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Exceptions to the Free Movement of Goods

Every rule has its 1. They can be found either in the legal provisions laying down the rule, or in the 2 of the rule by the courts. The same applies to the basic 3 concerning the free movement of goods in the Union. The Treaty provides for several exceptions to this 4.

The most important concerns the 5 of quantitative restrictions 6 having equivalent effect. Restrictions on imports, exports and 7 may be justified on grounds of public morality, 8 or public security, the protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, the protection of 9 possessing artistic, historic or archaeological value or the protection of industrial and 10.

It should be noted that, according to the relevant 11, the prohibition or 12 may not constitute a means of arbitrary 13 or disguised restriction on trade between Member States. The Court also considered that those exceptions are not designed to reserve certain matters to the 14 of the Member States. They permit national laws to derogate from the principle of the free movement of goods to the extent to which such 15 is and continues to be justified for the attainment of the objectives referred to and where Union directives provide for the 16 of the national measures necessary to safeguard those objectives, recourse to the exceptions will automatically be excluded.

The TEFU provides that in case difficulties arise in a Member State, the Council may decide upon measures appropriate to the 17, in particular if they arise in the supply of certain products. Such measures could have effects equivalent to 18.

  1. Where can lawyers find exceptions to the legal rules?

  2. What is the most important exception to the free movement of goods?

  3. Name reasons for the justification of some restrictions on the free movement of goods in the Union.

  4. What do such restrictions permit in the field of national laws? What do they prohibit?

  5. What measures could have effects equivalent to quantitative restrictions?

Exercise 8. In the text in this exercise certain parts have been taken out and reshuffled. Restore the text by filling in the gaps meaningfully. What information does the text contain?

Theory and Reality of the Free Movement of Goods

A solutions to complaints by consumers and enterprises

B boasts a high level of transparency

C part of the public administration

D attempts to find solutions

E disputes between consumers and enterprises

F regards the complaint

G the proposed solution acceptable

H is responsible for settling the dispute

In order to solve informally 1 on the one hand, and public authorities on the other, the Commission created the Internal Market Problem Solving Network (SOLVIT). It is an online network which helps find out-of-court 2 regarding the misappropriation of internal market laws by public authorities. Each Member State and the EFTA EEA countries have a SOLVIT centre which networks with the other centres forming 3 in which it is located. Each centre is connected to a central database, which 4 and makes it possible to monitor performance and the progress made. It has been operational since November 2003. It is free of charge and 5 within a short 10-week deadline; if a centre 6 received from a customer or enterprise as justified, it forwards it to the SOLVIT centre in the country where the problem has arisen for it to be solved within 10 weeks. The solutions proposed are not binding; if the customer does not consider 7, it may recommend that the dispute be resolved through the courts. The Member State concerned 8, but if it does not take action, the Commission reserves the right to initiate proceedings.

Research task

Exercise 9. Find out additional information about SOLVIT centres in the EU.


Exercise 10. Write a ‘for’ and ‘against’ composition about the free movement of goods within the EU.

Exercise 11. Write a plan and a short summary of the text.


Exercise 12. Divide into two groups and discuss the prospects of the free movement of goods within the EU from a pessimistic point of view and from an optimistic point of view.

Unit 6



  1. In your opinion, is it fair to restrict a person’s desire to live in the country he/she likes?

  2. In what way and to what extent can a person be deprived of such an opportunity?

  3. Is restricting a person’s right to the residence of his/her choice in any way related to discrimination?

  4. Is discrimination a national (municipal) or international legal concept?

  5. How is the right to residence and freedom of movement related to the basic human freedoms?

  6. How much (if at all) do you already know about the free movement of persons in the European Union?

Legal Terms


free movement of persons

свобода передвижения лиц



владелец, хозяин собственного бизнеса; самозанятое лицо, лицо, работающее на себя (аналог в РФ - индивидуальный предприниматель)





border check

пограничная проверка


asylum [ә‘sailәm]

(политическое) убежище


invoke in purely national situations

применять исключительно во внутригосударственных ситуациях


right of residence

право проживания, пребывания


valid identity card

юридически действительное (имеющее законную силу и надлежаще оформленное) удостоверение личности


sickness insurance cover

полис медицинского страхования


permanent residence

постоянное место жительства/проживания


expulsion measure

мера по изгнанию, высылке, выселению (из страны)


stand as candidate in municipal elections

выдвигать (свою) кандидатуру на внутригосударственных выборах


enjoy the protection of diplomatic and consular authorities

пользоваться защитой дипломатических и консульских должностных лиц


petition Parliament

подавать прошение, ходатайство в Парламент


European Ombudsman

Европейский омбудсмен, Европейский уполномоченный по правам человека


advisory bodies

совещательные органы


facilitate free movement of citizens

способствовать свободе перемещения граждан


passport of uniform pattern

паспорт единого образца


abolition of controls at common/inner frontiers

отмена контроля на общих/внутренних границах



сигнатарий: подписавшаяся сторона, подписавшееся государство


Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement (CISA)

Конвенция о применении Шенгенского соглашения (о постепенной отмене проверок на общих границах)


DNA fingerprint

ДНК фингерпринт, профиль ДНК индивидуума (набор рестрикционных фрагментов ДНК, характерный для данного индивидуума; для получения "отпечатка" используют либо гель-электрофорез как таковой, либо в сочетании с ПЦР-амплификацией)


contracting parties

договаривающиеся стороны, страны-участницы, контрагенты


Schengen Information System (SIS)

Шенгенская информационная система


right of establishment

право учреждения: право открыть частную практику, организовать частный бизнес или предприятие


confer unlimited rights

наделять неограниченными правами


principle of equal treatment

принцип, доктрина равного обращения, равноправного режима


host Member State

принимающее государство-член, принимающее государство-участник


labour mobility

мобильность рабочей силы


enhance employment

повышать, увеличивать уровень занятости


tangible aspects of European integration

ощутимые, реальные практически осуществимые аспекты Европейской интеграции


certificate of inscription

именной сертификат, именной документ


annex to the law

дополнение к закону


refuse access to a country

отказать во въезде в страну, воспрещать въезд в страну


public policy

публичный порядок


public order

общественный порядок


public health



valid residence permit

юридически действительное (надлежаще оформленное) разрешение на проживание (аналог регистрации по месту жительства в РФ)