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5. Граматичний аспект заняття.

Минулий доконаний (Future Perfect Tense) час вживається для опису майбутньої дії, яка здійсниться до певного моменту у майбутньому.

Момент, до якого здійсниться дія, визначається:

  1. визначенням часу: by 6 o’clock, by Sunday, by the 7th of December, by the end of the week (month, year), by that time;

  2. іншою майбутньою дією, яка виражається дієсловом у Present Simple, або Present Perfect у підрядних реченнях (у яких замість майбутнього часу вживається теперішній час)

The train will have left by the time we get to the station.

I shall have cleaned the flat before my mom comes.

Стверджувальні речення у Future Perfect Tense утворюються:


+ have + V (III ф.)


We shall have come by 7 o’clock.

My cousin will have given your book back by the moment you need it.

He will have finished his dinner till his sister leaves home.

Заперечні речення:

will + not (won’t)

+ have + V (III ф.).

shall + not (shan’t)

We shan’t have come by 7 o’clock.

My cousin won’t have given your book back by the moment you need it.

He won’t have finished his dinner till his sister leaves home.

Питальні речення:


WH + have + V (III ф.).?


Will you have come by 7 o’clock?

Why will your cousin haven’t given my book back by the moment I need it?

Will he have had dinner till his sister leaves home?

Exercise 10. Give answers to the questions using Future perfect as given in an example:

Example: Will Pete still be a student next July? (graduate)

Oh, no, he will have graduated by that time.

1. Will Kate be at home if I ring her up at 10 o'clock? (go out). 2. Will you still be working in the garden at five o'clock? (finish my work). 3. Will you still be watching TV at 11 o'clock tonight? (switch off). 4. Will the children be decorating the fir-tree when the guests arrive? (finish decorating). 5. Will you still be asleep if I call on you at eight o'clock? (get up) 6. Will the Smiths still be living in their old flat in November? (move to a new flat). 7. Will you be shopping when we get home? (return home). 8. Will the typist be still typing the papers on Saturday morning? (do everything). 9. Will your sister be doing her homework if I call for her at seven? (do everything). 10. Will the boys still be taking their exams in the middle of June? (pass).

6. Підведення підсумків заняття.

7. Домашнє завдання. Роздатковий матеріал до заняття 13

Seaside Mystery: Part 3

The words which are used in Part 3 of the story:

asleep term swimming tired sitting energy

laugh breakfast sandwiches alone strange

Exercise 1. Listen to the text and answer the questions:

1 Who is Mr McCabe?

2 What are the students doing in class today?

3 What does Yoshiko think about swimming in England?

4 Where do the students go at lunch time?

  1. What does Peter ask Yoshiko?

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the words given above:

1 Mr McCabe hopes the students are feeling full of............................

2 Yoshiko says she is a bit............................

3 Peter likes...........................on the beach in the sunshine.

4 Carlos likes Mr McCabe because he makes him............................

5 Mrs King says she is sorry that she can't make Yoshiko's............................

6 Yoshiko thinks it is......................that her landlady is on the beach with a man she does not know.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the using of word “since”:

1. He was arrested since he was found guilty of murdering a man.

2. This case should be a civil action since it is a wrong committed against property.

3. The punishment was clear since the trial began.

4. He has been afraid of the police since childhood.

5. Since he refused to pay money for the damaged, the case was brought to court,

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the using of word “one”:

1. I've got only one important question tо solve.

2. One should always remember the difference between civil and criminal law.

3. The standards of proof are lower in a civil action than in a criminal one.

4. Since the political regime of the country has changed, the law codes are to be changed to a new one.

5. The climate of the Crimea is better than that one of the Caucasus.

6. International law also regulates relations between private citizens of one country and those of another.

Exercise 5. Make sentences using the scheme:

1. Citizens should a. obey the laws

2. Children ought to b. protect people

3. The police have to c. go to school every day

must d. behave properly

e. be attentive

f. know the customs of the country

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Підозрювані були заарештовані минулої п’ятниці. 2) У суді він був виправданий. 3) Ваші батьки будуть оштрафовані. 4) Злодій був засуджений до тюремного ув’язнення. 4) Нарешті їх звільнили з в’язниці. 5) Він був звинувачений у крадіжці. 6) Злочин був скоєний три дні тому.

Exercise 7. Finish the sentences:

a statute; the suspect; a murderer; the innocent; a code; a robber; a thief |

1. Someone who steals a lot is..................................

2. Someone who killed a person is................

3. Someone who is suspected of a crime is.............

4. Someone who is found not guilty is.................

5. A document which regulates legal behaviour is,...........

6. A document which details elements of a crime is……..

Exercise 8. Make up sentences from the words given below using the correct preposition:

for; of; from; on/upon; against; to; into

1. Her employer/accuse/her/steal/money.

2. His mother/ punish/ him/be rude /to their neighbour.

3. The lock /prevent /burglar/ break / house,

4. The jury /convict / him / murder/ his wife.

5. His son / be/arrest /sell drugs teenagers.

6. The judge/ congratulate / police /catch /a murderer,

7. She / warn /children/play /outside after dark.

Exercise 9. Read the text and summarize it. Make sure that you know the words in bold:

Capital punishment is a legal infliction of the death penalty, in modern law, corporal punishment in its most severe form. The usual alternative to the death penalty is long-term or life imprisonment.

The earliest historical records contain evidence of capital punishment. It was mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi. The Bible prescribed death as the penalty for more than 30 different crimes, ranging from murder to fornication (перелюбство). The Draconian Code of ancient Greece imposed capital punishment for every offence.

In England, during the reign of William the Conqueror, the death penalty was not used, although the results of interrogation (допит) and torture were often fatal. By the end of the 15lh century, English law recognised six major crimes: treason, murder, larceny, burglary, rape, and arson. By 1800, more than 200 capital crimes were recognised, and as a result, 1000 or more persons were sentenced to death each year (although most sentences were commuted (замінено) by royal pardon). In early American colonies the death penalty was commonly authorized for a wide variety of crimes, Blacks, whether slave or free, were threatened with death for many crimes that were punished, less severely when committed by whites.

Efforts to abolish the death penalty did not gather momentum until the end of the 18th century. In Europe, a short treatise [´tri:tɪz] (трактат), On Crimes and Punishments, by the Italian jurist Cesare Beccaria, inspired influential thinkers such as the French philosopher Voltaire to oppose (бути проти, заперечувати) torture, flogging (порка), and the death penalty.

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