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5.3 The Element of Processes

The processes would be the kind of elements that are related to the acts of customer service and that would increase the efficiency of Nokia’s service marketing in order to be efficient. These included the addressing of customer issues like I had, making an identification of customers needs and wants which included servicing and optimization and handling of order (Paliwoda et al, 2008). It can be stated here that these processes were handled very well and efficiently and the overall outcome of these were satisfactory.

6.0 The Satisfaction Achieved as a Customer

When analyzing the process of consumer buying and the marketing mix, what is apparent here is that satisfaction was achieved in my interactions with the Nokia company. They had satisfied my needs and wants of having my handphone services and optimized and the processes and events had gone smoothly and without any kind of issues. It can be stated here that these needs and requirements were satisfied by kind of services that were provided Nokia. I can state that I am very pleased with the service encounter and the various aspects of the service interactions were satisfactory. In terms of the marketing mix, it could be stated here that service that was offered was what I had required and the pricing was efficient, together with the location of the outlets that were convenient. It is apparent here as well that the promotional strategies were efficient as I did not have an issue with finding out about the services offered by Nokia. When it comes to the extended market mix, it can be said here that the physical layout of the Nokia service center was modern and very convenient for ma customer, the provisions of customer service was very efficient and all of the processes were carried out very well and efficiently as well. The needs and wants were satisfied and most of all, high levels of satisfaction were obtained with these service encounters.

7.0 Conclusion

In this paper, the focus of the analysis was to outline the customer-experience or aspiration with regard to Nokia services. It was determined here that Nokia had serviced and interacted with me very well and they have a very efficient understanding and appreciation in relation to marketing. It is stated here that they had managed to satisfy my wants and needs efficiently. The overall level of satisfaction can be stated as being high and they have managed to address my needs and wants and giving high levels of satisfaction.

8.0 References

Kotler, Philip; Gary Armstrong, Veronica Wong, John Saunders (2009). "Marketing defined". Principles of marketing (5th ed.)

Kotler, Philip; Gary Armstrong, Veronica Wong, John Saunders (2008). "Marketing defined". Principles of marketing (5th ed.) 

Adcock, Dennis; Al Halborg, Caroline Ross (2001). "Introduction". Marketing: principles and practice. p. 16. Retrieved 2009-10-23.

Guiltinan Marketing Management: Strategies and Programs", McGraw Hill/Irwin, 1996

Joshi, Rakesh Mohan, (2005) International Marketing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi and New York 

Paliwoda, Stanley J.; John K. Ryans. "Back to first principles". International Marketing: Modern and Classic Papers (1st ed.). p. 25.

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