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Lesson Fourteen


Step 77

Present Perfect Tense. Вопросительная форма. Общие и специальные вопросы (§ 70)



Have I been?

Have we been?




Has she/he been?

Have you been?




Has it been?

Have they been?










Общие вопросы





you ever been´

to the South? — Yes, I have.

No, I have not (I haven’t).

Специальные вопросы

Who has read the book yet? — I have.


What book have you just read?

How many books

13.Составьте вопросы по образцам, употребив слова ever и yet:

а) Have you ever been to ...

б) Have you attended the meeting yet?

14.Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Have you done your best to master English this term? 2. How many books have you read this term? 3. Have you read any En glish books in the original yet? 4. Have you attended all lectures and seminars this month? 5. Have you submitted your project (term paper) yet? 6. Have you passed any of the credit tests in advance yet? 7. Have you been to the cinema lately? 8. Have you gone skiing this winter? 9. Have you had your dinner today? 10. Who hasn’t prepared his homework for today? 11. Have you been to any art exhibition lately? 12. Have you got a big family? 13. Have you got children? 14. Have you got much work to do this year? 15. Which of you has got today’s paper? 16. Have you heard the news yet?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


15. Поставьте к предложениям упражнения 7 общие и специальные вопросы.

Сравните времена:


Present Perfect


Past Indefinite



Выражает законченное дей

Выражает действие, которое




произошло в прошлом (ра

момента речи, но имею

нее настоящего момента) и

щее с ним непосредствен

употребляется тогда, когда



которая может

есть точное указание време

выражаться либо 1) в виде

ни в прошлом.

конкретного результата дей


ствия к моменту речи, ли


бо 2) в виде указания на пе


риод времени, включающе




му Present Perfect никогда


не употребляется, если есть


точное указание времени в


прошлом. На русский язык


это время переводится, как


правило, глаголами в про


шедшем времени.




1. Has he come yet?



1. When did he come?

Он уже пришел?



Когда он пришел?

2. Have

you been



2. I was in this museum a few

museum lately?



days ago.

Вы были в каком нибудь

Я был в этом музее не

музее за последнее время?

сколько дней тому назад.

3. I





3. Last year he was in London.





В прошлом году он был в

Я никогда не был в







4. I have already seen the new

4. I saw the new film last











Я видел новый фильм вче





ра вечером.








Lesson Fourteen






Present Perfect

Past Indefinite



5. He began to read the book

5. He began to read the book

two weeks ago. Hasn’t he

two weeks ago. He finished

finished reading it yet?

reading it last Friday.

Он начал читать книгу

Он начал читать книгу две

две недели назад. Разве он

недели назад. Он закон

еще не кончил ее читать?

чил её читать в прошлую





16. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect (см. таблицу на с. 545):

1. I (to be) never to this city. 2. I (to be) in this city last year. 3. You (to be) ever to England? 4. You (to be) in England last year? 5. We (to finish) already our design. 6. I (to finish) my design last week. 7. I (to see) the dean today. 8. I (to see) the dean last night. 9. When you (to finish) school? 10. You (to read) this book? 11. When you (to read) this book? 12. I (to see) just him, he must be somewhere here. 13. We (to make) three reports this month. 14. I (to make) the report a few days ago. 15. He already (to graduate) from the Institute.

17. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Вы видели новый фильм? 2. Когда вы были в Киеве? 3. Вы когда нибудь были в Лондоне? 4. Мой брат никогда не был

вМоскве. 5. Инженер только что ушёл домой. 6. Я не при готовил домашнего задания. 7. Когда вы принимали участие

вспортивных соревнованиях? 8. Он когда нибудь принимал участие в лыжных соревнованиях? 9. Она дважды опоздала на этой неделе. 10. В последнее время декан был очень за нят. 11. Извините, я забыла отослать письмо. 12. Она начала переводить статью неделю назад. Разве она еще не кончила? 13. Собрание только что закончилось. 14. Мы уже сдали экза мены.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


18. Прочтите новые слова урока:

to admire восхищаться • We admired the beautiful architecture of an old Russian town.

architecture [ ´ kitek ə] архитектура

to book tickets покупать (заказывать) билеты • I tried to book tickets in

advance, but failed.

to call

звать, называть


столица • Moscow is the capital of Russia.


классический • classic art (music)

to connect

связывать • This road connects two large cities.

to dance танцевать • to dance to music

to decide

решать • We decided to go for a walk in the evening.


