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A little bird told me

A rolling stone gathers no moss

Barking up the wrong tree

Be all ears

Case in point

Cat got your tongue?

Catch someone red-handed

Change horses in midstream


can of worms

burn the candle at both ends

call it a day

all his geese are swans

get cold feet

mad as a hatter

make blood boil

make your ears burn

pack of lies

packed like sardines

pay over the odds

square peg in round hole

get the sack / be sacked

rub salt into wound

tail wagging the dog

take your courage in both hands

wait for the cat to jump

your wish is my command



ВПРАВА 11: Встановіть повну версію ідіоматичних одиниць у наданих уривках. Перекладіть уривки на рідну мову зберігаючи ідіоматичність змісту.

1. Не had been a rolling stone too long to sit down in one place, breed cattle and wait for them to grow.

2.One look showed Swithin his condition. Drank again. This was the last straw.

3.He seized with avidity upon the subject, which had for him all the charm of forbidden fruit.

4.I wouldn't be surprised if he understood Hedda better than anybody does. I think they're birds of a feather.

5.Politicians look on the cliche as a friend in need.

6.Come on, you know where the proof of the pudding is!

7.My uncle was a rich man - in other words, he paid the piper!

8.His father was a happy-go-lucky man, you might call him Jack of all trades.

9.Don't worry, Bob! We are two brave men with hands, brains and spine. So let the morn come!


Завдання 5: Перекладіть текст. Знайдіть перекладацькі відповідності щодо

звуження значення лексичної одиниці.

1.There we are likely to see an inhospitable land of rocks and crazily precipitous crags and mountains under a big sky.

2.The tree also is sitting quietly, doing nothing; actually all parts of the cosmos are doing the same thing - being.

3.The millennia pass and the big round eyes of fish stare at the various shapes in this corner of the subaqueous universe.

4.When we, human beings, can stop using language or when we can use it to cope purely and only with the present moment, we find that the quality of our living is changed.

5.When we sit quietly with the same unselfconscious concentration, we also


generate organismal joy.

6.Eight hundred years ago Toba, a Japanese artist, painted a long scroll with many scenes of apes and frogs and rabbits and deer frolicking; in this scroll, for example, a frog sits cross-legged in a 'sacred' place, as if he were the Buddha or a Buddhist abbot.

7.Many of us tend to think of life as a parade, something planned to be a triumph of artifice over nature.

8.True insight does not issue from specialized knowledge but comes from the preconscious intuitions of one's whole being, from one's own code.

Термін виконання: семінарське заняття 7

Очікуваний результат: розвинуті вміння практичного застосування знань про лексичні труднощі перекладу, аналіз перекладацьких відповідностей

(трансформацій), вдосконалені професійні компетентності.




Difference between languages that cause grammar difficulties in translation.

Changing grammatical forms of the words, its reasons.

Translating finite verb forms (tense and aspect, passive voice, subjunctive mood forms).

Translating non-finite verb forms (infinitive, gerund, participle, absolute constructions).

Translating causative constructions.

Practical part

1. Translate the given passage from The Daily Telegraph into your native language taking into consideration change of grammatical forms.

Analyze the translation from the point of view of levels of equivalence.


Комиссаров В.Н., Коралова А.Л. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский: Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990. − С. 97-112.

Корунець І.В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад):

Підручник / І.В. Корунець. − Вінниця : Нова книга, 2000. − С. 253-301.

Максимов С.Є. Усний двосторонній переклад (англійська та українська мови): Курс лекцій та мат-ли до семінарських занять / С.Є. Максимов. – К. :

Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2002. – С. 100-104.

Федоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода (лингвистические проблемы): Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. / А.В. Федоров. − М. : Высш.

шк., 1983. − С. 170-197.


The White House rejected as inadequate last night a Taliban call for Osama bin Laden to leave Afghanistan of his own accord.

It insisted that the prime suspect in last week’s terror attacks on America be surrended immediately. With American troops on the move, the Pentagon said it was preparing for “sustained land combat operations”.

An eddict, or fatwa, issued by a council of Afghan clerics said that bin Laden should be “persuaded to leave whenever possible”. But pointedly it did not order his expultion.

