, stress-producing factors.


RAZHEV A. V. British Imperial Strategy in the Far East and a Problem of Australia’s Security in the 1920–1930s.

ThearticledealswithadiscussionofmilitaryandpoliticalcirclesaboutAustralia’snationalsecurity strategy in the framework of imperial Britain in the interwar period of the 1920–1930-s.

Keywords: British Empire, Australia, Singapore, Military doctrine, the British Navy, armed forces of Australia.

SAFIULLINA E. I. Collecting the Tatar Ethnographic Material by Scientists and Academics of Kazan Theological Academy in XIX – early XX Century.

This article deals with collecting Tatar ethnographic material by scientists and academics of Kazan Theological Academy during missionary-educational activities. It is the first time that archival sources on the subject have been published. Special attention is paid to the scientists’ ethnographic observations of the features of the Tatar folk holidays, their folk music and songs.

Keywords: ethnography, Kazan Theological Academy, missionary-educational activities.

SAFONOV D. A. The Orenburg Cossack Army During the Civil War: Tendencies of a Cossack Autonomy’s Foundation.

The article examines a process of the empowerment expansion by the Orenburg Cossack Army, which resulted in creating the so-called Oblast voiska orenburgskogo (region of the Orenburg Cossack Army), and a process of transition from a self-governing territory to a state formation.

Keywords: Cossacks, Orenburg Cossack Army, A. I. Dutov, Civil War, autonomism, empowerment, state, sovereignty, Cossack self-administration.

SIDORENKO N. S. The activity of the traditionalism supporters in mass society of Urals in the early XX century.

The article analyzes forms and methods of influence on the consciousness and behaviour of the Ural mass society, caused by traditionalists. That activity pursued the aim of reinforcing the basis of monarchical nationhood and overcoming the political crisis of the early XX century. Common and specific features of the Ural conservatives activity are revealed along with their bond with the cores of the related political parties.

Keywords: conservative, monarchism, traditionalism, conservative party press, monarchist movement, non-party monarchism.

SHAYHETDINOV M. A. National Youth Organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan: a History of Formation and Development in 1990–2008.

The work of the largest national youth organizations of Republic Bashkortostan in 1990–2008 occupying a considerable part in socio-political and ethnopolitical space of the multinational region is considered in the article. Among a wide range of national associations of the Republic the national youth organizations play a special part caused by the status of youth as a specific socio-demographic group.

Keywords: youth associations, LYCLSU (the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Soviet Union), regional authority, Perestroika, reforms, democratization.

SHMYROV B. D. A Shift in the Number of Labour-conscribed People from the Central Asian Military District in Industrial Enterprises of South Ural in 1943–1945.

The article is devoted to studying a shift in the number of the workers mobilized due to the decision of the State Committee of Defense № 2414c, issued on October, 14th, 1942 “About the mobilization of people liable for call-up for work in the industry and construction of railways and industrial enterprises from Uzbek, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Tadjik and Turkmen Soviet Socialistic Republics”. Changes of the given labour force number during the given period and the causes of the changes are considered.

Keywords: number change, Chelyabinsk region, Chkalov region, labour-conscribed people from Central-Asian military district (lcp CAMD), industrial enterprises, labour force.


YUNUSOVA L. V. The Structure of a Petty Tyumen bourgeois family in the second half of XIX – early XX century (applied to family lists).

The article is devoted to the structure of a Tyumen bourgeois family in the second half of the XIX

– early XX century. The aim of this work is to research types and dimensions of a bourgeois family in Tyumen. The author deals with different types of a bourgeois family and treats their number on the basis of family lists. The author demonstrates that the structure of a petty bourgeois family was heterogeneous, but at the end of XIX – early XX century the families were becoming reduced, their interior structure was being simplified, and their size was decreasing.

Keywords: petty bourgeois family, family structure, family size, family lists, Tyumen.



Авилов Роман Сергеевич – аспирант кафедры отечественной истории и архивоведения Дальневосточного федерального университета.


Аминев Наиль Радикович – аспирант кафедры истории России Башкирского государственного университета.


ГайденкоПавелИванович–доктористорическихнаук,доценткафедрыисторииикульту- рологии Казанского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета.


Джунджузов Степан Викторович – кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры новейшей истории России Оренбургского государственного педагогического университета.


Драчиков Федор Васильевич – аспирант факультета истории и права Волгоградского государственного социально-педагогического университета.


Калменов Мурат Дабылович – научный сотрудник Западно-Казахстанского центра истории и археологии.


Козлов Константин Сергеевич – аспирант кафедры новейшей истории России Челябинского государственного университета.


Конюченко Андрей Иванович – доктор исторических наук, профессор кафедры истории дореволюционной России Челябинского государственного университета.


Корзун Валентина Павловна – доктор исторических наук, профессор кафедры современной отечественной истории и историографии Омского государственного университета им. Ф. М. Достоевского, заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ.


Коршунова Надежда Владимировна – доктор исторических наук, доцент кафедры истории, культурологии, социологии и права Челябинского государственного педагогического университета.


Потёмкина Марина Николаевна – доктор исторических наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой новой и новейшей истории Магнитогорского государственного университета.


Ражев Александр Викторович аспирант кафедры всеобщей истории Челябинского государственного университета; преподаватель кафедры социально-гуманитарных и психологопедагогических наук Южно-Уральского государственного института искусств им. П. И. Чайковского.



Сафиуллина Эльмира Ильгамовна – старший преподаватель кафедры теории искусств и мировой художественной культуры Института филологии и искусств Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университета, соискатель Института истории им. Ш. Марджани.


Сафонов Дмитрий Анатольевич – доктор исторических наук, профессор кафедры новейшей истории России Оренбургского государственного педагогического университета.


Сидоренко Надежда Семеновна – доктор исторических наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой отечественной истории и методики преподавания истории Челябинского государственного педагогического университета.


Фомина Татьяна Юрьевна – кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры истории и со- циально-экономических дисциплин Набережночелнинского института социально-педагоги- ческих технологий и ресурсов.


Шайхетдинов Максим Александрович – аспирант кафедры отечественной истории Башкирского государственного университета им. М. Акмуллы.


Шмыров Борис Даниилович – аспирант кафедры новейшей истории России Челябинского государственного университета.


Юнусова Лилия Владиславовна – аспирант кафедры истории, искусствоведения и музейного дела Тюменской государственной академии культуры, искусств и социальных технологий.
