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Литература по интервьюированию детей.

182. Corsaro, William A (1981). Entering the Child's World: Research Strategies for Field Entry and Data Colltction in a Preschool Setting. In Ethnography and Language in Educational Settings. J. Green and C. Wallett, eds. Pp. 117-146. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Preess.

183. Corsaro, William A (1985). Friendship and Peer Culture in the Early Years. Norwood, NJ: Abiex

184. Corsaro, William A. and J. Streeck (1986). Studying Children's Worlds: Methodological Issues. In Children's Worlds and Children's Language. J. Cook-Gumperz, W. Corsaro, and J. Streeck. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

185. Davis B. (1982). Life in the Classroom and lay-ground: The Accounts of Primary School Children. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul

186. Fine, GaryAlan (1980). Cracking Diamonds: Observer Role in Little League Baseball Saying and the Acquisition of Social Competence. In The Social Experience of Field-Work. W. Shaffir, A Turowetz, and R Stebbins, eds. New York: St. Martin,

187. Fine, Gary Alan and Barry Glassner (1979). Participant Observation with Childreen: Promise and Problems. Urban Life 8:153-174.

188. Fine, Gary Alan and Kent L Sandstrom (1988). Knowing Young Children; Participant Observation with Minors. Newbury Park: Sage.

189. Glassner, Barry (1976). Kid Society. Urban Education 11:5-21.

190. Good, David (1986). Kids Culture and Innocents. Human Studies 9:83-106.

191. Hatch, J. Amos Good, David (1990). Young Children as Informans in Classroom Studies. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 5:251-264.

192. Langer, D. (1985). Children's Legal Rigth as Research Subjects. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry 24:653-662.

193. Mandell, N. (1988). The Least-Adult Role in Studying Children Journal of Contemhorart Ethnography 16:433-467.

194. Miller, P. , R Potts, H. Fung, L Hoogstra, and J. Mintz (1990). Narrative Practices and the Social Construction of Self in Childhood. American Ethnologist 17:292-311.

195. Parker, WC. (1984). Interviewing Children; Problems and Promise. Journal of Negro Education 53:18-28.

196. Silvers, RJ. (1976). Discovering Children's Culture. Interchange 6:47-52.

197. Speier, Matthew (1976). The Adult Ideological Viewpoint in Studies of Childhood. In Retkinking Childhood. Arlene Skolnick, ed. Pp. 168-186. Boston: Little, Browa

198. Tammivaara, Julie and D. Scott Enright (1986). Studytng Childreen: Phenomtnological Insights. Human Studies 9:71-92.

199. Wax, Rosalie (1979). Gender and Age in Field Work Education Social Problems 26:509-522.

200. Yarrow, Leon J. (I960). Interviewing Children In Handbook of Research Methods in Child Development Paul H. Mussen, ed. New York: Wiley.

Литература по включенному наблюдению.

201. Agar, Michael (1983). The Professional Stranger: An Informal Introduction to Ethnography. New York: Academic Press.

202. Agar, Michael (1986). Speaking of Ethnography Beverly Hills, CA Sage.

203. Becker, Horward (1958). Problems oflnfemce and Proof in Participant Observation. American Sociological Review 169:652-660.

204. Bernard, H. R (1988). Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

205. Bogdan, RC (1972). Participant Observation in Organizational Settings. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

206. Bogdewic, Stephen P. (1992). Participant Observation In Doing Qualitative Research Benjamin F. Crabtree and William L Miller, eds. Newbury Park, CA Sage.

207. Fetterman, D. M. (1989). Ethnography Step by Step. Newbury Park: Sage. Green, J. , andC. Wallett, eds. (1981) Ethnography and Language in Educational Seyyings. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Press.

208. Jackson, Jean E (1990). «I Am a Fieldnote»: Fieldnotes as a Symbol of Professional Identity. In Fieldnotes: The Vakings of Anthropology. Roger Sajek, ed. Ithaca: Comell University Press.

209. Jorgensen, Danny L (1989). Participant Observation: A Methodology for Human Studies. Newbury Park: Sage.

210. LeCompte, Margaret D. , and Judith Preissle (1993). Ethnography and Qualitative Desing in Educational Research New York: Academic Press. See Chapter 4).

211. McCall, GJ. , and J. L Simmons (1969). Issues in Participant Observation: A Text and Reader. Reading, MA Addison-Wesley

212. Peck, Charles A, and Gail C. Furman (1992). Qualitative Research in Special Education: An Evaluative Review In Issues and Research in Special Education Robert Gaylord-Ross, ed. New York: Theacher’s Collage Press.

213. Powdermaker, H. (1966). Stranger and Friend The Way of an Anthropologist. New York: Norton.

214. Punch, M. (1986). The Politics and Ethics of Fieldwork. Beverly-Hills. , CA Sage Publications.

215. Sanjek, Roger, ed. (1990). Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology. Ithaca: Comell University Press.

216. Shaffir, William, and Robert A Stebbins, eds. (1991). Experiencing Fieldworfc An Inside View of Qualitative Research Newbury Park- Sage.

217. Spradley, James P. (1980). Participant Observation. Fort Worth-Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers.

218. Walsh, Daniel J. , Joseph J. Tobin, and M. Elizabeth Graue (1993). The Interpretive Voice: Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education. In Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children. B. Spodek, ed. NewYorfc MacMillan

219. Wax, R-H. (1971). Doing Fieldworfc Warnings and Advance. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

220. Werner, 0. , and G. M. Schoepfle (1987). Systematic Fieldwork:

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221. Whyte, W. F. (1984). Learning from the FiekU Guide from Experience. Beverly Hills: Sage.