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Учебник по английскому.doc
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1. Middle a. Legged

2. well b. shaven

3. long c. faced

4. good d. dressed

5. round e. looking

6. red f. skinned

7. dark g. shoulded

8. wavy h. built

9. clean i. aged

10. broad j. haired

Task 5. Make up sentences using the following chart, translate them into Russian.

Someone who is









tending to fatness

attractively thin



(old and) weak-looking

unattractively thin

shortish but well-built

Task 6. Complete the following remarks, using the opposite descriptions.

Pattern: A: I thought you said he was the short, long-haired one.

B: No, quite the opposite, he is the tall, short-cut one.

  1. A: Was that his brother, the dark-skinned, wavy-haired one?

B: No, quite the opposite, his brother’s…

  1. A: She is always quite well-dressed, so I’ve heard.

B: What! Who told you that? Every time I see her she’s…

3. A: So Mary’s that rather plump fair-haired woman, isn’t she?

B: No, you are looking at the wrong one. Mary’s…

4. A: I don’t know why, but I expected the tour-guide to be middle-aged or elderly.

B: No, apparently she is only…

Task 7. When we describe people’s eyes we normally start with their size, followed by shape and colour: size + shape + colour. Put the following sentences into the correct order.

Pattern: She has got big round blue eyes.

  1. Susan has got brown /large /round /eyes.

  2. Klaus has got blue /bright /eyes /small.

  3. Mary has got eyes /green /large.

  4. Mariko has got almond-shaped1 /large / dark brown/eyes.


1almond-shaped /'Rmqnd'SeIpt/ - миндалевидный

Task 8. When we describe people’s hair, we normally give length first followed by colour and style: length + colour + style. Use the chart below to make up sentences of your own describing people’s hair.




have got

has got



shoulder length











Task 9. Read, translate and memorize the following dialogues.

1. A: What does she look like?

B: She is quite tall with short fair hair.

A: How tall is she?

B: About 1 metre 65.

A: How much does she weigh?

B: I don’t know and it may be rude to ask. Probably about 45 kilos.

2.A: You know Karl, don’t you?

B: No, what does he look like?

A: Well, he is tall and good looking, with dark hair and grey eyes.

B: Does he wear glasses?

A: Oh, yes. He is a bit shortsighted1.

B: Now I know who you mean. He’s got curly hair and a mole on his cheek.

A: Yes, that’s him.


1shortsighted /"SLt'saItId/ - близорукий

Task 10. Read and translate the text, then ask questions about the text using words from the box.

how old what where how often when

My girl-friend’s name is Janet. She is in her late thirties and she is tall and slim with shoulder-length brown hair and dark blue eyes. Janet is a pilot with Canadian airline company. Her job isn’t an easy one, as she flies from Toronto to London and back every week.

Janet wears a dark blue uniform when she is working, but during her free time she usually wears jeans and T-shirts1.

Janet is an energetic person. She loves rock-climbing2 and skiing. She often goes skiing when she has free time.


1T-shirt /'tJSE:t/ - футболка с рукавами, майка

2rock-climbing /"rPk'klaImIN/ - скалолазание

Task 11. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the text into Russian.

pointed ugly sweater cheeks

reddish tall turned-up well-built

beard freckles moustache

He’s an … man with … hair, so we call him “Carrots”. He’s got a little … nose and a long … chin. He shaves every day, so he hasn’t got a … or a … . In the summer he gets a lot of … over his nose and his … . He isn’t very … , only 1 metre 70, but he’s a boxer, so he’s very … . His clothes are usually casual1 and today he’s wearing jeans and a … .


1casual clothes /'kxZjuql 'klqVDz/ - повседневная, непарадная одежда

Task 12. Read and translate the dialogues.

1. - Samantha, do you look like your sister?

  1. - Oh, no, not at all, my sister and I look very different. I have brown eyes and she has blue eyes. We both have brown hair, but I have short curly hair and she has long straight hair. I am tall and thin. She is short and heavy1. No, I don’t look anything like my sister at all. We look very different.

2. – Kate, do you look like your sister Sherry?

  1. - No, not at all. My sister and I are very different. She is dark-skinned and I am very pale. Sherry is heavy and short and, as you can see, I am tall and thin. Sherry has blue eyes and I have brown eyes. She has black hair. My hair is brown. Plus our lifestyles are very different. I usually play tennis on Sunday. I live in the city and my apartment is big and tidy2. My sister, on the other hand, is lazy, rarely goes out and lives in a small, unkempt3 apartment.

  2. __________

1heavy /'hevi/ - крупный, грузный

2tidy /'taIdi/ - опрятный, аккуратный

3unkempt /An'kempt/ - неухоженный, неопрятный

Task 13. Work in pairs. Make up short dialogues on analogy, comparing yourself and your sister/brother/ cousin.