“This does not meet America’s requirements”, said Ari Fleishcher, President Bush’s spokesman. “This is about much more than one man being allowed to leave voluntarily, presumably, from one safe harbour to another one”.

He added: “The president has demanded that key figures of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, including bin Laden, be turned over to responsible authorities and that

Taliban close terrorist camps in Afghanistan”.

Tony Blair was due to fly from New York tp Washington for talks with Mr Bush before the president addressed both houses of Congress about the attacks. The number of people missing at the World Trade Centre is now put at 6333, with 241 confirmes dead.

Against the backdrop of American mobilisation, Mr Blair gave the strongest signal yet that he was ready to send British forces into action against bin Laden’s network.

He said that bin Laden must be handed over and that other groups in Afghanistan had to be crushed.

Speaking in Paris earlier after meeting President Chirac, Mr Blair said that support for America was gathering.

“One of the most important and significant aspects of what has happened in the days following those terrible attacks in the United States has been the strength – indeed, I would say the growing strength – of the coalition right around the world against terrorism”.



ВПРАВА 12: Перекладіть уривок на рідну мову зберігаючи стилістичні функції граматичної форми виділених сполучень.

No country's history has been more closely bound to immigration than that of the United States. The Founding Fathers, especially Thomas Jefferson, were ambivalent over whether or not the United States ought to welcome arrivals from every comer of the globe. The author of America's Declaration of Independence wondered whether democracy could ever rest safely in the hands of men from countries that revered monarchs or replaced royalty with mob rule. However, few supported closing the gates to newcomers in a country desperate for labour.

By the mid-1840s millions of immigrants made their way to America as a result of a potato blight in Ireland and continual revolution in the German homelands. Meanwhile, a trickle of Chinese immigrants began to approach the American West Coast. Almost 19 million people arrived in the United States between 1880 and 1921, the year Congress first passed severe restrictions. Most of these immigrants were from Italy, Russia, Poland, Greece and the Balkans. Non-Europeans came, too: east from Japan, south from Canada and north from Mexico.


Завдання 6: Перекладіть текст беручи до уваги культурні відмінності.

1.In many parts of Great Britain, the custom of First-footing in the early hours of January 1st is kept with great vigour. The First Foot comes as soon as possible after midnight has struck. The First Foot is traditionally supposed to influence fortunes of the householders in the following twelve months.

2.The Old and unusual game known as the Hood Game, or Throwing the Hood, is played every year on Old Christmas Day, January 6th at Haxey in north Lincolnshire. The ceremonies of Haxey Hood begin in the early afternoon with the procession of the. Fool and his twelve Boggans up the village street to a small green place outside the parish church. The Boggans are the official team and play against all comers. Chief among them is the King Boggan, or Lord of the Hood, who carries a wand, or


roll of thirteen willows as a badge of office. He and all his team should wear scarlet flannel coats and hats wreathed with red flowers. The "hoods" used in the game bear no resemblance to the headgear from which they are supposed to take their name. The main hood, or Leather Hood, is a two-foot length of thick rope encased in stout leather. The lesser 'hoods' are tightly-rolled pieces of canvas, tied with ribbons.

3.Jack-in-the-Green is that very ancient figure who represents the Summer. As Green George, or the Wild Man, his counterparts exist all over Europe.

In England, he takes the form of a man encased in a high wickerwork cage which completely covers him and is in its turn entirely smothered in green branches, leaves and flowers. Only his eyes are visible, loоking through the hole cut in the cage, and his feet below the level of the wicke-work. Sometimes he goes about alone, sometimes with only a few attendants, and a musician or two.

4.Egg-shackling takes place on Easter Monday, or Ducking Monday, as it is often called in Eastern Europe. Young men splash unmarried girls vigorously with water. The girls are, of course, expected to submit with good grace, and even, in some areas, to pay for the privilege with gifts of painted eggs, or glasses of brandy.

Термін виконання: семінарське заняття 8







культурологічним аналізом




1. Difficulties in translating pronouns.

Difficulties in rendering English articles.

Syntactic aspects of translation.

Communicative structure of the sentence.

