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Абрамова И.Е. "Вводно-фонетический курс английс....doc
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Система английских фонем Фонетический алфавит The Phonetic Alphabet

The phonetic alphabet is a writing system in which each letter corresponds to a different sound in the language. A word that is written in the phonetic alphabet will always be pronounced exactly the way that it is written, since the same sound is always represented by the same letter, e. g. /kæt/, /sın/, /smaıl/. The phonetic alphabet consists of the letters of the Latin alphabet plus a number of special letters, diacritics and other symbols. Words written this way are in phonetic transcription.





Согласные (consonants)

1. /b/

2. /d/

3. /f/

4. //

5. /h/

6. /k/

7. /l/

8. /m/

9. /n/

10. /p/

11. /r/

12. /s/

13. /t/

14. /v/

15. /w/

16. /j/

17. /z/

18. /ð/

19. //

20. //

21. //

22. /t/

23. /d/

24. /ŋ/

bee, rib, able

donkey, ready, bad

feet, photo, after, knife

gift, England, wig

Halifax, when, behind

ketch, beckon, become

Lebanon, hello, little

Madrid, woman, some

Niagara, animal, sun

Paris, happy, cup

right, marry

see, possible, place

take, Manhattan, night

Vatican, never, leave

word, when, quick, away

yes, Houston, million

zoo, easy, Elizabeth

this, Netherlands, breathe

thought, Athens, month

Lancashire, station, English

measure, television, beige

Chatham, picture, watch

Justin, religion, page

bungalow, think, long

Гласные (vowels)

монофтонги / monophthongs

1. /i/

2. /ı/

3. /e/

4. /æ/

5. /з:/

6. //

7. /α:/

8. /u:/

9. //

10. //

11. //

12. /:/

Egypt, see, read, money

Chile, Greenwich, minute, wishes

Cheshire, Texas, yes, bed

Badgered, Chatham, fat, sad

Berlin, Serbia, early, were, bird, hurt

Caucasus, about, the, a

France, Prague, car, father, hard

Liverpool, Waterloo, you, boot

Brooklyn, Hindustan, book, should

Dublin, Kentucky, Durham, coverage

Florida, Monaco, Oxford, stop, not

Albany, Baltic, nor, order,bored

дифтонги / diphthongs

13. /eı/

14. //

15. /aı/

16. /a/

17. //

18. /e/

19. /i/

20. //

baker, rail, day, great

cold, told, most, folk, roll

bind, miner, type

loud, plough, drought, cow

oil, Negroid, enjoy

air, bear, fare, fair, there, care

beer, mere, theatre, media, appear

tour, fuel, during, steward

трифтонги / triphthongs

21. /eı/

22. //

23. /aı/

24. /a/

25. /oı/

layer, crayon, conveyer, greyer

lower, yellower, mower

giant, dryer, diagram, dialect

our, hour, sour, coward, giaour

employer, annoyance, buoyant

Упражнение 1.

Прочитайте текст, записанный в транскрипции, и постарайтесь правильно записать его (spell it).

/′lз:nıŋ t ′spik  ′frın læŋwıd ′fluəntli | ən wı′at ən ′æksnt | ′ıznət ′izi | ın ′mst edju′keı∫nl ′sıstmz | ′stjudnts spend ′meni jız ′stdiıŋ rmætıkl ′rulz | bt ðeı ′dnt get mt∫ v  ′t∫αns t ′spik | r′aıvıŋ ın  ′nju kntri | kn bi  fr′streıtıŋ ık′sprints | l′ð ðeı meı bi ′eıbl t ′rid n ′raıt veri ′wel | ðeı ′fn ′faınd ðt ðeı ′knt nd′stænd wt pipl ′seı t ðem/

Упражнение 2.

Пользуясь орфоэпическим словарем английского языка, запишите следующие предложения в транскрипции и прочитайте их.

  1. When I arrived in England I thought I knew English. After I’d been here an hour I realised that I did not understand one word.

  2. In the first week I picked up a tolerable working knowledge of the language and the next seven years convinced me gradually but thoroughly that I would never know it really well, let alone perfectly.

  3. My only consolation being that nobody speaks English perfectly.

  4. Remember that those five hundred words an average Englishman uses are far from being the whole vocabulary of the language.

  5. You may learn another five hundred and another five thousand and yet another fifty thousand and still you may come across a further fifty thousand you have never heard of before, and nobody else either.

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