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The Treaty of Nice

This Treaty was 1 at Nice on February 26, 2001 and 2 the EU Treaty, the Treaties 3 the European Communities and certain related acts.

According to one of the Recitals, the idea was to, "4 the process started by the Treaty of Amsterdam of preparing the institutions of the European Community to 5 in an enlarged Community". Whether they 6 is more than questionable, and furthermore the 7 messed up" once again the texts of the Treaties (which had been "cleaned up" by the Treaty of Amsterdam) by 8 all kinds of new provisions, so that one had, once more, articles a, b, c, etc.

Vocabulary Note:

Recitals – декларативная часть (в тексте договора), преамбула


  1. What was achieved by the Treaty of Nice?

  2. What objective of the Treaty was indicated in the Recitals?

  3. Does the author think the drafters succeeded in their task?

  4. What shortcoming of the treaty is mentioned?

Exercise 8. In the text in this exercise certain parts have been taken out and reshuffled. Restore the text by filling in the gaps meaningfully. What information does the text contain?

The European Convention on the Future of the European Union and the Draft Constitution

  1. the key issues arising for the Union's future development

  2. How can the Union's democratic legitimacy be ensured?

  3. published in the Official Journal

  4. a draft Constitution was presented to the European Council of Rome

  5. the European Council convened a Convention on the future of the European [Union] (the Laeken Declaration)

  6. Within the Union, how is the division of competence between the institutions to be organised?

At its meeting in Laeken (Belgium) in December 2001, 1. The task of the Convention was to pave the way for the next intergovernmental conference as broadly and openly as possible. It was to consider 2, for example: what do European citizens expect from the Union?; How is the division of competence between the Union and the Member States to be organised?; 3; How can the efficiency and coherence of the Union's external action be ensured?; and 4

The Convention terminated its work on July 1, 2003 and 5 by its President, Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, on July 18, 2003. An intergovernmental conference was convened in October 2003, under the Italian Presidency, to adopt a Constitution, but without success. It was finally signed in Rome in November 2004 and 6.

Exercise 9. Suggest synonyms of the words in bold and translate them into Russian. Paraphrase the highlighted words in the text using the synonyms that fit the context. Discuss in pairs what you have learned about the Treaty of Lisbon.

The word/ word combination to be paraphrased

Translation into Russian



to lead to

to continue

to make out

to bring about


as to

to stipulate





to envisage