Word order change due to the functional sentence perspective.

Practical part

1.Suggest your translation of the given fragments from newspapers «День», «Сільські вісті» focusing on the grammatical difficulties.

2.Analyze the translation from the point of view of levels of equivalence.


Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты): Учеб. пос.

для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. / В.Н. Комиссаров. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990. − С.178186.

Комиссаров В.Н., Коралова А.Л. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский: Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. − М. : Высш. шк., 1990. − С. 97-112.

Корунець І.В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад):

Підручник / І.В. Корунець. − Вінниця : Нова книга, 2000. − С. 208-242.

Федоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода (лингвистические проблемы): Учеб. пос. для ин-тов и ф-тов ин. яз. / А.В. Федоров. − М. : Высш.

шк., 1983. − С. 170-197.

Значного прогресу у розв’язанні цього складного питання було досягнуто завдяки зусиллям нашої робочої групи.


Велику роботу було проведено Міністерством охорони здоров’я разом з міжнародними організаціями з метою профілактики розповсюдження ВІЛ-

інфекції та СНІДу в Україні.

Результати нашої складної роботи ми можемо відчувати кожного дня.

Які, на ваш погляд, найбільш істотні недоліки нашої судової системи?

Зараз у нас суддю на перші п’ять років призначає Президент – це як випробувальний термін, а потім кандидатури суддів подаються на довічне затвердження у парламент. І ведеться суперечка – добре чи поганою У ідеалі це дуже добре, але все залежить від того, який суддя. Адже часто через п’ять років

«довічними» суддями стають такі люди, яким не місце у судовій владі.

Завершилася восьма сесія, передостання в нинішньому скликанні парламенту.

Вчора в Токіо відкрилася дводенна міжнародна конференція стосовно економічної допомоги Афганістану.

Але якщо теперішня тенденція не зміниться, уряду на бюджетну добавку від дивідендів не слід би особливо розраховувати. Саме 17 січня приємна статистична новина про те, що Україна у 2001 році збільшила промислове виробництво на 14,2%, була доповнена іншою не дуже приємною і цілком незрозумілою.

Заступник держсекретаря Мінекономіки Ігор Шумило повідомив, що він вважає ситуацію з надходженням дивідендів до бюджету «дуже скорботною».

Народний депутат Сергій Терьохін стверджує, що органи, які представляють інтереси держави, зокрема, Фонд державного майна, а також компанії, яким передані в управління держпакети акцій, недостатньо активно ведуть


дивидендну політику.


ВПРАВА 13: Перекладіть уривок на рідну мову і проаналізуйте можливість синтаксичних трансформацій у взаємозв’язку з лексико-семантичним складом одиниць перекладу.

Although Salinger was publishing stories as early as 1940, serious interest in his work was slight until The Catcher in the Rye (1951) occasioned a belated deluge of critical comment. In 1963 the "Salinger industry" (the term is George Steiner's) reached its high-water mark, with almost 40 percent of the volume of the Faulkner's industry - big business indeed. But a reaction had already set in. In that year the first book-length study of Salinger turned out to be disappointing in its critical judgment and strangely hostile toward Salinger himself. Many other critics had begun to scold him for an increasing social irresponsibility, obfuscation, and obsession with Eastern philosophy and religion, and for the narrow exclusiveness of his view of life - in short, for his failure to develop in directions which the critics could approve of. And the word used more and more to describe Salinger's talent and achievement was "minor." But the fact is that Salinger is not minor.

ЗАВДАННЯ З САМОСТІЙНОЇ РОБОТИ Завдання 7: Перекладіть текст. Визначте фрагменти, які потребують

коментарів перекладача.

Kingstone is one of the oldest summer cottages left standing in Newport, a reminder of the preCivil War days when wealthy Southern families continued the 18th century practice of spending their summers in the cool climate of the City-by-the-Sea. With its modest dimensions and gentle architecture, it is also a symbol of a less competitive time when houses were built more for comfort than for show.

The cottage, later to be called Kingstone, was built in 1839 for George Noble Jones, a well-to-do plantation owner from Savannah, Georgia. It is difficult to imagi-