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3.2 Look at Exercise 2.8 and complete a similar chart about you.

3.3 Ask your partner some questions about his/her friend.





Place of work (study)

Interests and hobbies


What is his/her name?

Free time










3.4 Read the questionnaire and answer the questions. Find people with the same answers as yours.

1. What's your favourite food?

2. What's your favourite drink?

3. What's your favourite colour?

4. What are your favourite clothes?

5. What are your favourite shoes?

6. Who's your favourite singer or band?

7. What are your favourite things to do at weekends?

8. Who’s your favourite person?

9. Where's your favourite place?

10. Who’s your favourite film star or actor?

3.5 In pairs or small groups speak on the following topics.

  1. My first-year studies.

  2. My friend’s university course.

Everyday English

4.1 Read and practise the conversations with your partner. Act them to the class.

1. Ted: Hello, Mike.

Mike: Hello. How are you?

Ted: I’m fine. And how are you?

Mike: I’m fine, too.

Ted: It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?

Mike: Yes, it is.

2. John: Hello, Miss Brown.

Miss Brown: Hello, John.

John: Miss Brown, this is Nick Jones. He’s our new student.

Nick: How do you do, Miss Brown.

Miss Brown: How do you do, Nick. I’m glad to meet you.

Nick: I’m glad to meet you, too.

Miss Brown: Well, it’s time for class now.

3. Ben: Hello, Ted. This is Dan Smith.

Ted: Hello. Glad to meet you.

Dan: It’s nice to meet you, too.

4. Peter: Hi, Dave.

Dave: Hi, Peter. This is Tom, my roommate.

Peter: Hi, Tom. How are you doing?

Tom: Fine, Peter. How are you?

Peter: Not bad, thanks. Nice meeting you.

Tom: Pleased to meet you too.

4.2 Match a sentence in a with a reply sentence in b.


1. I’m hungry. A. Why don’t you hurry?

2. I’m thirsty. B. Would you like a sandwich?

3. I’m tired. C. Why don’t you go to bed?

4. I’m bored. D. Have a drink.

5. I’m unhappy. E. Turn on the fan.

6. I’m late. F. There’s a good film on TV.

7. I’m sick and tired of winter! G. Don’t worry! It’ll be spring soon.

8. I’m hot. H. Why don’t you call your parents?

9. I’m homesick. I. Can I do anything to help?

4.3 What do you say in the following situations?

(Someone is thirsty) Why don’t you have …..?

(Someone is going away) Bye! Have a …..!

(Someone sneezes and has a red nose) Oh! Have you got a ….?

(Someone has a new camera) Is that new? Can I have …..?

4.4 Read and translate the conversations. Make similar conversations with your partner.

1. Teacher: Who’s absent today?

Mike: Peter and Jane are. They are ill.

Teacher: And what about Ann? Is she ill too?

Mike: I don’t think so. I think she’s late.

2. - It's a nice day today, isn’t it?

- The weather is nice indeed.

- What’s the temperature today?

- It's 20 degrees above zero.

3. - What’s the weather like today?

- As far as I know, it will be rainy and windy.

- It’s a pity! I don’t want to go out in such a weather.

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