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  1. John edgar hoover (1895 –1972)

John Edgar Hoover was director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1924 until his death in 1972 and built this agency into a highly effective arm of federal law enforcement.

Hoover studied law at George Washington University, where he received degrees as bachelor of laws1 in 1916 and as master of laws2 in 1917. He entered the Department of Justice3 in 1917 and two years later he became special assistant to Attorney General4. In 1924 he was appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation (as it was then called).

Edgar Hoover reorganized the Bureau on a professional basis, instituting strict methods of selecting and training personnel5. He established a fingerprint file6, which became the world’s largest; a scientific crime detection laboratory; and the FBI National Academy, to which law enforcement officers7 from all parts of the country were sent for special training.

By the early 1970 he had come under public criticism for his authoritarian administration of the FBI and for his persecution of those he regarded as radicals and subversives8. He retained his post, however, until his death at age 77. By that time he had been the FBI’s chief for 48 years and had served 8 presidents and 18 attorneys general.

1bachelor of laws – бакалавр права (первая ученая степень)

2master of laws – магистр права (ученая степень, промежуточная между бакалавром и доктором; присваивается после года учебы в аспирантуре)

3Department of Justice – Министерство юстиции; является основным советником президента по юридическим вопросам, готовит законопредложения, представляет правительство в суде. Возглавляется генеральным атторнеем / прокурором

4Attorney General – Генеральный атторней Соединенных штатов; глава Министерства юстиции и член президентского кабинета, является главным должностным лицом в правительстве США, ответственным за исполнение законов

5methods of selecting and training personnel – методы отбора и обучения сотрудников

6fingerprint file – дактилоскопическая картотека

7law enforcement officers – сотрудники правоохранительных органов

8to regard somebody as radicals and subversives – считать кого-то людьми радикальных взглядов и людьми, ведущими подрывную деятельность

Unit 2 about one’s family


  1. relation (n) /rI'leISn/ - 1. отношение, связь

2. родственник/ца

3. родство

relative (n) /'relqtIv/ - родственник/ца

terms of relation /"tE:mz qv rI'leISn/ - термины родства

  1. brother (n) /'brADq/ - брат

half-brother (n) /'hRf"brADq/ - брат по одному из родителей

step-brother (n) /'step"brADq/ - сводный брат

  1. sister (n) /'sIstq/ - сестра

half-sister (n) /'hRf"sIstq/ - сестра по одному из родителей

step-sister (n) /'step"sIstq/ - сводная сестра

  1. parents (n) /'peqrqnts/ - родители

mother (n) /'mADq/ - мать, мама

father (n) /'fRDq/ - отец, папа

  1. husband /'hAzbqnd/ - муж

  2. wife /waIf/ - жена

  3. son /sAn/ - сын

  4. daughter /'dLtq/ - дочь

  5. grandparents (n) /'grxn"peqrqnts/ - дедушка и бабушка

grandmother (n) /'grxn"mADq/ - бабушка

grandfather (n) /'grxn"fRDq/ - дедушка

  1. grandchildren (n) /'grxn"CIldrqn/ - внуки

granddaughter (n) /'grxn"dLtq/ - внучка

grandson (n) /'grxn"sAn/ - внук

  1. nephew (n) /'nefjH/ - племянник

  2. niece (n) /nJs/ - племянница

  3. cousin (n) /kAzn/ - двоюродный брат, сестра

second cousin /'sekqnd"kAzn/ - троюродный брат

  1. in-laws (n) /'InlLz/ - родственники со стороны


father-in-law (n) /'fRDqrIn"lL/ - тесть, свекор

mother-in-law (n) /'mADqrIn"lL/ - тёща, свекровь

brother-in-law (n) /'brADqrIn"lL/ - зять (муж сестры); шурин

(брат жены); деверь (брат мужа); свояк

(муж свояченицы)

sister-in-law (n) /'sIstqrIn"lL/ - невестка (жена брата);

золовка (сестра мужа);

свояченица (сестра жены)

