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25. Бессоюзные Определительные Придаточные Предложения.


As well as the Articles of Association there are some otherdocuments(which)a new companyhas to register.

Наряду с уставом существуют некоторые другие документы, которые должны быть зарегистрированы новой компанией.

  1. One of the first things a man learns in politics is to be cautions about words.

  2. One of the “lessons” of history the world learns by constant repetition is that poverty, hunger and inequality lead to conflicts.

  3. Most people appear to be confident that the political views they hold at any particular moment are absolutely right.

  4. * Many people are sure there can be no equal justice where the kind of trial a man gets depends on the amount of money he has.

  5. It’s common knowledge that more poor than rich are arrested for crimes they did not commit.

  6. Some people believe that workers should be free to work any number of hours they agree with their employer without government restrictions.

  7. The obligations the parties to a contract owe to each other may be very complicated.

  8. Civil Procedure deals with the uniform set of rules courts use to conduct their business in all noncriminal actions.

  9. Legalese is the strange and incomprehensible language so many lawyers write and speak.

  10. Capitol Hill is the place Americans think they know more about than any other place on earth, because everything on Capitol Hill seems to be public.

26. “To be Subject to”, “A/the Subject of”.

to be subject toподпадать под действие, подлежать,

обусловливаться (при условии), зависить (в

зависимости от), с учетом

to be a /the subject of – являться предметом, вопросом чего-либо

  1. Visitors to the Capitol galleries are subject to control by special officers of the two Houses, and the Galleries may be cleared in case of disorder.

  2. Federal judges are appointed for life, subject to good behaviour, and can be removed only by impeachment proceedings.

  3. Officials of the US Federal Department of Justice are appointed by the President subject to the Senate’s confirmation for four year terms.

  4. When election officials count votes, the laws of mathematics are sometimes subject to political necessity.

  5. Once a trial commences, the police appear only as witnesses, subject to no special privileges or immunities.

  6. Of the three types of jurisdiction (legislative, judicial and executive) the subject of immunities is most concerned with judicial and executive jurisdiction.

  7. Contrary to the practice in some continental countries, there is no separate judicial profession in England and all judgeships, subject to one exception, are filled by the appointment of practising barristers.

  8. Some offences such as piracy, slave trading and war crimes are considered to be so serious that they are subject to the jurisdiction of all states.

  9. Delivery terms are the subject of a separate contract clause.

  10. With the creation of the WTO member countries become subject to a large number of new obligations – some newly created in the Urugway Round, others negotiated earlier.