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University life Module 1. Universities in Great Britain

Task 1. Study the information below and complete the sentences with the appropriate forms.

To educate /’edju:keit/

-tion – education /’edju’kei∫n/

-alist – educationalist

-or – educator

-al – educational

-ive – educative

-ly – educationally

  1. Nowadays many ___________ institutions are opened everywhere in Russia.

  2. The secondary _________ is compulsory for everybody.

  3. Modern ___________ system does not require ________, because the students must be able to implement their knowledge in everyday practice.

  4. Some lectures are of ___________ character.

  5. Some teaching methods are __________ wrong.

Task 2. Study the information below and choose the appropriate verb (change the form of the verb if necessary). Sometimes more than one option is possible.

To educate – тренировать ум, обучать в школе или университете.

To teach – показывать кому-либо последовательность действий для последующего самостоятельного их выполнения; обеспечивать информацией об определенном предмете; преподавать в качестве заработка.

To train – инструктировать и показывать на практике с целью освоения навыка или квалификации.

To instruct – обучать навыку.

  1. She was _______ in France.

  2. She ______ Scottish dancing.

  3. The staff need more ________ in how to use computers.

  4. She _________ the trainee nurse in giving injections.

  5. The function of our universities is not just _______.

  6. She _______ at our local school.

  7. The dogs are _________ to guard the house from the intruders.

  8. He _________ advanced students English.

Task 3. Read the new words, learn them and their equivalents by heart.

to date back

/deit bæk/

to be founded

основываться, датироваться

to admit


to accept

принимать, зачислять

to be equal


to be on the same level


to elect


to choose


distinguished scholars

/dis’tiηgwi∫t ‘skoləz/

outstanding scientists

выдающиеся ученые

a graduate


a student who finishes the University


to graduate


to finish the University

заканчивать университет








необходимый, обязательный

an undergraduate


a student of the 1st, 2nd year

студент младших курсов

a postgraduate


an aspirant


a tutorial


a consultation

консультация преподавателя

a tutor


a teacher – consultant




a club, meeting


Task 4. Translate the words from Russian into English without looking at the table.


Выдающиеся ученые







Студент младших курсов





Task 5. Complete the sentences with the words from the previous task.

  1. The attendance at the University is _________for each student.

  2. A lot of students _________from the University each year.

  3. Each student has got _______.

  4. The chance to get into the University is ______ for everybody.

  5. Many ____________ work at the Universities of Great Britain.

  6. The students can’t _______the dean of the faculty.

  7. As a rule ________has got 5-6 students to work with.

  8. There are a lot of _________ at the University: drama club, students’ club and others.

  9. Only the bright students can become__________.

  10. The _________ get acquainted with the student life.

  11. After ________ the University a student is given a diploma.

  12. Many years ago women were not ________ at the Universities.

  13. Oxford and Cambridge are very old: they _________ to the 12th century.

Task 6. Match the words/phrases.

  1. To graduate

  2. An undergraduate

  3. Distinguished scholars

  4. Society

  1. A tutor

  2. A graduate

  3. To admit

  4. A postgraduate

  5. Compulsory

  6. To elect

    1. Outstanding scientists

    2. A club, meeting

    3. A teacher-consultant

    4. A student who finishes the University

    5. An aspirant

    6. To choose

    7. To finish the University

    8. Necessary

    9. To accept

    10. A student of the 1st, 2nd year

Task 7. Replace the underlined words and phrases with their equivalents.

  1. Many outstanding scientists give lectures and consultations to the students of the 1st and 2nd year.

2. Not all students who finish the University want to continue their education and become aspirants.

  1. Both men and women are accepted at Perm State University.

4. The visit of students’ clubs isn’t necessary, but it makes students’ life more interesting.

5. Every teacher provides consultations before the exams.

Task 8. Read the text and underline the examples of the Passive Voice.