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22. Preparatory school

A preparatory school is an independent school for children aged 8 to 13, whom it prepares for the public schools (see above). At 13 pupils take the Common Examination for Entrance to Public Schools, usually called simply the Common Entrance (exam) in conversation, which is the public schools' entrance examination. (Common is used because the examination is set jointly by the main public schools, and is common to all, rather than each school having its own.)

Nearly all preparatory schools are for boys and many of them are boarding schools. The abbreviation prep school is widely used.

In the soviet union

23. начальная школа

Primary school is the nearest equivalent if it is a separate institution. The age groups do not completely coincide (see unit 13) but this is not too serious an objection. The most important consideration is that both primary school and начальная школа denote the first school which children must attend.

However, in cases where the начальная школа is part of the средняя школа, primary department is usually a more appropriate translation.

24. Средняя (общеобразовательная) школа

Secondary school can be used in cases where the начальная школа is separate, not part of the institution in question. However, where средняя школа denotes a school with all forms, including the начальная школа, the use of secondary school would be illogical, since this implies a separate school to which children go after the primary school. Here simply school is preferable.

These schools can be described as comprehensive (see unit 17), but the term comprehensive school is not on the whole to be recommended as a translation.

Common school is used by some British educationists writing about Soviet schools.

25. специальная (английская, немецкая и т. д.) школа, школа с математическим уклоном и т. д.

There are no schools of this type in England. The expression special school exists, but has a different meaning (see unit 19) and its use as a translation of the Soviet term could lead to misunderstanding. It is possible to say, for example: a special English/German/mathematics school, since these are obviously not for the handicapped, but such translations may not be clear to English people. The clearest translation is:


a school which specializes in English/German, etc

where they specialize

An English/German language school is another possibility, although not so clear.

If a general term is needed, to denote any специальная школа, а specialised school is probably the best translation.

Russian speakers may use the expressions an English/ German/French school for convenience among themselves, but they should bear in mind that to an English person this may suggest a school ran by teachers of the country concerned, or a school in that country.

26. Школа-интернат

This can be translated as boarding school. Remember, however, that English boarding schools are mainly private, and that at most of them pupils go home only for holidays, not at weekends. Weekly boarding school can be used in cases where it is important that pupils go home at weekends. Such pupils can be called weekly boarders.