особенно • At the exhibition I especially admired works by young




событие • Great historical events are connected with this place.

exhibit [ig zibit]´ экспонат • Tell us a few words about this exhibit.

famous = well known известный, знаменитый • Her husband is a famous actor.

to be famous (known) for славиться • Kiev is famous for its art monuments. to found основывать • Do you know who founded Moscow?

fun веселье, забава, шутка • Everybody likes fun. We had a lot of fun at my place.

historical исторический • great historical events kind добрый • a kind person

to make an impression on производить впечатление на • The film made a great impression on me.

magnificent [m g nifisnt]´ великолепный • a magnificent architectural monument

manifestation манифестация • a holiday manifestation

masterpiece шедевр • an art masterpiece, a masterpiece of painting (archi tecture)

northern [n ðn] северный • north [n θ] север

number насчитывать • The museum numbers 1000 exhibits. outstanding выдающийся • an outstanding scientist

palace дворец • We are able to admire the magnificent palace designed by the outstanding Russian architect of the 17th century.

place of interest достопримечательное место • There are a lot of places of interest in Kiev.

to remain оставаться • The weather remains cold and windy.

remarkable замечательный • This poem is a remarkable literary master piece.

rich богатый • He has got a rich collection of art works. sculpture [ sk´ lp ə] скульптура

sight вид • One can see beautiful sights out of this window.

to go sightseeing осматривать достопримечательности • Who is going sightseeing with us?

Lesson Fourteen



simply просто • He is simply an outstanding person.

since с тех пор как

• It’s a year since I left St. Petersburg.

to be situated


расположенным • Our village is situated not a long way

from Moscow.

square площадь • Holiday manifestation and parades take place in Red Square.

straight прямой • a straight line (street) suburb [ s´ b :b] пригород • to live in the suburb

to be sure быть уверенным • I am sure the weather will keep fine. to surround окружать • A high wall surrounds the palace.

for the first time в первый раз • For the first time I have the opportunity to admire such masterpieces.

treasure [ tre´ ə] сокровище • The paintings of the Tretyakov Gallery are Russian finest art treasures.

wonderful = remarkable изумительный • We are having wonderful weather just now.

world мир • all over the world • People all over the world want peace. Have you got the map of the world?

what about ... как насчет ...

at 10 p. m. в 10 часов вечера (p. m. = post meridiem после полудня; a. m. = ante meridiem до полудня)

The Alexander Column Александровская колонна

19. Прочтите и переведите диалог и текст:

A. Dialogue

N.: Hello, Bob. Glad to see you. How are you? B.: Hello, Nick. I’m fine, thank you.

N.: Have you passed the examinations yet?

B.: Yes, they are over now. I’ve passed all of them successfully. N.: Has anybody failed?

B.: No, nobody in our group.

N.: What about the holidays? Are you going anywhere?

B.: I’m leaving for St. Petersburg tomorrow. I’ve already booked my ticket.

N.: Have you ever been there before?

B.: No, never. I’m going there for the first time. My friend Alec invited me to spend the holidays in his native city.

N.: And you accepted his invitation with pleasure, of course. B.: Certainly, I am glad to have the opportunity to visit this

wonderful city famous for its history and great art treasures. N.: What time does the train start?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


B.: At 10 p. m.

N.: Have a nice trip.

B.: Thank you.

B. A Trip to St. Petersburg

It is the 4th of February today. I have just come back from St. Petersburg where I spent my holidays. I had a very good time there and I am full of impressions. St. Petersburg is simply a wonderful city!

Founded in 1703 by Peter the First it remained the capital of Russia for two centuries. Now we call St. Petersburg the second northern capital of Russia.

I am sure St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Its great art treasures, its historical and architectural monuments and remarkable collections of art are known all over the world. A great many visitors from foreign countries come to St. Petersburg to admire its beautiful sights, its magnificent buildings and outstanding art treasures.

I came to St. Petersburg on the 25th of January and the same day we went sightseeing. I saw various places of interest con nected with the history of Russia and the Great Patriotic War. The city made a great impression on me. I admired its straight streets, beautiful palaces, squares and outstanding monuments. I especially admired the Palace Square surrounded by beautiful buildings, with the Alexander Column in the middle. Great his torical events took place on this square and are connected with this place. Now holiday manifestations and meetings take place here.

I am fond of art and my friend took me to different art mu seums and exhibitions. I could see many wonderful works of Russian and world realistic art collected in the museums. We spent a few days in the Hermitage famous for its masterpieces. It has the richest collection of classic and modern painting and sculpture. It numbers more than 2,000,000 exhibits.

We were also able to see different places of interest situated in the suburbs, such as Peterghof and others where one can admire wonderful masterpieces of art and architecture.

Of course I haven’t seen much of St. Petersburg and its sub urbs yet. There are still many places of interest to see, that’s

Lesson Fourteen


why I decided to spend my next summer holidays somewhere near St. Petersburg again.

Though my friend and I were very busy visiting various places of interest we found some time for sports and fun. We went skating, skiing and dancing. I had a very good time during my holidays and I greatly enjoyed my trip to St. Petersburg. I’m thankful to my friend for his kind invitation.

Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

a holiday manifestation, a beautiful square, the city surrounded by a wall, the square surrounded by beautiful buildings, the place connected with the history of the town, an art treasure, works of art, an art museum, different places of interest, a won derful museum, to make a great impression, a straight street, to go sightseeing, all over the world, world famous work of art, the richest collection of painting and sculpture, a magnificent palace, foreign countries, as for me, to be famous for, to have the opportunity, simply, masterpieces of painting, to remain the capital

2. Скажите, какой предмет (вещь, объект) произвел на вас большое впечат ление. Используйте приводимые ниже слова по образцу:

This magnificent palace made a great impression on me.

magnificent art monument, outstanding work of art, beautiful country sight, remarkable place of interest, beautiful scenery, wonderful collection of art works, magnificent architectural ensemble [ n s´ mbl] (фр.), great picture, sculpture, wonderful book/film, wonderful music, interesting trip, ancient city, out standing masterpiece, the suburbs of the city

3. Скажите, чем славится ваш родной город (деревня, край) или город, где вы сейчас живете, по образцу:

My native town is famous for its are treasures.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


4. Составьте предложения, выбирая возможные по смыслу словосочетания из правой колонки и переводя их на английский язык:


этот замечательный музей


знаменитую выставку картин

1. I am glad to have

коллекцию шедевров скульптуры

the opportunity

шедевры живописи

to see

художественные сокровища

2. I have decided to

изумительный дворец


достопримечательное место


известный архитектурный памятник


пригород города



5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where did Nick spend his holidays? 2. Did Nick book his ticket in advance? 3. (At) what time did the train start? 4. When did Nick come back? 5. Did Nick have a good time in St. Peters burg? 6. Who did Nick go sightseeing with? 7. What places of interest could he see? 8. Did the city make a great impression on him? 9. What did he especially admire in St. Petersburg? 10. Did the two friends find time for sport? 11. Did Nick en joy his trip? 12. Have you ever been to St. Petersburg? 13. Did you admire its art treasures? 14. What art monuments made the greatest impression on you? 15. What square is the place of holiday manifestations and meetings in Moscow (in your native town)? 16. What museum has the richest collection of painting and sculpture? 17. How many exhibits does it number? 18. Do many visitors from foreign countries come to see St. Peters burg? 19. Who founded St. Petersburg and when? 20. How long did it remain the capital of Russia? 21. When did Moscow be come the capital of Russia again? (in 1918) 22. What work of art did you like best in the museum or at the exhibition you vis ited last? 23. In what way have you decided to spend the coming summer holidays?

6. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

покупать (заказывать) билеты, что касается меня, достопри мечательное место, происходить, замечательные произведе ния искусства, производить впечатление, восхищаться, кра

Lesson Fourteen


сивый дворец, доставать билеты, художественные сокрови ща, посещать, основывать, славиться чем либо; шедевры, из вестные во всем мире; оставаться столицей, осматривать до стопримечательности, веселиться

7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

а) Who has come?

1. Кто прочитал газету? 2. Кто купил билеты? 3. Кто уехал за город? 4. Кто посетил это достопримечательное место? 5. Кто осматрел достопримечательности? 6. Кто остался дома?

б) Have you seen the new film yet?

1. Вы уже прочитали английскую газету? 2. Вы уже при готовили домашнее задание? 3. Вы уже кончили свой про ект? 4. Вы уже пообедали? 5. Вы уже посетили эту выставку? 6. Вы уже рассказали им об этих художественных сокрови щах? 7. Вы уже слышали новость?

в) He has just come.

1. Он только что уехал. 2. Он только что задавал этот вопрос. 3. Он только что был здесь. 4. Он только что поблагодарил ее за помощь. 5. Он только что получил письмо от брата. 6. Он только что показал нам этот дворец. 7. Он только что принял приглашение своего друга поехать в Минск во время кани кул.

г) We have not had our supper yet.

1. Я еще не читал сегодняшней газеты. 2. Я еще не слушал последних известий. 3. Я еще не проводил этого эксперимен та. 4. Мы еще не выполнили это задание (task). 5. Я еще не решил, где буду проводить зимние каникулы.

д) What film have you seen?

1. Какое задание вы выполнили? 2. Какую книгу вы взяли в библиотеке? 3. Какой язык вы решили изучать? 4. Какие до стопримечательные места вы посетили в Санкт Петербурге? 5. Какое произведение искусства вам больше всего понрави лось? 6. Какая у вас квартира?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


8. Напишите инфинитив от следующих причастий:

taken, given, seen, put, said, spoken, told, studied, decided, spent, left, shown, written, gone, been, admired, enjoyed, sur rounded, connected, become

9. Напишите синонимы к следующим словам:

city, different, to admire, to visit, wonderful, great, following, to do, famous, to remain

10. Перескажите содержание текста или расскажите о своей поездке в какой либо город.

Упражнения для устной работы в аудитории

1. Скажите, что ваш друг также совершил действие, о котором идет речь:

T.: I have seen the new film.

St.: She has seen it too.

1.I have made my report. 2. I have begun my work. 3. I have carried out the work which our teacher gave us. 4. They have attended the meeting. 5. I have invited them to our place. 6. I have taken part in the experiment. 7. We have written the letter to our parents. 8. She has been to London this year. 9. She has gone for a walk. 10. I have visited the suburbs of the city. 11. I have forgotten the word.

2.Переспросите, употребив слово really по образцу:

T.: I have seen the new film.

St.: Have you really seen it?

(Используйте предложения упражнения 1.)

3. Скажите, что вы уже выполнили действие, о котором идет речь:

T.: They are going to write a test.

St.: I have already written it.

1. We are going to translate this article. 2. They want to visit the art exhibition. 3. She is going to see that place of interest. 4. Mary decided to meet Peter at the station.

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