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Text-based Exercises

Ex. 1 Translate into Russian the following word-combinations from the text.

The necessary entrepreneurial and managerial talents; a system for the management, use and control; similar product or similar service; by means of mechanical, electrical or chemical processing; different approaches to solving their problems; the demand of the population for goods and services; an economic system with a large amount of central planning and direction; private ownership of the means of production; free from government control; development of such an intermediate system.

Ex. 2 Find in the text the sentences with the following word-combinations, read them aloud and translate into Russian.

to be available to be produced (2)

to be made up of (2) to be found

to be based on (3) to be characterized

to be involved in to be called

to be concerned with to be produced, priced and distributed.

Ex. 3 Find in the text all the sentences where the infinitives of the verbs are used with the particle “to”. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Ex. 4 Read the text and point out the main ideas given in it.

Ex. 5 Look through the first paragraph of the text and give the definition and explanation of the notions “economy” and “productive forces”.

Ex. 6 Answer the following questions:

  1. Why has there to be a highly organized and developed economy in a country?

  2. What is an economy made up of?

  3. What is an industry?

  4. How many sectors are there in any economy?

  5. What is the primary sector based on?

  6. What industries make up the secondary sector?

  7. What do industries of the tertiary sector provide?

  8. Can you give any examples of service industries?

Ex. 7 Say whether the below sentences are true or false according to the text. Confirm the true and correct the false ones.

  1. There is only one way in which a country can organize its economy.

  2. Each country must solve three basic problems.

  3. Nations have tried different approaches to solving their economic problems, but have developed only one type of economy.

  4. Every country has an economic system to determine how to govern its people.

  5. An economic system is the way in which state structure is organized.

  6. There are four main economic systems.

Ex. 8 Read the following statements and determine which type of economy each of them describe.

  1. It allows people to carry out most economic activities free from government control.

  2. People’s main activities are agriculture, fishing and hunting.

  3. Government takes all the decisions about how goods are produced priced and distributed.

  4. It is a mixture of market forces and government participation in the economy.

  5. Most of the people live in rural areas.

  6. The government and the private sector interact in solving economic problems.

  7. It is based on private enterprise and private ownership of the means of production.

  8. It is a system with a large amount of central planning and direction.

  9. A system is characterized by government ownership of nearly all productive resources.

  10. The aim of such a system is to avoid the disadvantages of both systems, while enjoying the benefits they both offer.

  11. The government owns some land and capital and exercises some control over the economy.

  12. The goods and services are those that have been produced for many years.

Ex. 9 Look through the text once again and choose the information from the text to speak about the following issues of the text.

  1. Productive forces of a country.

  2. Definition of an economy.

  3. Structure of any economy (three main sectors).

  4. Basic problems of an economy.

  5. Definition of an economic system.

  6. Four main types of economies.