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9.Причастия I, II и Инфинитив в Функции Определения.

  1. They were fully aware of the obstacles to be faced and the changes to be made.

  2. Against the background of the falling living standards, the profits earned by the monopolists seemed particularly great.

  3. The internal management of a company is regulated by a document called the articles of association.

  4. *Tariff barriers are often imposed to protect infant industries being developed as a means of import substitution.

  5. If you want to set up business under English law, the first question to consider is to form a limited company or not.

  6. The quality of goods received must correspond to the specifications stipulated in a contract signed by companies.

  7. The Chinese government has responded to a growing demand for better quality goods and set up special courts to deal with customers’ complaints.

  8. The contract contains a clause providing that all disputes raised by the customers should be referred to arbitration.

  9. The world monetary system, agreed upon by the Western powers at Bretton Woods at the end of the Second World war, had collapsed by 1971.

  10. The London police are under the control of the Home Secretary, acting through a commissioner appointed by and responsible to him.

  11. Washington was the first city in history to be created solely for the purpose of governance.

  12. In civil proceedings the plaintiff prepares a draft of summons, notifying the defendant in general terms of the nature of the claim against him.

  13. The functions of a judge are to conduct proceedings, point out the problems to be clarified, put questions to the parties and witnesses and examine relevant documents.

  14. The tort of defamation covers attacks against someone’s reputation through a written or spoken word.

  15. A defamatory statement heard only by a person who does not understand the language in which it is spoken is not actionable.

10.Причастия I и II в Функции Обстоятельства.


  1. Commentingon the resolution, he informed the deputies of the country’s critical situation.

Комментируя резолюцию, он сообщил депутатам о критической ситуации в стране.

2.Asked about the claim, he said the dispute would be settled out of the


Когда его спросили об иске, он ответил, что спор будет

урегулирован вне суда.

  1. Speaking at the meeting of the shareholders the President of the Bank tried to explain that the problems caused by inflation would soon be solved.

  2. Informed that it was impossible to sack such a number of employees the executive director suggested reducing the company’s running costs by some other means.

  3. Asked to justify his decision to cut the R and D budget, the head of the company failed to sound convincing.

  4. Working as a block, the opposition parties have been able to formulate demands for reforming the economic situation.

  5. Asked how he got to be so good in the pre-election campaign the candidate answered “I lost the previous election”.

  6. Faced with the necessity to comment on the event, the Prime Minister refused to express his opinion.

  7. Alleging human rights violations, some countries have imposed economic sanctions against others.

  8. * Unlike customs, the rules of social institutions tend to be more formal carrying precise penalties for those who break them.

  9. Two youths were fined 25 dollars being found guilty of causing a breach of peace.

  10. Having arrested someone suspected of committing a crime, the police must decide if they have enough evidence to make a formal accusation.