Task14. Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions about his/her appearance.

1. How would you describe your build?

2. How tall are you?

3. How much do you weigh?

4. What kind of hair have you got?

5. What colour is it?

6. What is your hairstyle?

7. What shape is your face?

8. What colour eyes have you got?

9. What shape is your nose?

10. What is your complexion?

11. Do you think you have any special features?

12. How would you describe your personality?

Task 15. Fill the gaps with “a”, “an”, “the” where necessary; read and translate the text.

My cousin Paul is … tallish man in his mid thirties. He is … bit plump and has got … long brown wavy hair. He has … round, friendly-looking face and … small brown eyes. He has got … little scar on his cheek from … accident he had when he was … child. He wears … glasses and has got … beard. He isn’t very smart and tends to wear … shabby1 clothes.

1shabby /'Sxbi/ - потертый, поношенный

Task 16. Complete a similar form to describe three people from your group; use the text below as a pattern.


Nick Brown


average height




late teens

Hair colour


Hair style

crew cut


oval, straight nose, thin lips


grey, with long eyelashes



Extra features


My friend Nick Brown is a young man of an average height. He does a lot of sport and is well-built. He is in his late teens but looks a bit older. Nick has got fair hair and wears it crew cut. He has got an oval face with a straight nose and thin lips. His eyes are grey and he has got long eyelashes. He is tanned as he spends much time outdoors. He’s got dimples in his cheeks when he smiles.

Task 17. Read and translate the text; make up a similar story about your family.

There are four people in my family: my father, George, my mother, Claire, my elder brother, Timothy, and me, of course.

My father is handsome. He is in his late forties and is tall and well-built. He’s got blue eyes and short fair straight hair. He’s also got a beard and moustache.

My mother is very beautiful. She is in her mid forties, and she is tall and slim. She’s got green eyes and long brown wavy hair. She’s got full lips and dimples on her cheeks when she smiles.

My brother is good looking. He is in his early twenties, of medium height and build. He’s got grey eyes and fair curly hair which he wears short cut. He’s also got a friendly smile.

Task 18. Practise the following for pronunciation.

judgment /'GAGmqnt/ determined /dI'tE:mInd/

behaviour /bI'heIvjq/ tactless /'txktlqs/

diligent /'dIlIGqnt/ hostile /'hPstaIl/

persistent /pq'sIstqnt/ doomed /dHmd/

double-faced /"dAbl'feIst/ lurch /lE:C/

irritable /'IrItqbl/ deserve /dI'zE:v/

callous /'kxlqs/ reasonable /'rJznqbl/

touchy /'tACi/ resolute /'rezqlHt/

modest /'mPdIst/ generous /'Genqrqs/

Task 19. Read and translate the text, pick out the words describing traits of a person’s character; memorize them.

Meeting people for the first time we always make a judgment based on their appearance and behaviour.

Each person has a nature of his own. Some people are diligent, industrious and persistent; others are double-faced, hot-tempered irritable, callous; still others are touchy, shy, modest or kind. And there are some other types of people.

If you are a determined and strong-willed person you would never give in and behave coolly and calmly whatever happens in your life.

We treat different people in different ways. Sociable and friendly people are generally very popular with others and have lots of friends. On the contrary, tactless and hostile people are doomed to stay alone. When in trouble, we rely on people who can’t leave others in the lurch. What kinds of people deserve our respect? – Most probably, reasonable, resolute, generous people. And a good friend is definitely a reliable person who is interesting to speak to - he must be witty and intelligent.

Task 20. Give the English equivalents for the following Russian ones.

  1. выносить суждение, складывать мнение

  2. основанный на чем-то

  3. сдаваться

  4. обращаться с людьми;

  5. пользоваться популярностью, успехом;

  6. быть обреченным на одиночество

  7. иметь неприятности

  8. полагаться на кого-либо;

  9. покинуть кого-либо в беде;

  10. заслужить уважение.

Task 21. Make up sentences using the chart; translate your sentences into Russian.

Decisive people

Bossy people

Careful people

Imaginative people

Resolute people

Mean people

Intelligent people

Generous people

Reserved people

Shy people

Talkative people

Helpful people

Honest people

are those who

are able to think of new ideas

always tell the truth

never stop talking

make decisions quickly

do their work with a lot of attention and thought

like telling people what to do

don’t like sharing things or spending money

understand difficult subjects quickly and easily

are ready to give help

know what they want and do all they can to get it

love giving things to other people and helping them

don’t like showing their feelings or expressing their opinion

are nervous and afraid or unwilling to speak in the presence of others

Which adjectives best describe you? Your friend?

Make up sentences, using the pattern: