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translator’s personal knowledge, intuitions and artistic competence.

Different Aspects of Stylistic Problems.

Stylistic problems of translation may be approached from several angles: styles of language, their peculiarities, their goals and their interrelation; stylistic meaning of words; stylistic devices, their nature and structure, their expressive function; foregrounding of linguistic means for stylistic purposes and its attention-compelling function.

The translation of texts belonging to different functional styles of the language presents a vast comprehensive problem.

A style of language is dependent upon the sphere of communication and the aim of communication which determine the peculiar choice of language means. Texts belonging to different styles of language possess distinctive stylistic features and thus are easily recognizable although they may to some extent vary from language to language. These features can be classified as leading or subordinate, obligatory or optional. The leading or dominant features form a common core in the S and T languages. They are reflected in the composition of each text, in its syntactic structure, in the choice of linguistic means and stylistic devices. The same means naturally occur in different styles but their use and functions are different.

In translation we are following not one but two sets of unwritten rules, and they do not always overlap. To take just one example: a circular letter addressed to residents of a housing complex might contain (in English) expressions such as: 'Kindly use the plastic bags provided for rubbish disposal' or 'It would be appreciated if residents would not park in the entrance road.' In another language, it might be natural to use 'blunter' language in a similar context, for example: 'You must use ...' and 'Parking is forbidden ...'. The context is the same, but not the register (style). If context is the what, where, and to whom, then register is the how.

Official style is a sub-system of the language, a form of communication functioning in the sphere of official relations. The aim of communication in this style is to reach agreement between two or more contracting parties. The term of such


agreements must be formulated clearly and unambiguously in order to exclude any possibility of misinterpretation. Consequently this style is characterized by the use of words in their direct referential meaning and by the absence of words of emotive meaning. Another outstanding feature of this style is the abundance of special terms, clichés and set expressions of a special nature which make this style distinct from other styles and easily recognizable. Some of them have their counterparts in the target language are to be used by the translator. In accordance with the aim of communication the translation of official documents requires utmost precision. Equivalence in the rendering of form is to a considerable extent ensured by the existence of correlated SL and TL patterns.

The requirements of equivalence in the translation of emotive prose differ considerably from these in other styles where form merely serves to convey the content of the utterance and do not fulfill any expressive and aesthetic function. In these styles stylistic means and devices are merely used as their indispensable markers. But in the Belles-Lettres style form and content are inseparable whole; their common goal is to affect the reader emotionally, to appeal to his feelings and to stir his imagination, to arouse his sense of values both ethical and aesthetic. The approach to the problems of equivalence is broader and more flexible in this style. Losses may be greater here but so are the possibilities of compensation because the object in view is to produce as forceful a stylistic effect as that produced by the original. While in the translation of official, scientific and newspaper texts the losses are grammatical or lexical, in the translation of Belles-Lettres texts the losses are also stylistic affecting the expressive value of the translated text.

The stylistic system of a language like its phonetic, grammatical and lexical systems bear a distinct national character.

Stylistic devices in different languages are, in the main similar but their functioning in each language, their specific weight and the frequency of their use are widely different. This fact accounts for the necessity of stylistic transformations – substitution and compensation. By means of lexical and grammatical transformations the translator achieves an equivalent rendering of the lexical and grammatical


meaning of a word or a form. The same principle is valid when rendering the stylistic meaning of the message, that is, reproducing a similar effect in the TL text, arousing a similar response on the part of the TL reader. The translator, however, is often compelled to achieve the intended effect by a different device.

“… a blockbuster of a novel. Each chapter leaves the reader banging and eager for more”.

Сногсшибательный роман! После каждой главы читатель напряженно ждет продолжения.

Many stylistic devices are polyfunctional: one and the same device may fulfill a variety of functions and produce diverse effects. These functions are sometimes not identical and do not coincide in English and in Russian/Ukrainian. The same stylistic devices in two languages reveal complete concurrence, partial concurrence and no concurrence at all.

A translator should be fully aware of the degree of expressiveness of stylistic devices used in the text. A line of distinction must be drawn between what is stylistically trite and what is stylistically original. It especially refers to lexical stylistic devices: deliberate mixing of words belonging to different layers of the vocabulary, metaphors, metonymies, epithets, similes, etc. stylistic equivalence is a fundamental requirement.

Translation etiquette.

The word ‘etiquette’ is very close to the term protocol, meaning the forms of ceremony observed by diplomats, heads of state and other high-ranking officials.

While ethics is a translator’s strategy, etiquette is his/her tactics, and protocol is the way the tactics are employed.

No need to say that a translator should be fully aware of the basics of international protocol. On the one hand, it will help him to behave correctly in any situation. On the other, a translator is often vested with the protocol function because his/her boss supposes that s/he should know not only of a foreign language, but also customs and traditions of the target culture. So a translator’s task is not only to


provide communication but also to arrange negotiations and other ceremonies.

One of the first principles of translators’ behavior is objectivity and impartiality. A translator, or rather an interpreter, is a mediator of communication but not its active participant. He cannot take part in the discussion he translates. A translator is generally expected not to side with either party. If a speaker’s arguments seem weak to him, he must translate them as convincingly (or not) as does the speaker. The interpreter cannot correct the speaker even if he knows that the latter is evidently mistaken. In order to “wash his hands” of the wrong statement, the interpreter can stress that it is the speaker’s point of view: Как говорит оратор… Neither vocal, nor facial expression should betray the interpreter’s thoughts and feelings. Generally speaking, interpreting involves a high level of neutrality and detachment.

The interpreter’s speech must be clear and distinct. He must not mumble and stumble. No matter what and how a speaker might be talking, the interpreter must be logical and grammatically correct. A sentence begun must be completed. There is a stereotype that well-respected participants speak according to the standard norms. Thus mistakes in translating will inevitably be attributed to the interpreter and not to the speaker.


Бурак А.Л. Translating culture. Перевод и межкультурная коммуникация. Этап 1:

уровень слова / А.Л. Бурак. – М. : «Р.Валент», 2002. – 152 с.

2. Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты): Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. / В.Н. Комиссаров. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990. − С. 79-93.

Комиссаров В.Н., Коралова А.Л. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский: Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990. − С. 71-97.

Корунець І.В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад): підручник /

І.В. Корунець. − Вінниця : Нова книга, 2000. − С. 91-198.

Максимов С.Є. Усний двосторонній переклад (англійська та українська мови) /

С.Є. Максимов. – Київ : Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2002. – С. 39-58.

Чужакин А., Палажченко П. Мир перевода, или Вечный поиск взаимопонимания. – М. : Валент, 1997. – С. 85.



Changing grammatical forms of the words, its reasons.

Difference between languages that cause grammar difficulties in translation.

Morphological aspects of translation.

Syntactic aspects of translation.

What are the professional requirements and responsibilities of a translator?


ВПРАВА 9: Перекладіть уривки на рідну мову звертаючи увагу на необхідність граматичних трансформацій.

1.Не was in the hospital with the pain in his liver.

2.The men fell out for the parades early each Sunday afternoon and groped their way into ranks of twelve.

3.One day he felt that he could endure his loneliness no longer.

4.Soon it dawned upon him that they had recognized him.

5.There was no hope left.

6.Each time the fall of a city like Naples, Rome - or Florence seemed imminent, Major Coverely would pack his bag, commandeer an airplane and a pilot, and have himself flown away.

7.Williams reached out instinctively for balance and then launched himself forward in a prodigious dive.

8.He sank back into his chair and turned his head away.

9.There was no taxi in sight and he started to walk in the direction of the Park.

10.She was a hard, mercenary little thing.

ВПРАВА 10: Перекладіть уривки на рідну мову з допомогою антонімічного перекладу.

1. I have just said to myself if it were possible to write, those white sheets would be the very thing, not too large or too small, but I do not wish to write, except as an irritant.


2.Of all things coming home from a holiday is undoubtedly the most damned.

3.Freedom which now she found made it quite easy for her to refuse Sybil's invitations, to take life much more strongly and steadily.

4.It is a decaying village, which loses its boys to the towns where not a boy of them, said the Rev. Mr Hawkesford, is being taught to plough.

5.To look at, he is like some aged bird; a little, small-featured face, with heavily lidded smoky bright eyes; his complexion still ruddy; but his beard is like an unweeded garden.

6.We went to Amberley yesterday and thought of buying a house there.

7.Angelica was so mature and composed; all grey and silver; such an epitome of all womanliness; and such an unopened bud of sense and sensibility wearing a grey wig and a seacoloured dress.

8.The world is swinging round again and bringing its green and blue close to one's eyes.

9.I see Chartres in particular, the snail, with its head straight, marching across the flat country, the most distinguished of all churches.

10.This was the last day of August and like almost all of them of extraordinary beauty when each day is fine enough and hot enough for sitting out.




Equivalence at the level of Communicative-Pragmatic Purport.

Equivalence at the level of Situational Identification.

