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II. Practical tasks

1. Answer the following question.

What is a situation sentence?

What is a sequential sentence?

What is the formal difference between them?

What formal signs signal the connection between them?

What is a series of sequential sentences?

Are there any sequences in dialogues?

Can you consider complex and compound sentences as sequences?

Have sequential sentences any particular structure?

What do transformations in sentence sequences reveal?

What are the procedures used in connecting sentences into sequences?

What is a matrix sentence?

What is a leading sentence?

What is an insert sentence?

What is a sequential sentence?

What is the procedure of conjunction?

What procedure do you call substitution?

* * *

What is the procedure of embedding?

What is the procedure of addition? •

What is the procedure of zeroing?

Is there any difference between deletion and zeroing?

Js there any difference between substitution and addition?

What is the procedure of permutation?

What is the procedure of adjustment?

What is an antecedent?

What is the procedure that yields compound sentence sequences?

What are the underlying sentences for this transform?

What are the additional procedures that accompany the procedure of conjunc­tion?

What are the conditions under which the procedure of conjunction yields semi-compound sentence sequences?

What are the three subgroups of function words used in the procedure yielding complex sentences?

Why are the function words of the first subgroup called relatives?

What relatives do you know? What do the relatives refer to?

What position do the relative-introduced clauses fill in the matrix sentence?

* * *

Under what conditions are relatives zeroed?

Do conjunctive function words relate on any antecedent?

Why do we call conjunctives unspecified?

Where is the place of a conjunctive in the insert clause?

How are syntactic structures with conjunctives connected with a matrix sen­tence?

What is the underlying matrix sentence

What is the underlying sentence of the embedded construction?

What subordinators do you know?

What is the procedure employing subordinators?

What position do the subordinator-introduced clauses fill in the matrix sen­tence?

Which function words are polyfunctional?

What procedure yields a semi-complex sentence sequence?

What is the necessary condition for the production of a semi-complex sen­tence?

What are the particular cases and underlying sentences in them?

What is a semi-complex sentence with finite verbs in both parts?


Lecture № 1 Beginning linguistics in Europe …………………


Lecture № 2 Development of Linguistics with the half of the historical comparative methods ………………………………..


Lecture № 3 Developing of ideas and schools in modern linguistics……………………………………………………….


Lecture № 4 Linguistics (descriptive) in the USA …………….


Lecture № 5 Сontemporary descriptive linguistics ……………


Lecture № 6 Transformational Grammar (T-Grammar) ………


Lecture № 7 Transformations in simple sentences …………….


Lecture № 8 Transformations of nominalization ………………


Lecture № 9 Two base transformations ………………………..



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