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Английский Пособие 1 з-о.doc
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IV. Прочитайте вопросы и примерные ответы на них. Умейте отвечать на эти вопросы.


1. What is your name? - My name is Peter Ivanov. 2. How old are you? - I am 20 years old. 3. When were you born? - I was born in 1989. 4. Where were you born? - I was born in Smolensk. 5. When did you finish school? - I finished school in 2006. 6. Where do you live? – I live in Smolensk in Kirov Street. 7. What are you? - I am a trainer (a teacher). 8. Where do you work? - I work in a sport society (at school). 9. Are you married or single? - I am married.10. Is your family large? - No, it is not. We are 4. 11. Have you got children? - Yes, I have. I have got a child. (I haven't got children). 12. Have you got sisters and brothers? - I've got two sisters. 13. Do you go in for sports? - Yes, I do. 14. Who is your trainer? -Petrov is my trainer.

ВОПРОСЫ ПО ТЕМЕ "ГОРОД" 1. What is the capital of Russia? - Moscow is the capital of Russia. 2. What is the centre of Moscow? - The centre of Moscow is Red Square. 4. How many people does Moscow population number? - It numbers over 8 mln. people. 5. What is your native town? - Smolensk is my native town. 6. Where is Smolensk situated? - It is situated on the banks of the Dnieper. 7. What is Smolensk famous for? - Smolensk is famous for its monuments of past. 9. What famous people were born in Smolensk? - Nakhimov, Dokuchayev, Przhevalski etc. were born in Smolensk. 10. What is the second industrial, cultural and research centre of Russia? – The second industrial, cultural and research centre of Russia is St.Petersburg. 11. The cradle of what sports is St.Petersburg? - St.Petersburg is the cradle of such sports as wrestling, weightlifting, swimming, boxing, athletics, speed-skating, figure-skating, football and tennis.

Борисова Людмила Петровна

Дашдамирова Ирина Валерьевна


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