Equivalence at the level of Semantic Components.

Equivalence at the level of Syntactic Invariant.

Equivalence at the level of Full Semantic Proximity.

Practical part

Translate the given passage from «Юридичний вісник» into the English language taking into consideration different ways of rendering subject field words.

Analyze the translation from the point of view of levels of equivalence.


Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты): Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. / В.Н. Комиссаров. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990. − С. 135-157.

Комиссаров В.Н., Коралова А.Л. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский: Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990. − С.


Корунець І.В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад): Підручник /

І.В. Корунець. − Вінниця : Нова книга, 2000. − С. 391-418.

Федоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода (лингвистические проблемы):

Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. / А.В. Федоров. − М. : Высш. шк., 1983. −

С. 132-170.

В статуті має бути вказано вид діяльності, яка ліцензується. Рішення про надання ліцензії чи відмову в її надані підприємець повинен отримати не пізніше, ніж через 30 днів з часу подання заяви та супровідних документів. При

отриманні ліцензії необхідно сплатити ліцензійний збір. Дозвіл на заняття


якимось видом діяльності, як і відмова у його наданні, мають бути у письмової формі, причому відмова також повинна надійти у тридцяти денний термін.

У ліцензії має вказуватися: назва органу, що її видав, прізвище, м.’я та по-

батькові, місце проживання громадянина або ж назва і адреса юридичної особи,

вид діяльності, на який видається ліцензія, місце та особливі умови і правила здійснення ліцензованої діяльності, номер реєстрації і дата видачі дозволу,а

також строк її дії. Ліцензія підписується відповідною посадовою особою і завіряється печаткою. Термін дії ліцензії визначається органом, що її видав, але він не може перевищувати трьох років.

Продовження терміну дії ліцензії здійснюється у тому ж порядку, який встановлено для її отримання. У випадку припинення підприємницької діяльності, ліцензія втрачає свою силу. Якщо ж підприємцем порушуються вказані у ліцензії особливі умови заняття певним видом діяльності, орган, який видав дозвіл, може вимагати усунення порушень і навіть призупинити дію ліцензії, а то й анулювати її, якщо порушення повторюватимуться.

Усі суперечки про відмову у видачі ліцензії, призупинення її дії, чи анулювання розглядаються у судовому порядку.


Завдання 4: Перекладіть текст. Підкресліть слова та словосполучення, які потребують калькування.

For a while the hobbits continued to talk and think of the past journey and of the perils that lay ahead; but such was the virtue of the land of Rivendell that soon all fear and anxiety was lifted from their minds. The future, good or ill, was not forgotten, but ceased to have any power over the present. Health and hope grew strong in them, and they were content with each good day as it came, taking pleasure in every meal, and in every word and song.

So the days slipped away, as each morning dawned bright and fair, each evening followed cool and clear. But autumn was waning fast; slowly the golden light faded to pale silver, and the lingering leaves fell from the naked trees. A wind began to


blow chill from the Misty Mountains to the east. The Hunter's Moon waxed round in the night sky, and put to flight all the lesser stars. But low in the South one star shone red. Every night, as the Moon waned again, it shone brighter and brighter. Frodo could see it from his window, deep in the heavens, burning like a watchful eye that glared above the trees on the brink of the valley.

Термін виконання: семінарське заняття 5

Очікуваний результат: сформовані навички перекладу з аналізом фонетичних і лексичних труднощів, вдосконалені мета когнітивні стратегічні





1. Set phrases (clichés) and phraseological units (idioms): definition of clichés and idioms. Their similarities and differences.

2.Ways of rendering set phrases (clichés) and phraseological units (idioms). Give your own examples.

Other trouble-making lexical items: numerals, proper names, specific items of national lexicon.

Ways of rendering abbreviations and acronyms. Give your own examples of rendering abbreviations via transliteration, ordinary translation, descriptive and loan translation.

Practical part

Translate the given extracts into your native language taking into consideration ways of rendering set phrases and phraseological units.

Analyze the translation from the point of view of levels of equivalence.


Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты): Учеб. пос.

для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. / В.Н. Комиссаров. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990. − С. 187208.

Комиссаров В.Н., Коралова А.Л. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский: Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990.

− С. 93-97, 71-75.

Корунець І.В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад):

Підручник / І.В. Корунець. − Вінниця : Нова книга, 2000. − С. 91-198.

Федоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода (лингвистические проблемы): Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. / А.В. Федоров. − М. : Высш.

шк., 1983. − С. 159-170.