  1. daughter-in-law /'dLtqrIn"lL/ - жена сына, невестка, сноха

  2. son-in-law /'sAnIn"lL/ - муж дочери, зять

  3. aunt (n) /Rnt/ - тётя

  4. uncle (n) /ANkl/ - дядя

  5. widow (n) /'wIdqV/ - вдова

widower (n) /'wIdqVq/ - вдовец

  1. intelligent (a) /In'telIGqnt/ - умный, смышленый

  2. keen (a) /kJn/ - сильно желающий чего-то,


be keen on something - страстно увлекаться чем-то

  1. only (a) /'qVnli/ - единственный

an only child - единственный ребенок

only (adv) - только, единственно

  1. generation (n) /"Genq'reISn/ - поколение

  2. household (n) /'haVshqVld/ - семья, домочадцы

  3. care (n) /keq/ - забота, уход

care for somebody - заботиться о ком-то

  1. common (a) /'kPmqn/ - общий

have something in common - иметь что-то общее

common sense /"kPmqn'sens/ - здравый смысл

  1. adult (n) /'xdAlt/ - взрослый, совершеннолетний


  1. teenager (n) /'tJneIGq/ - подросток

  2. middle-aged (a) /"mIdl'eIGd/ - средних лет

  3. elderly (a) /'eldqli/ - пожилой

  4. be in one’s early twenties /'E:li/ - быть в возрасте слегка за

(thirties, etc.) двадцать (тридцать и т.д.)

  1. be in one’s mid-forties - быть в возрасте 44–46 лет

(thirties, etc.) (34-36 и т.п.)

  1. be in one's late sixties /leIt/ - быть в возрасте около

(thirties, etc.) семидесяти (тридцати и т.п)

  1. attractive (a) /q'trxktIv/ - привлекательный

  2. gentle (a) /Gentl/ - мягкий, спокойный

  3. bright (a) /braIt/ - способный, смышленый

  4. do well (v) - преуспевать

  5. take lessons in something - брать уроки

  6. spirit (n) /'spIrIt/ - дух, душа

in spirit - в душе, мысленно

  1. tolerant (a) /'tPlqrqnt/ - терпимый

be tolerant to somebody - быть терпимым

по отношению к кому-то

be tolerant of something - быть терпимым

по отношению к чему-то

  1. agree with somebody (v) /q'grJ/ - соглашаться с кем-то

  2. walk (n) /wLk/ - прогулка пешком

go for a walk - идти гулять

  1. look (v) /lVk/ - смотреть

look after присматривать за кем-то,

заботиться о ком-то

  1. housework (n) /'haVswE:k/ - работа по дому

do the housework выполнять работу по дому

Task 1. Complete the following sentences; use the terms of relation.

  1. A boy or a man who has the same parents as you is your …

  2. Your … is a boy or a man who has the same mother or the same father as you have.

  3. Someone’s … is the daughter of their husband or wife by an earlier marriage.

  4. Your … are your father and your mother.

  5. Your … are the parents of your mother or father.

  6. Your … are the parents of your husband or wife, and possibly his or her other close relatives too.

  7. Someone’s … is the daughter of their sister or brother.

  8. Your … is the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle.

  9. Your … is the child of your uncle or aunt.

  10. Someone’s … is the son of their son or daughter.

  11. … is the brother of your husband or wife, or the man who is married to your sister or to your wife’s or husband’s sister.

  12. Someone’s … is the son of their sister or brother.

Task 2. Read and translate the sentences.

  1. He was very tolerant of his daughter’s passion for loud music.

  2. His surname is also Bradley but we are no relation.

  3. She handed me a family photograph showing three generations.

  4. The whole household were up early.

  5. Although he is not very bright he has got lots of common sense.

  6. Only some friends and close relatives were present at the wedding party.

  7. You were never any good at languages.

  8. Property is handed from generation to generation.

  9. If you say that someone is in their early twenties, you mean that they are older than 20, but younger than 25.

  10. If you say that someone is in their late fifties, you mean that they are over 55, but younger than 60.

  11. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

  12. Connie did well at school and graduated with honours.

Task 3. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the sentences.

agree home common intelligent care relation

brightest teenager widow look after housework only

  1. People … that the law is behind the time.

  2. I was a distant … of her husband.

  3. She stayed at … to care for the children.

  4. She did all the … including cooking, cleaning and washing.

  5. Jo is an … student, he has a quick and clever mind.

  6. He is the … person who wants the job.

  7. You must do the work with more … .

  8. A … is a woman whose husband is dead.

  9. Who will … the baby?

  10. They were the … girls at school.

  11. You two have got a lot in …

  12. A … is someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old.

Task 4. Look at the family tree and answer the questions.

