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Дорошенко методичка 1.doc
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World List

1.writings from of old show — старовинні писання виявляють;

2.when pharaohs ruled in splendor — у дні розквіту правління фараонів;

3.to stalk both great and small — підстерігати як вельмож так і простолюдинів;

4.to scan the lungs of living persons for signs of tubercular lesions — розглядати легені живих людей для виявлення ознак туберкульозних ушкоджень;

5.as infection rates plummeted — оскільки рівень заражуваності знизився;

6.funding for TB research dried up — фінансування досліджень туберкульозу скорочено;

7.prevention programs were scuttled — впровадження програм по запобіганню хворобі — припинено;

8.to look for new medical challenges — братися до розв'язання нових медичних проблем;

9.to make a dreadful and deadly comeback — повернувся, щоб навівати жах і сіяти смерть;

10.TB-control programs have deteriorated or disappeared — було частково або повністю зупинено впровадження програм контролю над туберкульозом;

11.reason for the re-emergence of TB — причина повернення туберкульозу;

12.malnourished people — люди, що недоїдають;

13.baskets with tight-fitting lids — кошики з кришками, що щільно закриваються;

14.to kick the lids off the baskets — зривати з кошиків кришки;

15.is the emergence of drug-resistant strains of TB — з'явилися штами туберкульозу, які опірні багатьом лікам.


Ex.1. Translate the following word combinations:

Prevention programs, the number of, for a long time, from the 18th century until the early20th century, thirteen years later, in addition, the person’s, to be responsible for, multidrugs.

Ex.2. Find the point of synonyms and remember them:

Sanatorium, to affect, to treat, drug, disease, influence, hospital, to cure, medicine, bacillus, sickness, bacterium, eventually, to diagnose, by chance, completely, by accident, to examine.

Ex.3. Find the point of antonyms and remember them:

To appear, ancient, death, afficially, past, life, inofficially, modern, to disappear, future, affective, resistant, cheap, final, expensive, non-resistant, non-effective, easy, difficult.

Ex.4. Remember the singular and plural number of the following nouns:

singular plural

Bacillus [bə’siləs] Bacilli [bə’sili]

Diagnosis [,daiəg’nousis] Diognoses [,daiog’nous :z]

Bacterium [bək’terium] Bacteria [bək’teriə]

Phenomenon Phenomena

Analysis Analyses

Ex.5. Form Participle I (Active and Passive) from the following verbs according to the model:

Model: to build – building – being built.

To kill, to write, to lead, to make, to fund, to send, to live, to fit, to treat, to diagnose.

Ex.6. Form Participle II from the following verbs according to the model:

Model: to give – given, to create – created.

To affect, to attack, to rule, to show, to make, to have, to cure, to be, to locate, to find, to dry, to begin, to call, to escape, to cost, to take.

Ex.7. Complete the sentences according to the model:

Model:1. Examining this substance under the microscope the scientist…

2. Examining this substance under the microscope the scientist found many impurities.

  1. Examining the disease Robert Koch …

  2. Discovering X-rays Wilhelm Rontgen…

  3. Studying the tubercular bacilli French scientists …

  4. Reading the text the students …

  5. Discovering streptomycin the doctors …

  6. Speaking to the students the teacher …

Ex.8. Open the brackets choosing the correct forms of the Participles:

  1. The bacillus (being, been) responsible for the disease was announced in 1882.

  2. X-rays (discovered, discovering) thirteen years later could scan the lungs of living persons.

  3. (Investigated, investigating, having investigated) this disease the doctors can make some important conclusions.

  4. The new antibiotic (discovered, discovering) in the USA was effective against TB.

  5. The TB bacilli (imprisoned, having imprisoned, imprisoning) within cells are called macrophages.

  6. The investigation of this antibiotic (followed, following) by many experiments was of great importance.

  7. The work (doing, done) by these doctors resulted in many new discoveries.

  8. The patients (treating, treated) with anti-TB drugs could be cured even in their own homes.

  9. The AIDS virus (involving, involved) can be the cause of IB infection.

  10. The number of poor people (growing, grown) in the cities is one of the reemergence of IB.

Ex.9. Choose the Ukrainian equivalents from the right column:

both … and – приводити

to be responsible for – проти

during – повернення

comeback – бути відповідальним за

to result in – на протязі

against – на додаток

in addition – як … так і

Ex.10. Choose the right answer

1. Whom did tuberculosis affect before Europeans sailed to South America?

a) the Incas of Peru;

b) the Africans;

c) the Asians.

2. Whom did TB stalk in ancient Babylon, Greece and China?

a) both great and small;

b) the poorest people;

c) the rich people.

3. What disease was the leading cause of death in the Western world from the

18th century until the early 20th century?

a) aids;

b) cancer;

c) tuberculosis.

4. Who officially announced his discovery of the bacillus responsible for the disease?

a) Louis Pasteur;

b) John Smith;

c) Robert Koch.

5. When did Wilhelm Rontgen discover X-rays, making it possible to scan the lungs of living person for signs of tubercular lesions?

a) thirteen years later;

b) in the same year;

c) 10 years later.

6. Where did physicians send TB patients?

a) to specialized hospitals;

b) to sanatoriums;

c) to rest-homes.

7. What year did TB begin to make a dreadful and deadly comeback?

a) in 1920;

b) in 1950;

c) in the mid-1980's.

8. How many people are already infected with TB bacillus, a type of bacterium?

a) up to two billion people;

b) one million people;

c) there million people.

9. What threatens to make the disease incurable again?

a) superstraints;

b) new antibiotics;

c) absence of proper medicines.

10. How many people worldwide may be infected with drug-resistant strains of TB?

a) 100 million people;

b) 50 million people;

c) 20 million people;