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I. B. Vocabulary in context

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct word combinations given below:

  1. motor dysfunction and associated problems

  1. different regions of brain

  1. intracranial pathology

  1. shaking or trembling of the extremities

  1. intellectual functions, vision, hearing, communication

  1. a multiply handicapping condition caused by brain pathology

  1. the so called “associated problems”

  1. strokes or head injuries occurring later in life

  1. To describe the nature of cerebral palsy, the simple definition must be expanded to include ___________

  2. Persons who have motor dysfunctions or other problems not associated with _________ are not classified as cerebral palsied.

  3. In cerebral palsy pathologies resulting in the motor dysfunction occur in __________ other than the cerebrum.

  4. Focus on time differs cerebral palsy from the motor problems caused by brain dysfunction associated with ___________.

  5. __________ are not characteristic of all persons with cerebral palsy.

  6. Impairments of _________ are often found in cerebral palsy.

  7. Cerebral palsy is ________ resulting from damage occurring before, during or shortly after birth and characterized by ___________.



ЧИТАННЯ – 8 балів

II. A. Reading and comprehension

  1. Read the text and do the activities that follow. The underlined words are translated for you:

sustaining підтримка

challenging – складний, проблемний

carry-over leisure activities – вправи із перенесенням предметів

facilitate postural responses – сприяти виробленню реакцій на підтримку постави

buoyancy of water здатність води підтримувати на поверхні

Without question, physical therapy (rehabilitation) is the primary source of movement education for an individual with cerebral palsy. There are many different theories and methods, which in a generic sense can be divided into those methods developed to treat spasticity and those developed to treat athetosis.

Physical therapists recognize that sustaining the interest of the child with cerebral palsy in therapy can be very challenging.

Carry-over leisure activities are an important aspect of the majority of rehabilitation programmes for children with cerebral palsy. Community activities that the child can engage in should be taught. Examples of activities that have been successively taught to these children include bowling, table tennis, horseback riding and swimming.

In attempt to address this need, various therapeutic methods and approaches has been developed, including the use of horseback riding. In this approach the horse is used as balls and other equipment found in pediatric rehabilitation clinics. The goal is to facilitate particular postural responses by placing the rider (cerebral palsy case) in various positions on the horse such as prone, side lying, side sitting or sitting. The horse is usually led at a walking pace by a therapist, who is a skilled rider.

Swimming is an excellent activity. The buoyancy of water allows children with cerebral palsy to have a freedom of movement that they cannot have out of water. The water also provides a superb environment for an individual to practice walking. Special techniques for the teaching of swimming skills to children with cerebral palsy should be thoroughly developed for every case.

Physical rehabilitators must direct their efforts towards teaching motor skills essential to successful participation in sports, games and play activities.

(Taken from the book “Special Physical Education”

by John M. Dunn, the University of Utah, 1997)

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