Peter Smith = Mary Smith

(lawyer) (dentist)

John = Susan Jill = Paul James = Kate

(judge) (nurse) (teacher) (died in 1995) (doctor) (designer)

Eve Ann Tom Robin Liz

(university students) (Law School) (school children)

  1. What does Peter Smith do?

  2. What’s his wife’s occupation?

  3. How many children do they have?

  4. What do their sons do?

  5. Is their son-in-law alive?

  6. What are the names of their daughters-in-law?

  7. What are their professions?

  8. How many grandchildren do the Smiths have?

  9. What are their grandsons’ names?

  10. How many granddaughters do they have?

  11. What are their names?

  12. What do their granddaughters do?

  13. Who studies law?

  14. How many of their grandchildren go to secondary school?

Task 5. Look at the family tree again and complete the sentences.

  1. Mary is Susan’s … 9) Peter is Robin’s …

  2. James is Kate’s … 10) Tom is Peter’s …

  3. Peter and Mary are Jill’s … 11) James is Ann’s …

  4. John is Ann’s … 12) Jill is Ann’s …

  5. Kate is Mary’s … 13) Liz is Tom’s …

  6. Jill’s husband died in 1995. She is a … 14) Susan is Jill’s …

  7. Eve, Ann and Liz are Jill’s … 15) James is John’s …

  8. Tom and Robin are John’s … 16) Eve is Ann’s …

Task 6. Make up a story about Peter Smith’s family.

Task 7. Fill the gaps with prepositions; translate the text.

Ted Blake is a young engineer. He lives … London. He is married. He and his wife Elizabeth work … the same office. Their office is … Baker Street. They live … Carlton Road. It is not far … their office. Their daughter goes … a secondary school. She is a top pupil … school.

The Blakes are keen … sports. Their daughter is good … music. She is going to become a pianist … future.

Task 8. Fill the gaps with ”a” or “the”, where necessary; translate the text.

My sister Helen is 39 years old. She teachers … German at … school. Helen’s husband Robert is … very intelligent man. He is … talented physicist. Helen and Robert have two children: … son and … daughter. Their daughter Jane is … eight. She is … kind and sociable girl. Their son Mike is … first year student at the Medical College. He is going to be … doctor in future. Michael is … good son and brother. He helps his parents about … house and he helps his younger sister with her homework.

Task 9. Answer the questions.

  1. Who is the oldest in your family?

  2. How old is your father?

  3. Is your mother younger than your father?

  4. Are you an only child in the family?

  5. Have you got an elder brother?

  6. Who is the youngest in your family?

  7. How old are you?

Task 10. Read the text and answer the questions.

Jean has two sisters, Mary and Susan, and two brothers, Peter and John. Mary is sixteen. Susan is five years younger than Mary, but she is three years older than John. John is five years younger than Jean and he is six years younger than Pete.

How old is Jean?

Is Pete the oldest in the family?

Is Susan older than Jean?

Who is the youngest in the family?

Is Mary older than Jean?

Task 11. Match the English names for different occupations and their Russian equivalents.

  1. a militia officer 1. учитель (школы)

  2. a judge 2. сотрудник милиции

  3. a detective 3. юрист

  4. an accountant 4. бизнесмен

  5. a businessman 5. следователь

  6. a patrolman 6. водитель

  7. a university student 7. бухгалтер

  8. an investigator 8. инженер

  9. a housewife 9. студент

  10. a teacher 10. экономист

  11. a lecturer 11. врач

  12. a driver 12. судья

  13. an economist 13. домохозяйка

  14. a lawyer 14. сыщик

  15. an engineer 15. патрульный

  16. a doctor 16. преподаватель (вуза)

Task 12. Make up sentences telling what your relatives do; use the patterns: