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Unit 12 Grammar: The Absolute Participle Construction

Pre-text exercise. Remember the following words and word

combinations. Practise the reading them.

  1. in addition to [ә’di∫n] – на додаток до, до того ж, крім того.

  2. to be essential [I’sen∫әl] – бути необхідним, дуже важливим, цінним, невід’ємним.

  3. occur [ә’kә:] – зустрічатися, попадатися, траплятися, відбуватися.

  4. eventnally [I’ventjuәli] – можливо, в кінці кінців, в кінцевому рахунку.

  5. to result in [ri’zΛlt] – приводиться (до).

  6. malnutrition [‘mæl,nju:’tri∫әn] – недоїдання, неправильне харчування.

  7. according to [ә’ko:diŋ] – відповідно; за твердженням, на думку.

  8. tissue [‘tisju:] – тканина (біол.)

  9. maintenance [‘meintinəns] – підтримка, збереження, утримання, засоби для існування.

10.non-saponifiable [‘nonsa’poniəbl] – (хім.) неомилюваний (to

saponify - милитися).

11.ester [‘estə] – ефір (хім.)


In addition to carbohydrates, fats, proteins, mineral salts, and water, it is essential that the food of man and animals contain small amounts of organic substances called vitamins. If anyone of some fifteen or more of these compounds is lacking in the diet, there occurs eventually a breakdown of the normal metabolic pro­cesses that results in symptoms of malnutrition that are classed as the deficiency diseases.

"Vitamins belong to ancient elementary organic compounds and existed before life originated on Earth," said Academician R. Chagovets of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. According to his theory vitamins took part in the building up of primary organisms together with such "blocks" of live matter as nucleic acids, proteins, and aminoacids.

The vitamins are unlike each other in chemical composition and their function in nature. They are alike only in that they cannot be synthesized in the tissues of animals. The functions they per­form fall into two categories, the maintenance of normal structural and of normal metabolic functions. For example, vitamin A is essen­tial for the maintenance of normal epithelial tissue; vitamin D functions in the absorption of normal bone salts for the formation and growth of a bony structure. Certain vitamins of the water soluble group, among them thiamine, etc., are known to be essential constituents of the respiratory enzymes that are required in the utilization of energy from oxidative catabolism of sugars.

Vitamin A is an unsaturated cyclic alcohol. It is synthesized by at least three separate processes. It has been concentrated and isolated from the non-saponifiable fraction of animal fats and fish liver oils. The vitamin is present in fish oils, both in the free alcohol and in the ester form. The source of all vitamin A is in the carotenoid pigments, the yellow-coloured compounds occurring in all chlorophyll-containing plants.

In pure form it is pale yellow oil, soluble in fat solvents, having a ultra-violet absorption spectrum. The ester forms of the vitamin have been found to possess greater stability than the free alcohol.