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Lesson 17a (additional)


“I am very sorry,” said the clerk at the hotel, “but our lifts do not work tonight. If you do not want to walk up to your room, we shall make beds for you in the hall.”

“No, no,” said one of the three men, “no, thank you. We do not want to sleep in the hall. We shall walk up to our room.”

Then he turned to his two friend and said. “It is not easy to walk up to the forty fifth floor, but I think I know how to make it easier. On our way to the room I shall tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories.”

So, they began to walk up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs. At last they came to the thirty fourth floor. They were tired and decided to have a rest.

“Well,” said Tom, “now it is your turn, Peter. After all the jokes we heard on our way here tell us a long and interesting story with a sad ending.”

“I shall tell you a sad story you ask me for,” said Peter. “It is not long, but it is sad enough. We left the key to our room in the hall.”

Additional Material for Oral Speech Practice. Speech Patterns and Flashes

of Conversation

Вразговорной речи часто используются вопросы «с хво стиками», или расчлененные вопросы (“tail” or “tag” questions).

Врусском языке расчлененному вопросу соответствуют во просительные обороты: «Не так ли? Не правда ли?» Расчле ненный вопрос состоит из двух частей. Первая часть — это утвердительное или отрицательное предложение, а вторая часть — это краткий общий вопрос; причем, если первая часть утвердительная, то вторая — отрицательная и наобо рот.

Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


You like classical music, don’t you?

You are an expert, aren’t you?

He does his best to master En glish, doesn’t he?

They have already arrived, haven’t they?

She is typing the contract, isn’t she?


I am late, aren’t I? I am not busy, am I?

1. Закончите расчлененный вопрос:

You don’t like classical mu sic, do you?

You are not an expert, are you?

He does not do his best to mas ter English, does he?

They haven’t arrived yet, have they?

She is not typing the con tract, is she?

1.She sent the letter yesterday, ... 2. It took him an hour to get there, ... 3. They have just seen this film, ... 4. He hasn’t done the work yet, ... 5. You have never read English books in the orig inal, ... 6. You can’t play chess, ... 7. She goes in for many kinds of sports, ... 8. It’s raining, ... 9. It was raining when you left the house last night, ... 10. He pays great attention to spelling, ...

11.She paid attention to our pronunciation, ... 12. Your mother is better now, ... 13. They are working in the garden, ... 14. She doesn’t want to introduce him to her husband, ... 15. It’s getting cold, ... 16. The weather keeps fine, ...

2.Прочтите диалоги:


Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?

Certainly. Go down Regent Street to Piccadilly Circus. Turn to the left and in less than a minute you’ll be in Trafalgar Square.

Thank you very much. How far is it from here?

If you walk, it’ll take you 10 minutes, or a quarter of an hour.

Is there a bus?

Lesson 17a (additional)


There’s sure to be. But you’d better1 ask the policeman over there. He’ll give all the information you want.

Thank you.

(from Conversation Course of English.)


A.: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the British Museum, please.

B.: Sure. Cross the road, go straight as far as that high building, then take the second turn to the right.

A.: Is it very far?

B.: It’s a fifteen minute walk, but you can get a bus. A.: Which bus?

B.: Number 10.

A.: Where does it stop?

B.: Over there. Near the traffic lights. A.: Thank you very much.

B.: You are welcome.2

** *

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Yes, please.

Here you are.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

3. Объясните собеседнику:

а) как проехать до Большого Театра

б) как дойти до метро

в) как вы добираетесь до дома

4. Спросите у собеседника:

а) как дойти до ближайшей автобусной остановки

б) как добраться до его дома

в) как добраться до памятника Пушкину

1you’d better = you had better — вы бы лучше ...

2— Thank you

— You are welcome — Пожалуйста (в ответ на благодарность)

Lesson Eighteen (18)

The eighteenth lesson


Step 89

Причастие — The Participle (§ 82)

Формы причастий


Participle I

Participle II

Perfect Participle







having written






being written


having been written





Причастие в предложении может быть 1) обстоятельством, 2) определением, 3) частью сказуемого.

1. Определение

They saw a flying plane.

People coming to Moscow visit different museums.

The described method is very effective.

The method used depends on the material selected.

2. Обстоятельство

He spent the whole day preparing for his exam. Listening to the tapes you will greatly improve your pronunciation.

Они видели летящий само лет.

Люди, приезжающие в Мо скву, посещают различные музеи.

Описанный метод очень эф фективен.

