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Assignment 1 (Chapter I)

I. Active vocabulary

to pick one's way furtive adj

offhand adj to have a vote for smth

to say smth with a touch of pride to set smb apart

adolescence n mortification

ill-omened adj to be in charge of smth

intimidate vt enormity

contradict vt

II. Exercises

l. Give definitions of the contextual meaning of the lexical units below. Point out the derivatives of the words in bold type:

offhand; adolescence; ill-omened; to intimidate; furtive; mortification; enormity; to contradict

2. Study these word combinations:

a furtive glance (manner, smile, movement), furtive behaviour, to pack things furtively, to say something (to speak) with a touch of pride (envy, conceit, contempt, flattery); to sound offhand, in an offhand manner, to act in an offhand way; ill-omened look (sight, cry, sign, smile); the enormity of the offence, to see the enormity of intimidation, to reveal the enormity of the crime, to expose the enormity of nuclear weapons; to contradict a person (the authorities, the truth, bare facts, the previous statement), a contradiction in terms, contradictory feelings (rumours, versions); the mortification of failure (denial, unpopularity)

3. Translate into Russian:

1. Let us have a vote for the agenda as it stands 2. He spoke of his native town with a touch of sadness 3. It was hard stand the clerk's offhand manner. 4. This is one of the most ill-omened faces I have ever seen in my life. 5. The butler made a furtive gesture as if to hide the letter rather than hand it in. 6. A dean is in charge of each faculty. 7. Don't you see the mortification of being treated like a piece of furniture? 8. The article showed a great confusion and contradiction in terms. 9. The tallness of an English policeman is meant to set him apart from the rest of the people. 10. The lecturer was shocked to see a solitary figure picking its way to the exit. 11. The enormity of your suspicion seems to be beyond your understanding. 2. The girl spent her childhood and adolescence in Poland, that is why she speaks Polish so fluently. 13. The police succeeded in intimidating two witnesses into silence, but a new witness emerged who would not surrender to intimidation.

4. Complete the following sentences. Make your comparisons somewhat exaggerated or comic. M o d e l: He spoke with a touch of bitterness as if I had frustrated all his lifelong ambitions

l. He picked his way carefully as if… 2. You speak of your adolescence as if... 3. She has a way of interrupting you in an offhand manner as though... 4. He glanced at me furtively as if… 5. There was an ill-omened pause in his speech as though... 6. You contradict every phrase I utter as if…

7. He said it with a touch of envy as if… 8. Her beauty set her apart as though...

5. Recall the situations from chapter 1 in which these utterances were used:

l. The boy with fair hair... began to pick his way towards the lagoon

2. He tried to be offhand and not too obviously un interested but the fat boy hurried after him.

3. "I was the only boy in our school what had asthma said the fat boy with a touch of pride

4. He was... not yet old enough for adolescence to have made him awkward.

5. Protected from the sun ignoring Piggy's ill-omened talk, he dreamed pleasantly.

6. He was intimidated by this uniformed superiority and the offhand authority in Merridew's voice.

7. There was a slight, furtive boy whom no one knew...

8. "Let's have a vote." "Vote for chief!"

9. The being that had blown that was set apart

10. ...the freckles on Jack's face disappeared under a blush mortification

11. "Jack's in charge of the choir."

12. The pause was only long enough for them to understand what an enormity the downward stroke would be.

13. He looked round fiercely daring them to contradict.