Используемый метод зави сит от выбранного матери ала.

Он провел весь день, гото вясь к экзамену.

Слушая магнитные записи, вы значительно улучшите свое произношение.

Lesson Eighteen


While translating this arti cle he came across many dif ficulties.

When translated this article was sent to the editor.

Being invited he said he would not come to our evening party.

Having done the job, we de cided to rest a little.

Having been restored the building looked very fine.

3. Часть сказуемого

Переводя (когда он перево дил) эту статью, он встре тился со многими трудно стями.

После того, как статью пе ревели, ее отправили редак тору.

Когда его пригласили, он сказал, что не придет на наш вечер.

Сделав работу, мы решили немного отдохнуть.

После того как здание ре ставрировали, оно прекрас но выглядело.

Participle I входит в состав времен группы Continuous:

He is reading now.

Он сейчас читает.

She was translating the arti

Она переводила статью весь

cle the whole day yesterday.

день вчера.

Participle II входит в состав:


а) времен группы Perfect


I have seen this film.

Я уже видел этот фильм.

They will have finished this

Они закончат эту работу к

work by the end of the month.

концу месяца.

б) форм страдательного залога


This book will be translated

Эта книга будет переведена

into English.

на английский язык.

Newspapers are brought in

Газеты обычно приносят

the morning.


1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Having graduated from the Institute, my brother decided to go to work in the Far East. 2. Having looked through a lot of magazines, she chose only one. 3. Petrov left the room saying that he was in a hurry. 4. Having found out his telephone num ber, I decided to ring him up. 5. Not having bought tickets in

Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


advance, we had to go to the theatre long before the performance started. 6. Having entered the room, he introduced himself to all those present. 7. Having finished the test, the students were al lowed to leave the room. 8. Having spent a month in the country, she looked much better. 9. The man making a report is a good speaker. 10. When asked about the exhibition held in the Pic ture Gallery, the young man said that he had admired it greatly. 11. Being fond of skiing John always joins us for skiing trips at week ends. 12. Having waited for the manager for an hour, we went away. 13. The performance begun at six ended at eleven.

14.Having been given all the instructions, we began our work.

15.Being a boy the artist was fond of painting his friends’ por traits. 16. If sent away now, the letter will arrive the day after tomorrow. 17. Being pleased with the student’s answer the ex aminer did not ask him any more questions. 18. Not knowing grammar one cannot speak correctly. 19. Having been tested the device was put into production. 20. The building of the new cinema being built in our street just now is of modern design.

2. Измените следующие предложения, используя обороты с причастием вме сто придаточных предложений:

1. The people who live in this old block of flats will soon get new flats. 2. The question which is being discussed now is very important for the organization of our future work. 3. As we had a lot of time, we did not hurry. 4. As I left your telephone number at home, I could not ring you up. 5. The woman who is being painted just now is a famous actress. 6. As he was ill for a long time, he could not finish his project in time. 7. After I had read the book, I returned it to the library. 8. Young artists who are taking part in this exhibition have graduated from the Institute quite recently. 9. While she was looking at his picture she was thinking of the progress he had made.

3. Переведите следующие группы слов, используя правильную форму прича стия:

1. человек, получающий письма; письмо, полученное вчера; получив письмо;

Lesson Eighteen


2.студенты, слушающие доклад; прослушав последние изве стия; слушая радио;

3.девочка, читающая книгу; прочитанная книга; читая кни гу; прочитав книгу;

4.студент, показывающий свой проект; проект, показанный нам; показывая свой проект; показав свой проект;

5.будучи в том городе; будучи студентом; имея все необходи мые документы; когда нас попросили; сделав перевод; делая перевод

4. Определите часть речи и функцию слов с окончанием -ed в следующих предложениях:

1.They published the results of the experiments completed.

2.The factory museum contained about 8,000 exhibits collected during two centuries. 3. He described the method used by this en gineer. 4. The engineer used the method described in this article.

5.The paintings discussed attracted attention of many visitors.

6.His personality was reflected in his art. 7. He reflected these events in his paintings. 8. The lecture was followed by a long discussion.

Step 90

Самостоятельный (независимый) причастный оборот — The Absolute Participle Construction (§ 83)

I. Если главное и придаточное обстоятельственное предложе ния имеют одно и то же подлежащее, то придаточное пред ложение может быть заменено причастным оборотом (как в русском, так и в английском языках):

When I come to St. Peters burg I always visit the Her mitage.

Coming to St. Petersburg I always visit the Hermitage.

Когда я приезжаю в Петер бург, я всегда посещаю Эр митаж.

Приезжая в Петербург, я всегда посещаю Эрмитаж.

II. Если подлежащие в главном и придаточном обстоятель ственных предложениях различны, то в английском языке возможна (в русском — невозможна) замена придаточного

Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


предложения причастным оборотом, сохраняющим свое под лежащее. Такой оборот называется самостоятельным, или аб солютным, причастным оборотом.

1. When





written the letter I went to

Когда мой брат написал

post it.




письмо, я пошел отправить

My brother having written


the letter, I went to post it.


2. All



Когда все приготовления бы

made (= when all prepa

ли сделаны, мы начали экс


were made), we


started the experiment.


3. The weather permitting (=

Если погода позволит, мы от

if the weather permits), we

правимся завтра.

shall start tomorrow.


4. There are a lot of bridges

Через Москву реку переки





нуто много мостов, причем

some of them having been

некоторые из них построены

built (= some of them have

после войны.

been built) after the war.


5. Переведите на русский язык:

1. It being dark, we switched on the light. 2. The rain having stopped, we could continue our way. 3. My father being very ill, I had to call a doctor. 4. The weather being favourable, we shall start on a skiing trip. 5. The text was not very difficult, many words having been learnt before. 6. The project finished, I submitted it to the Commission. 7. The conditions of work improved, we could continue our experiments. 8. The research work fulfilled, we decided to publish the results. 9. My friends living far, I seldom see them. 10. There being no vacant seats, I had to stand during the lecture. 11. We had a good time during the holidays, the weather being fine all the time. 12. We can see a lot of new blocks everywhere, each having dozens of flats with all modern conveniences. 13. There being a great deal of people in the hall, we could not enter. 14. The signal given, the train started. 15. The necessary building materials and equip ment received, the workers could continue their work. 16. There

Lesson Eighteen


are many long rivers in Russia, some of them being among the longest in the world.

6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык и определите форму и функцию причастий; выпишите предложения с самостоятельным причаст ным оборотом:

1.The translated article was very interesting. The article being translated by this student is necessary for the report. Having been translated the article was published. Having translated the article, the student showed it to the teacher. The article translated, we decided to show it to the engineer.

2.Visiting art exhibitions people can admire art works of Rus sian artists. Having visited the art exhibition, the students or ganized a discussion. The art exhibition having been visited by a great deal of people, we were sure of its success.

3.He was given a very difficult text for translation. The text given to him at the examination was very difficult. Being occu pied with his work he did not notice when we entered the room. The text being interesting, we translated it with pleasure.

4.The key having been found, we could open the room. Having found the work interesting, I decided to take part in it.

5.The letter having come too late, we could do nothing. People coming to St. Petersburg admire its architectural ensembles.

7. Соедините два предложения по образцу, используя самостоятельный при частный оборот:

The book was interesting. We read it with pleasure.

The book being interesting, we read it with pleasure.

1.Our friend has helped us. We could fulfil our work in time.

2.There were no trams at that late hour. We had to walk home.

3.The magazines have been brought. The students could start doing translations. 4. The experiment has been over. Everybody left the laboratory. 5. The speaker has finished the report. We began to discuss it.

Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


Step 91

Заместители имени существительного (§ 81) Употребление определенного артикля с географическими названиями (§ 85)

Заместитель имени существительного — местоимение that (those)

1.He told me about the con struction of the factory, the construction of the Palace of Culture and of numerous blocks of flats for the popu lation of their town.

He told me about the con struction of the factory, that of the Palace of Culture and of numerous blocks of flats for the population of their town.

2.The rivers in England are not so long as the rivers of Russia.

The rivers in England are not so long as those of Rus sia.

Он рассказал мне о стро ительстве фабрики, строи тельстве Дворца культуры и многочисленных жилых домов для населения их го рода.

Реки Англии не такие большие (длинные), как реки России.


1.I speak English better than he does (speaks English).

2.I have read this book. Could you give me another one (book).

3.I have left my pen at home. Give me yours, please.

4.This drawing is better than that of your friend’s (drawing).

8. Переведите на русский язык:

1.The climate of England is warmer than that of our country.

2.The mountains of the Caucasus are higher than those of Great Britain. 3. This method of production is more effective than used at your plant. 4. The seas of Russia are much deeper than those surrounding Great Britain.

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